Creating projects using PVC pipe often involves cutting the PVC pipe. One of the advantages of PVC is that it is easy to cut, with a variety of tools, making the job relatively easy. You don't need complicated preparation or special equipment to cut PVC. A collection of various tools ranging from hacksaws, pipe cutting pliers, and miter saws can be used to cut pipes properly.
Method 1 of 3: Cutting with a Hacksaw

Step 1. Clamp the pipe with a vise
The most basic and most widely used tool for cutting pipes, PVC or otherwise, is a hacksaw. It is important to clamp the pipe with a vise, this is to avoid the pipe shifting and your risk of injury from swinging the saw. Be careful and clamp the pipe well.
- You can also use other clamping tools to secure the pipe in place, in addition to using a vise. Use what's available.
- Squeeze the pipe a few inches from the section to be cut to give it a little more flexibility. If you can, you can clamp both sides of the part to be cut, but even one clamp is actually quite safe.

Step 2. Mark the PVC where it will be cut
Use a permanent marker to clearly mark where to cut. Don't worry it can't be deleted. You can remove it later by rubbing alcohol on it.

Step 3. Place the saw blade on the pipe
Place the saw at the mark and hold the pipe firmly, then use the other hand to press down on the top of the saw, placing the blade on the pipe. You want to start in the right place, and doing this helps you to avoid starting the rough/jagged saw.

Step 4. Saw the pipe firmly
Start sawing, making sure you pay close attention during the cut and don't let the saw move from the mark you've made. Saw quickly so that the pipe continues to be cut, but not so fast that the blade comes off the pipe being cut. You will be able to cut PVC in no time.
Method 2 of 3: Using Pipe Cutting Pliers

Step 1. Choose plastic pipe cutting pliers
There are two types of PVC cutting pliers: scissors and plastic pipe cutting pliers (ratchet.) The scissor-shaped cutters are ideal for cutting 1 – 2.5cm pipe, but can sometimes be difficult to use even for pipes of that size. It is recommended that you use ratchet cutting pliers which are suitable for cutting larger pipes and are also effective for cutting smaller pipes. More safe and secure.
It takes a lot of effort to use PVC shears and it's easier to use a different type of saw. Buying ratchet cutting pliers is better and makes the job easier

Step 2. Place the pipe into the mouth of the pliers
The pipe cutter has a circular end that opens to fit the pipe in, and a blade that sticks out when the handle is pressed. Mark the part you want to cut, then place the pipe in the mouth of the pliers to start cutting.

Step 3. Press the pliers so that the blade cuts the pipe
Press the handle of the cutting pliers so that the blade sticks out and cuts the pipe. Use the other hand to hold the pipe steady. You won't need too much power.
Method 3 of 3: Cutting with a Miter Saw

Step 1. Consider using a log and miter saw for a more detailed cut
Miter saws can be used to cut PVC that requires specific and detailed cuts. Use a saw blade suitable for cutting and with the saw provided. When in doubt, use a standard 10 tooth per inch saw, which usually comes in the package with a miter saw. But it still depends on the brand and type of saw you buy.

Step 2. Place the PVC part to be cut under the saw blade
Squares and miter saws are some of the easiest to use in the world, because you've got a path to cut on the side of the wood. You can't be negligent.

Step 3. Clamp the pipe with a vise
Turn on the saw and lower the saw on low to medium speed. Once cut, the process can be easily repeated, making additional cuts in the pipe as needed.
It is not recommended to cut PVC with the following tools:
- Table Saw: Never cut PVC with a table saw. The PVC pipe is curved, while the table saw is flat and smooth for easy cutting of wood. Pushing the PVC pipe into the table saw will make the pipe slip and risk injuring you.
- Benso: Benso saw blades move too slowly, and unless you use a good saw you can only reach the inside diameter of the pipe, cracking it and causing small pieces of it to be dangerous.
- Ordinary wood saws, the tooth spacing on a standard saw is too far and can't cut PVC well.