If you're feeling stressed and need to smoke, you can make a simple tobacco pipe out of a piece of fruit by digging two holes with a skewer or a pen. You can also create a more elaborate tobacco pipe using a water bottle and clean socket. However, this should be a last resort as it is not safe to smoke cigarettes from materials that are not specifically designed for cigarettes. Use a glass or wooden case if you can to make sure you don't damage yourself, and never suck on foil or tape. Also, even though it's not technically a tobacco pipe, you can always use a metal pen as an alternative to a simple tobacco pipe.
Method 1 of 2: Making Tobacco Pipes from Fruits

Step 1. Look for fresh fruit with skin
Almost any type of fruit can be used as a tobacco pipe if you are creative. Apples are a classic choice, but you can also use pears, pumpkins, melons, and other solid fruits. Note that the fruit used will affect the taste of your cigarette.
- Any fruit that can be peeled by hand, such as bananas or oranges, cannot be used as pipe tobacco. The inside of the fruit is usually too soft to use.
- People often use apples as pipe tobacco because they do not affect the taste of cigarettes much and are easy to use.
- You should not eat the flesh of the fruit that has been used as a shell because it can be exposed to smoke or residual butane substances. Swallowing cigarette ash can also cause stomach upset.

Step 2. Use a skewer to punch a hole in the side of the fruit used
If you are using apples, place the fruit on the bottom with the stem facing up. Point the skewer into the center of the fruit, then pierce it with the tip. If you are using a cucumber or other long fruit, pierce the center of the end of the fruit, not the center.
- You can disassemble the pen and use the case after washing if you don't have a skewer.
- Usually there are debris and water coming out of the hole. Place a tissue paper or cloth underneath if you want to make the cleaning process easier.

Step 3. Insert a skewer into the center of the fruit
Press the skewer all the way to the center of the fruit. Stop when you reach the middle. This position should be below the fruit stalk if you are using an apple. This step is a bit tricky to do because you can't see the inside of the fruit, but you can fix the hole if it's not quite right.

Step 4. Make a hole in the top of the fruit to form a 90 degree tunnel
Place the skewer right in the center of the fruit from the top. Grasp the fruit with your non-dominant hand and gently pierce it from above. Press the skewer until you reach the first hole you made. You can turn the skewer if you want to make the hole bigger and cleaner.
- If you're using an apple, make a hole in the side of the stalk or cut it off with scissors before piercing the fruit.
- If the two holes don't connect, repeat the process and keep making holes until you find a skewer sticking out from above.

Step 5. Use a small knife or spoon to scrape the top of the fruit
You can make a 2.5-5.1 cm cone above the fruit or you can scrape the fruit with a teaspoon. Place your pipe right in the center of the vertical hole in the fruit. Clean the remaining fruit flesh attached.
The thicker your cigarette, the larger the hole in the pipe will be. If your cigarette is very thin, you can make a smaller pipe opening.

Step 6. Fill the top of the fruit with tobacco and inhale the smoke from the side. Place the tobacco in the space made with a spoon or knife
Lift the fruit and place your lips on the other hole that is on the side of the fruit. Use a match to light the tobacco from above while sucking in the smoke. Turn off the lighter 1-2 seconds before you finish smoking and enjoy your cigarette!
You may need to press the tobacco into the fruit so it doesn't pop out in the wind
Method 2 of 2: Making a Tobacco Pipe from a Water Bottle

Step 1. Prepare a plastic bottle measuring 0.35-0.47 Liter
If any liquid other than water is stored in it, do not use it. It's dangerous to suck in sugar, and there's a risk that you'll be sucking in any residue that's left in the bottle even after washing it. You can use a 2 liter bottle if you don't have a small bottle.
- The pressure from inside the bottle is very strong. So, don't overdo it when sucking tobacco from a water bottle.
- If there is water in the bottle, empty it and wait for it to dry before using it for smoking.

Step 2. Make a hole in the side of the bottle near the bottom with the tip of the pen
Do not remove the bottle cap. Use the tip of the pen to make a hole in the side. Position the hole about 5-10 cm from the bottom of the bottle. You can use a small knife to mark the holes, but don't make the holes larger than the width of your pen.
Will use the pen's plastic frame as the pipe stem. So, using a pen to punch holes in the bottle will ensure that the object can fit into the hole

Step 3. Position the second hole about 5-10 cm on the side near the first hole
Use a small knife to make a second hole near the first. This hole will serve as a carbon sink. When smoking, you will close the hole with your finger to keep the smoke out, then open it to make it easier to inhale the smoke.
You'll have a hard time sucking in the smoke if there's no airflow in the bottle once the tobacco is lit

Step 4. Disassemble your pen and wash the case
Remove the tip of the pen by pulling it and removing the bottom cover of the pen with your hand or a small knife. Remove any springs or components that are inside. Wash the pen housing in warm water to remove any ink residue. If you're using soap, you'll need to rinse the inside of the pen housing for 5-10 minutes and use a cotton swab to remove any remaining debris inside the case.
- Cheap pens are the best choice because they are usually easy to disassemble by hand.
- You may need to remove the glued end of the pen. Once you've drilled the holes for the pipe stems, you won't need this item. So, don't be afraid to break it.

Step 5. Insert the pen frame into the first hole made
Press the pen housing into the first hole made with the pen. This item should be firmly sealed because you punched the hole with a pen. Insert the pen frame facing down so that the tip is pointing towards the bottom corner of the bottle.
If the part is not tight enough, apply a cotton ball to the leaking area. You should never use masking tape as the adhesive can turn toxic when smoked.

Step 6. Place the socket on the top of the pen to make a tobacco pipe
Get a size 7/32 socket from a hardware store and rinse under running water for 3-4 seconds to remove any dust. Sockets must not be painted and must be stainless steel, brass, or titanium. Anything covered with paint should not be used. Position the small hole in the socket over the exposed part of the pen.
- This thing acts as a tobacco pipe. A 7/32 size socket fits standard sized pens.
- If you don't have a clean, unused socket, use a metal pen tip upside down against the exposed part of the pen case.

Step 7. Fill the socket with tobacco and place your finger in the drain hole to smoke
Insert a certain amount of tobacco into the socket. Slightly press and lift the bottle to your lips. Remove the bottle cap if you have not placed your lips on the nozzle. Light the pipe with a match with your finger holding the carbon drain hole and suck a little. Remove your finger from the hole after you light the tobacco and inhale the smoke deeply.
- You can reuse the water bottle 2-3 times if you want, but the tobacco taste will start to change after a few uses.
- Some of the tobacco may fall into the bottle. This is nothing to worry about, and will not affect the enjoyment of smoking.
- Never use foil or aluminum foil to make tobacco pipes or shells. The object can turn into poison when smoked, although many people consider it safe to use.
- Making a tobacco pipe out of a material not designed for smoking is a bad idea and should only be tried as a last resort.
- You can use a metal pen to make a tobacco pipe if you need another option.