Drawing a nose may seem quite difficult because the shape and curve of the nose varies greatly. In addition, the curve of the nose must be formed with curved and shaded lines, it cannot be drawn with a firm line. The good news is, you can learn to draw a nose through the following instructions and tutorials.
Method 1 of 3: Drawing the Front View of the Nose

Step 1. Draw a big circle in the center of the paper
This circle will serve as a guide as you draw the nose. The size of the circle will determine the size of the nose once it's finished drawing. For now, you are free to choose the size of the circle as you wish because you can create a new image with a different size.

Step 2. Draw two vertical lines at the top of the circle
The top end of these two lines should narrow slightly to make it look like an upside-down microphone.

Step 3. Draw two curved lines on each side of the circle to form the nostrils
The first line curves downward starting from the bottom third of the circle to draw the upper nostril. The second curved line is shaped like an L to draw the outer side of the nostrils.
Draw the same image for the other side of the nose

Step 4. Draw the bridge of the nose by lightly shading the outside of the guide lines
Connect the bottom of the nostril with the bottom of the circle. Draw a horizontal line at the bottom 1/3 of the circle to connect the two nostrils (which will be shaded later).

Step 5. Draw a shading guide in the center of the circle
Draw two vertical lines starting from the top circle (just at the top end of the nostril line) until they intersect with the horizontal line. After these two lines intersect, draw a diagonal line inward following the curved line at the bottom of the circle.
Don't worry if your current drawing isn't perfect as these lines only serve as a guide. You can fix it by shading

Step 6. Shade according to the guide lines
The lines you create will serve as guides for shading. Start with light shading along the guide lines and add thicker shading if you want to draw a bigger nose. When you're done with light shading, use a harder pencil and then apply a darker shade closer to the guide lines. At this point, you don't need to use any more guide lines to shape the nose the way you want. In addition, you can also:
- Define and shade the areas that need to be darkened, such as the inner nostrils.
- Keep certain parts white to make them stand out, for example at the tip of the nose or the top of the nostrils.
- For beginners, use the finished nose drawing as an aid when shading. This guide can be very helpful.

Step 7. Use the shading to define the type and shape of the nose
A round nose tip with thinner shading usually results in a feminine nose shape. A pointed nose tip with a more defined line will usually appear more masculine. Keep practicing so that you become more proficient at drawing the nose the way you want.
Method 2 of 3: Draw a Slightly Sideways Nose

Step 1. Draw a big circle in the center of the paper
You are free to determine the size of the circle that will later form the nose.
Almost all of the steps for drawing the front view nose described above are also used here, but the direction is changed to the left or to the right

Step 2. Draw two vertical lines above the circle
The first line is right in the center of the top of the circle, the second line is at the far right of the circle. If you want to draw the nose facing left, draw a second line on the left side of the circle. The two lines must be drawn until they are slightly inside the circle.

Step 3. Draw a horizontal line at the bottom 1/3 of the circle, slightly to the left
Draw a straight line as wide as a circle with the right end slightly higher than the left. The right end does not touch the circle, the left end comes out a little from the circle.

Step 4. Draw a large L-like curve on the left of the circle to draw the tip of the nose and another small curved line on the right
Start by drawing a large curved line from the left end of the horizontal line (the one you made in the previous step), then curve upwards. The nose that is seen from the side makes us unable to see the nostrils which are positioned further away. So, we simply draw a small curved line like the letter J for the right nostril.

Step 5. Draw a diagonal line at the point where the vertical and horizontal lines intersect
This line will be the visible outer side of the nostril. Draw a diagonal line starting from the horizontal line (which you just extended slightly to the left outside the circle) towards the bottom of the left nostril. This line will form a small triangle at the bottom left of the circle.

Step 6. Start shading according to the guide lines
Keep in mind that any shade closer to the guideline should be darker. Start by lightly shading near the line, filling in the parts that need to be shaded, and shaping the nose as a whole. After that, use a harder, slightly blunt pencil to darken the sides of the bridge of the nose along the guide lines while paying attention to the shape of the nostrils and the vertical line connecting the two nostrils.
Leave the part between the two vertical lines that make up the bridge of the nose and above the horizontal line that forms the tip of the nose remain white
Method 3 of 3: Draw a Side View of the Nose

Step 1. Draw a big circle and another smaller circle on the right side by side
The first circle will be the tip of the nose and the second circle will be the nostril. You can adjust the position of these two circles according to the shape of the nose you want.

Step 2. Draw a small “hook” that connects the big circle and the small circle
This small hook image should look natural starting from the inside of the big circle until it connects to the outside of the small circle. This curved line will be the image of the nostrils.

Step 3. Draw two lines to draw the tip of the nose and the top of the lips
The two lines start from the left side of the big circle. The first line is a diagonal line up and the second line is a downward curved line that makes the nose look like it blends with the face. You can tell what it looks like by looking at your own face in the mirror.

Step 4. Erase the shading in the upper half of the circle
Observe the image of the nose from the side through the photo, the semicircular shading on the nostrils will disappear when the nostrils meet the bridge of the nose. Although you will need to shade according to the guide lines as shown by the other tutorials, this section does not need to be shaded.

Step 5. Use guide lines as an aid for shading
Remember that guide lines are just a shading tool. Pay close attention to the outer side next to the nostrils which you should shade as black as possible so that the nose shape looks natural.
Step 6. Keep certain parts white
The three parts that should be left white when drawing the nose from one side are the tip of the nose (the rounded part of the nose), the top of the bridge of the nose, and the small circle in the middle of the nostril (the part of the nostril that is closest to the camera when your face is photographed from one side). side).