Making paper beads is a great way to recycle old letters, koreans, or magazines. Paper beads are also inexpensive, attractive, and can be used for a variety of projects. To make a bead out of pre-designed paper or to design your own using white paper and marker, just follow these instructions.
Method 1 of 3: Making Beads with Patterned Paper

Step 1. Cut your paper
Cut long triangles from magazines, colored cardboard, wallpaper, etc. The base of the triangle will be the width of the bead and the longer the triangle, the thicker the bead will be. The 1-inch (2.5cm) thin bead used in this method is made from a 1-inch by 4-inch (2.5cm x 10cm) triangle, but a 1/2-inch by 8-inch (1.27cm x 20cm) triangle will form a 1/th thick bead. 2-inch (1.27cm). Cut that way.

Step 2. Add your glue
Turn the patterned side of the triangle face down and apply a little glue to the pointed end. A glue stick or a little bit of liquid glue will work.

Step 3. Roll the bead
Starting at the wide end, roll out a triangle using a nail, toothpick, or bamboo skewer. For a symmetrical spiral, keep the triangle centered as you roll; for a freer look, let the triangle shift slightly from the center.
Roll tightly, especially if you want the beads to last. Try to avoid spaces between each layer

Step 4. Finish rolling
Glue the ends of the triangles to the rolled paper. If the bead doesn't roll tightly, apply more glue. Hold for a while to help the glue stick.

Step 5. Apply varnish
Use a varnish such as Marvin Medium, ModPodge, Diamond Glaze, or a solution of one part clear glue to two parts water. Let it dry completely, making sure the varnish doesn't stick to anything. You might stick a toothpick into the pad or a piece of Styrofoam to let it dry completely. Add multiple layers for a shinier, longer-lasting finish.

Step 6. Remove your bead
Wait a few hours for a perfect finish to finish on your bead. Slide the bead to the end of the nail. If the bead is wrapped and glued well, it will stay in shape. If the bead begins to unravel, switch on your skewer and add glue and varnish where necessary.

Step 7. Make more beads
Use the instructions above to make as many beads as you want to complete the project. Make a few for jewelry pieces, or form long strings to use as decorations in your home.
Method 2 of 3: Making Beads with Your Own Design

Step 1. Cut your paper
Cut a long triangle from a sheet of white printing paper. The base of the triangle will be the width of the bead and the longer the triangle, the thicker the bead will be. A 1 inch by 4 inch (2.5cm x 10cm) triangle will form a 1 inch (2.5cm) thin bead, while a 1/2 inch by 8 inch (1.27cm x 20cm) triangle will form a 1/2 inch (1.27cm) thick bead.. Cut that way.

Step 2. Create your design
Draw on each triangle with a marker, pencil, or pen. Since the triangle will be rolled up later, only the outermost edge and an inch or two from the end of the paper will be visible; this is the area where you should focus on your design. Play with combinations of several colors and designs as you see what works best.
- Color the ends of the triangles red and then alternate a 1 inch (2.5cm) strip of orange and red marker to the outer ends; This will form a bead with a red center surrounded by orange and red stripes.
- Color the tip of the triangle black, slide it down an inch, draw a 1-inch (2.5cm) black stripe on one of the outer edges, slide it down an inch, and repeat; This will form a zebra patterned bead with a black center.
- Don't use a non-waterproof marker, especially if you plan on glossing your beads; the color will fade.

Step 3. Add your glue
Flip each side of the patterned triangle face down and apply a little glue to the pointed end. A glue stick or a little bit of liquid glue will work.

Step 4. Start rolling your bead
Starting at the wide end, roll out the triangle using a dowel or thin cylinder. Toothpicks or round skewers will work well too. Keep the triangle centered when you roll, otherwise your design won't look quite right. Roll tightly, especially if you want the beads to last. Try to avoid the space between each layer.

Step 5. Finish the bead
Glue the ends of the triangles to the rolled paper. If the bead doesn't roll up tightly, add a little more glue.

Step 6. Add varnish
Use a varnish such as Marvin Medium, ModPodge, or Diamond Glaze. Allow the varnish to dry completely, making sure it doesn't stick to anything. Try placing your toothpick on a pad or piece of Styrofoam to keep the varnish from coming into contact with anything.

Step 7. Remove the bead
When the varnish is completely dry, slide the bead down the end of the nail. If the bead is wrapped and glued well, it will stay in shape.

Step 8. Make more beads
For earrings or bracelets, you might only make a few beads. For necklaces or other larger projects, you will need more beads.
Method 3 of 3: Decorating Your Beads

Step 1. Add paint
Before you add your varnish, use paint to create additional decorative designs along the outside of your bead. For extra texture, use blow paint that dries in a bubble-like shape over the surface of the bead.

Step 2. Add some glitter
To make your beads sparkle, apply glitter glue or liquid glitter to the surface of the paper. Add glitter before the last coat of varnish to keep it from rubbing against fading or tearing. Try adding multiple layers of glitter in different colors for a lovely rainbow effect.

Step 3. Wrap the bead with string
Don't bead on the strings; use the strings to make decorative grooves along the outside of the paper. Cut a small piece of colored thread and use glue to wrap the outside of the bead with the string. Use some strings for additional color and texture.

Step 4. Use a small wire
Use colored floral wire to wind the bead and create pretty spiral and geometric grooves on the outside of the bead. Thread the wire in the center of the bead, and then bend it to form the wire around the bead.

Step 5. Give your bead a shine
Use clear nail polish or diluted paint to coat your bead in additional color. Adding gloss will lighten the color and slightly blur the layer on the paper. You can also use colored watercolors for this.

Step 6. Done
- Don't forget wrapping paper and decorative paper can be found in the scrapbook section of a craft store. One sheet can be used for a long time.
- If you have an old calendar, you can cut out the image and use it for paper beads. The image forms a colorful and shiny bead.
- Avoid using thick paper or cardboard for triangles. Thinner paper will be easier to roll.
- You can trim the beads after they dry to make different sizes if needed. You will need to wait until the glue is completely dry, or the beads will fall off the roll back into the triangle.
- Work on paper to avoid getting dirty. Place a cutting mat or an old cardboard or magazine underneath to protect your desk if you choose to cut triangles with a craft knife.
- Even if the bead is coated with a lot of glue or paint, it is paper, so don't let the bead wet with water.
- Be careful with scissors, glue and craft knives.