Experimenting with autographs is fun, whether it's in preparation for the next time you become famous or just for fun. Try some of these tips to create an eye-catching signature.
Part 1 of 3: Analyzing the Current Signature

Step 1. Pay attention to your current signature
Find out what you like about the current style stroke and what needs to be improved. Pay attention to the letters that make up your name and think of ways to make it stand out. Pay attention to interesting letters (those with circles, dots, and crosses, such as G, X, or B) and non-special letters (especially letters that look the same in both lowercase and uppercase, such as S or O). Pay attention to which parts can be the main attraction of your signature.

Step 2. Think about what you want to convey through your signature
A simple, clear signature will be easier for others to read, but a complex signature will appear more stylish. The more embellishments you include, the more vibrant your signature will look. Consider what the signature will show with respect to time. Busy doctors often make hasty and illegible signatures, while famous writers usually have elaborate signatures with detailed designs.
- A signature that only includes the name is considered more official and straightforward.
- If you're afraid of counterfeiting, make your signature longer and easier to read. Include your first name and last name at the same time. Make sure to write it down clearly. Forging an illegible signature is easier than copying a trained and legible signature detail.

Step 3. Think of the part of the name you want to include
Some people write their full names and some only write their first names. There are also people who only write their initials and then follow them with some scribbles, or random signatures in the form of "typical" scribbles. Celebrities who are known by their first names usually include only their first names, such as Beyonce or Ronaldo.

Step 4. Look for inspiration from other people's signatures
Pay attention to the signatures of world famous people, and consider whether you want to use the same elements. Kurt Vonnegut, Walt Disney, Salvador Dali, Picasso, and John Hancock (and many others) are known to have unique signatures. Don't be afraid to borrow interesting parts of their signature and include it in your own.
Part 2 of 3: Changing Your Signature

Step 1. Do the experiment
Rewrite your signature many times to explore other possibilities. Generate creativity. Play with different styles and decorations. Figure out which ones feel comfortable to write down, look good with your name, and aren't too difficult to recreate. Use a comfortable writing utensil. Use a pencil if you want to erase a tried signature and create a new one.

Step 2. Emphasize certain letters
Make it one letter bigger so it stands out, or make it so small that it blends in. This can give a bold look without slowing down the writing. Try emphasizing the first letters of your first name, or the first letters of your first and last name.
If your signature seems random or curly, you can emphasize one letter by making it sharp and clear. Similarly, make a letter curvy or beautiful if you want it to stand out in a bold signature

Step 3. Underline to emphasize the signature
This is a classic way to make your name look more beautiful. Underscores can also make the signature take longer to write than a simpler signature, so consider whether it's really necessary.
- Change one of the letters to underscore. This is usually done on the last letter, but you are free to decorate any letter that can be turned into an underline. Letters with long tails (like y, g, and j) are a perfect choice. Pull the tail under the signature.
- Underline with a circular line. This is a more subtle and decorative way to make the signature more distinctive.
- Underline your signature with a zigzaff line. A zigzag is similar to a circular line, but is more angular and sharp..

Step 4. Use "old-fashioned" fonts
Bold horizontal crosses, and finish curved letters with hooks and embellishments. Use a pen if you have one. Look for inspiration from calligraphy, old signatures, and from gothic letters. This will make a simple signature look more stylish.

Step 5. Add embellishments to embellish your signature
This method can be chosen to create a unique signature. Look for letters that have interesting parts and try different ways to make them look more beautiful. Try some of these ideas:
- Use repetition. The three ovals in the signature will create a repeating effect and help unify the overall design.
- Let the capital letters surround the lowercase letters. This is a way to embellish names without tail letters (like g, j, etc.) that can be played with.
- Surround the signature with a circle. This will create an aristocratic and official impression.
- Enlarge the bottom of the letters. This is one of the simplest and most commonly used ways to beautify a signature.

Step 6. Add numbers or symbols to the signature
This symbol can be the team's jersey number, a simple image, or the year of graduation. If you associate a certain number or symbol with an identity (for example, if you are known for playing a part in a sports team), you can use it to distinguish yourself from others with the same name. If you want to go this way, write the letter parts in a clear and simple way, then add a symbol. Too many embellishments and symbols can make a signature look redundant and take too long to create.
Part 3 of 3: Choosing a Signature

Step 1. Combine the elements you like into one signature
Look for a signature element that you like. Consider what works and what doesn't, as well as what suits your personality. As you practice, add details and embellishments until you find the right one.

Step 2. Know when you find the right signature
Don't just pick a signature because it looks good. Choose a signature that is stylish, but practical.
- The signature should be easy to write repeatedly. The signature should feel flowing from your hand and simple enough to write in just a few seconds.
- The signature must match the purpose and personality. If you want to show a dramatic side, use a stylish signature. If you want to show that you are neat and organized, your signature must reflect that.
- The signature must be recognizable. A signature shouldn't just look like a scribble on paper, unless the scribble is recognized and never changed. Create a unique signature so that people can recognize it as your signature.

Step 3. Practice writing your signature until it feels natural
Remember that you can always change it, up to a point. If you have used one signature on all legal documents (driver's license, passport, credit card, account book) you may find it difficult to change it. In some cases, the signature serves as a means of identification, and you can be suspected if you write a signature that does not match previous records.

Step 4. Make sure you can write your signature easily
The most attractive and most complex signatures in the world will be useless if you can't write them on top of the document quickly. When you practice, consider the practicality. How long should you write it down, do you need special writing tools, and can you make the same signature every time. If you can't repeat the same signature, you may need to simplify the form.
This does not apply to digital signatures. Most digital document signature apps will save your personal signature for later use. Sign correctly only once, and you can copy it later to another document. However, you must create a digital signature that is exactly the same as the signature on paper
- Be careful if you change your signature frequently. You may have trouble proving your identity if your new signature doesn't match your ID card, driver's license, account book, or even a library membership card.
- Make a fairly simple official signature. Signatures that are complex and take a lot of time will get you in trouble.
- Reconsider before deciding on a random signature. While there's no prohibiting whatever shape you choose, consider whether an illegible signature would be practical.