If you haven't heard of it, tulpae (or tulpa) are independent thought forms that originate in your brain like an imaginary friend, but have their own thoughts, feelings, and ideas independent of you. Tulpa can provide many benefits, although many people make it because they want friends who understand themselves better than others. Tulpas are often associated with My Little Pony fans, but there are a wide variety of tulpas in the world.
Part 1 of 6: Planning

Step 1. Plan your tulpa
You can start by thinking about the shape and personality you want to have. You don't need to define a permanent shape or personality because usually your tulpa will deviate from the original plan.

Step 2. Plan the appearance of the tulpa
You can draw the planned appearance of the tulpa, if you wish, or simply imagine it.
- You should not create a tulpa based on a real human, whether living or dead.
- If you're making a tulpa based on a fictional character, make sure you tell the tulpa that he's not the character, just that he looks similar.

Step 3. Plan the tulpa's personality
One way to determine personality is to list as many traits as a tulpa would like to have. When you are thinking about the shape of the tulpa, you can read these qualities to him, or meditate for a while (about a few minutes for each trait), to “attach” the qualities to the tulpa. Some people skip this personality step, and that's okay because your tulpa will develop its own personality. The tulpa's personality can also deviate from what was planned, but don't worry because tulpas usually don't acquire any bad or harmful traits.
Part 2 of 6: Visualization

Step 1. Visualize your tulpa
Sit down and close your eyes. Picture your tulpa in your head; look at it from all possible angles. Try to imagine every detail of his appearance. Be patient, and don't rush into imagining your tulpa. Don't forget that some are quite difficult to imagine, for example faces. Remember that you can do it any way you want. When imagining a tulpa You can visualize it in an empty space, or an imaginary place, or simply in the space in front of you.

Step 2. Try to touch the tulpa in your imagination
Try to feel the tulpa hair (if any) and the details on the body. When you're done, you'll be able to feel the shape or surface of the tulpa with a little pressure, but you won't be able to touch it as if the tulpa was a physical, solid object. Your hand will penetrate it.

Step 3. Create the smell, if you want
If you wish, try associating the smell of your tulpa during this step. Make sure the same smell persists whenever you sniff your tulpa.

Step 4. Visualize the movement of the tulpa
Imagine the way the tulpa moves and walks. Think about the gestures used. The facial expression of the tulpa is best imagined last. Try to imagine a conversation with your tulpa, and think about how it will react. Don't forget, each of these steps takes time so don't rush.

Step 5. Create Wonderland
If you want, you can create a place in your imagination, called Wonderland. This is the place where you make the tulpa, and it will be the abode of the tulpa. You can also imagine being there with the tulpa. You can do anything there, in your private world. This can be helpful because if you are in a crowded place, or are cycling somewhere, the tulpa will be hard to fathom. So, your tulpa can rest in Wonderland until it can be re-imagined.
Let the tulpa transform Wonderland. Like you, the tulpa can change anything in Wonderland, whenever it wants
Part 3 of 6: Narrative

Step 1. Talk to the tulpa
You can talk to the tulpa in your heart or out loud. The topic is not important. You can chat about the weather, activities at work/school, your friends, your favorite television series, and so on. As long as you talk directly to the tulpa, there should be no problem. This process is gradual and your first contact with the tulpa may be difficult to understand, for example it may not speak fully right away.
- This step is optional, but you can use methods such as 'parroting', although some may find this controversial. However, many people believe that this method can help develop the tulpa and encourage it to communicate. Sometimes, if you're not sure whether the answer you're getting is coming from your “parrots” or indeed the tulpa is speaking, always assume that the tulpa is responding to you.
- This step is quite time consuming. Be patient.

Step 2. Choose a sound for your tulpa after he can speak, if he hasn't made it himself
You can make a whole new sound, but it will be easier if you choose a familiar voice to imagine tulpa speech.
Part 4 of 6: Checking Consciousness

Step 1. Determine if your tulpa is conscious
Close your eyes and let the tulpa know that you open your mind to him. Imagine your tulpa walking through the door that leads to your subconscious. Now, your tulpa can see your memories, feelings and everything related to you personally. Don't do this step right away, and wait until there is some trust between you so that your tulpa doesn't take it for granted. Signs of tulpa awareness include:
- Tulpa replies to you in complete sentences and has his own opinion. Tulpas can also communicate in other ways, for example through emotions.
- Tulpa does things beyond your expectations.
Part 5 of 6: Transferring a Tulpa to the Realm

Step 1. Take a walk and imagine a tulpa following behind you
Do this until it starts to feel natural to you. Make sure you remember how the tulpa walks. Meanwhile you will learn to feel the presence of the tulpa, even if you cannot see it. You can still feel the presence and activity of the tulpa, and see it through the eyes of your heart.
Part 6 of 6: Visit the Tulpa Forum

Step 1. Get to know other people who have a tulpa
Read the story of the forum host and his tulpa. Learn more about making and living with tulpas. There are many guides and forums on the internet, which have FAQs and Q&A (Q&A sessions) regarding tulpa, which may be helpful if you have any concerns or questions about tulpa.
- Choose a tulpa shape that's comfortable for you for a long time because once it's settled, the shape will be more difficult to change. Do not forget that the tulpa can change its appearance as it wishes.
- Ignore the scary stories about the tulpa. Your tulpa is usually kind and respects you if you are treated well.
- Do passive forcing (passive force) continuously to speed up the process of making tulpa. Passive forcing means thinking about and sometimes talking to the tulpa, but usually without closing your eyes or meditating while you are doing something.
- If you can speak Finnish, there is a tulpa forum you can try visiting, namely tulpafoorumi.palstani.com