Making industrial plastics requires a degree in chemistry and access to heavy machinery. However, there are simple projects you can do at home that will allow you to make something very similar to plastic with materials you can easily find indoors. You can make casein from milk, polymer from glue, even moldable Styrofoam! See step one for further information.
Method 1 of 3: Making Styrofoam/ Acetone Plastic

Step 1. Prepare the ingredients properly
For this method, the point is to melt Styrofoam in a thinner liquid to create a semi-hard plastic substance that can be molded into various shapes and forms. For that, you will need:
- Acetone or thinner, commonly available at hardware stores
- Jars, or other glass containers
- Styrofoam cups, or other expanded polystyrene (EPS) products
- Gloves
- eye protection

Step 2. Pour some acetone into the jar
For the process to work, you'll need the acetone to be half an inch or at least a few inches from the bottom of the jar.
Always wear gloves and goggles when using acetone because it is quite dangerous. Avoid breathing the fumes and be sure to do so in a ventilated place under adult supervision, if you are under 15 years of age

Step 3. Crush the Styrofoam into small pieces
Take advantage of used Styrofoam packaging and glasses that can be found around you. Break it into smaller pieces to fit in the jar and push down all the pieces.

Step 4. Push the Styrofoam until it reaches the bottom of the jar
You will see the reaction in relatively short time so it is very important to always wear your protective glasses and gloves when doing this. Cover the jar with a lid or a heavy object such as a book and let sit a few minutes until the Styrofoam melts due to the acetone.
The longer it sits, the denser the styrofoam melts. Therefore, the right waiting time before forming styrofoam is between 3-5 minutes

Step 5. Remove the plastic
When you take the plastic out of the jar, you get a plastic substance with an indistinct shape, but it can be shaped and molded like clay. Put on the gloves and start molding them into the shape you want, and dry afterwards.
Within 12-24 hours, the plastic will form and solidify completely

Step 6. Sculpt it into an interesting shape
Use your imagination to make it into a new shape, make it into a small plastic statue that can be colored afterwards, or with other cool designs. This project is an interesting science project for kids and students, they can even have cool souvenirs as a result.
Method 2 of 3: Making the Polymer

Step 1. Gather the right ingredients
A polymer is a substance between a liquid and a solid, its shape changes according to its container, but is elastic and can be shaped like a solid. To make an ordinary polymer from simple materials, you will need:
- PVAc white glue, such as Elmer's products
- 2 cups
- Water
- Borax powder (clothing detergent)
- Plastic spoon

Step 2. Dissolve the borax in a cup
Add a spoonful of borax to the cup along with enough water to dissolve it. Stir until completely dissolved and set aside.

Step 3. Prepare the glue
Pour a little glue on a separate cup. Add a few tablespoons of water as much as 3 tablespoons or more, then stir to reduce the consistency.
If you want to add color to the polymer, you can add a few drops of food coloring and mix it well to get an interesting color

Step 4. Add a spoonful of borax solution to the glue
As you stir, you'll notice that the texture of the glue turns slimy and sticks to the spoon. Let stand for 30 seconds, and remove the spoon.
This slimy polymer plastic is safe to touch without hand protection. You can play with it, stretch it, print it, and shape it however you like. It is difficult to maintain the shape of this plastic, but this plastic is perfect as a slimy and disgusting alien-shaped toy for children

Step 5. Avoid prolonged exposure to air
To store this slimy plastic, use an airtight plastic bag. This plastic can last a long time if stored properly, or you can make more the same way!
Method 3 of 3: Making Casein Plastic

Step 1. Gather the right ingredients
Here's what you need to put together to make a simple and natural substance similar to plastic from household materials you may already have in your kitchen:
- 240ml whole milk or heavy cream, the fatter the better
- Vinegar or lemon juice
- Pot
- Filter

Step 2. Heat the milk
Use a saucepan to slowly heat the milk over low heat until it boils. Be careful not to boil too much as this can mess up the reaction.

Step 3. Add vinegar
Add a few tablespoons of vinegar at the same time and stir with a spoon until the milk begins to separate into a solid and liquid. This process is the main process in cheese making, namely separation and curd making.

Step 4. Strain the solution
Turn off the heat and pour the milk into the colander when the milk is no longer too hot. Something elastic and soft that remains in the sieve is the “milk plastic” called casein, which is an essential part of making cheese.
By heating milk and adding vinegar, you trigger a chemical reaction that can produce natural polymers from milk and natural compounds similar to plastic

Step 5. Harden the plastic by freezing it
Pay attention to how it affects your plastic when it is clamped, stretched, or dropped. If you let it sit for a certain period of time or put it in the refrigerator, your plastic will harden.
- You can also pour it into cake molds or other shapes and let it harden until it becomes an attractive shape. If you haven't colored it yet, you can color it into an ornament for the holidays or as an ordinary ornament as an interesting project for children.
- These plastics can last for several days, but basically have an expiration date like food. Throw it away before your plastic gets moldy.