How to Hide from Killers (with Pictures)

How to Hide from Killers (with Pictures)
How to Hide from Killers (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Surely no one expected to be confronted by a murderer. However, there's nothing wrong with being alert and knowing what to do in the situation. Whether you're at home or out in public, knowing how to find a good hiding place can save your life. Planning ahead can also make your home safer if a killer breaks in.


Part 1 of 3: Finding Effective Hiding

Hide from a Murderer Step 1
Hide from a Murderer Step 1

Step 1. Choose a location that has a blocking system

To prevent killers from finding you, block right at the entrance of your hideout. Ideally, the door is equipped with a strong locking system on the inside. In addition, the door had to open outwards so that the killer could not break in. You can also install additional barricades with items such as large pieces of furniture.

  • If your door opens inward, it's very important to block it with a heavy object because the killer might try to break it down.
  • While it's important to prevent the killer from getting into your home, it's also important to think of ways to escape in case he manages to get in. A hideout with 2 exits (such as a door and a window) is ideal.
  • If you're outside, there's a good chance that you won't be able to put up barricades to protect yourself, but you should still look for a secluded location that will also allow you to escape if necessary.
Hide from a Murderer Step 2
Hide from a Murderer Step 2

Step 2. Don't make noise

Once you find a hiding place, you have to make every effort so that the killer can't find you. This means that you should not make the slightest sound. If you are with other people, don't talk to each other. Make sure the phone is in silent mode.

  • The killer might still be able to hear the phone on vibrate mode!
  • Don't be tempted to yell at the killer and say you've called the police.
Hide from a Murderer Step 3
Hide from a Murderer Step 3

Step 3. Hide your location

Make an effort to make it difficult for the killer to see the hiding place by turning off all the lights and closing all the windows and blinds. Make the hiding place look uninhabited.

  • You should also turn off other light sources, such as computer screens.
  • If you must have to call for help, be careful with the light from the cell phone. If the killer was right behind the door, he might be able to see it.
Hide from a Murderer Step 4
Hide from a Murderer Step 4

Step 4. Don't get too close to each other

If you are hiding with other people, keep as much distance as possible in the hiding place. This strategy will increase each other's chances of survival if the assassin manages to break through the hideout.

Be sure to stay away from windows as these locations are often the most vulnerable

Hide from a Murderer Step 5
Hide from a Murderer Step 5

Step 5. Hide in, behind or under something

If you're looking for an effective hiding place in an enclosed space, look for furniture or similar that will allow you to hide inside. Unpredictable hiding places will get better.

  • You can hide behind curtains (which run all the way to the floor), behind a desk, or behind hanging clothes in a closet.
  • Also consider hiding in the closet, in the washing machine, or in a large box.
  • You can try hiding under the bed, under a pile of dirty clothes, or under a blanket.
  • If you're outside, try hiding behind a bush, under a car, in a trash can, or under a patio.
Hide from a Murderer Step 6
Hide from a Murderer Step 6

Step 6. Hide in a visible place if necessary

If you can't escape or find a hiding place, playing dead can be an option. This trick can only be done if the killer has slaughtered many victims. You simply lie down among the other victims and pray that the killer doesn't realize you're not dead.

Lying on your stomach in a dark location can be helpful because the killer won't be able to see if you move a little

Hide from a Murderer Step 7
Hide from a Murderer Step 7

Step 7. Seek help over the phone

If the situation permits, call 112 or 110 (police) for assistance. If you have your phone with you, you can do this while hiding. However, make sure you don't divulge the killer's hiding location while using your phone. Do not cut ties with the operator until the police arrive.

  • The operator will ask for as much detail as possible about the situation, such as your location, the number of victims and the weapon the killer used.
  • When the police arrive, follow their instructions and keep your hand visible at all times to show that you are not a threat.
  • If calling the police is making a lot of noise, try texting someone outside the crime scene explaining your situation and then asking him to call the police. Consider texting several people at once to make sure someone receives it.
  • For the Jakarta area, you can send a text message to the police at 1717.

Part 2 of 3: Using Other Defense Techniques

Hide from a Murderer Step 8
Hide from a Murderer Step 8

Step 1. Run if you can

If there is an opportunity to escape from a building or crime scene, this option is preferable to hiding. Evaluate your surroundings and ask yourself if it is possible to escape to safety.

  • If other people don't agree with the vague idea, leave them. Don't let them stop you from escaping.
  • When running away, don't worry about your belongings. Leave it.
  • Make sure you keep your hands visible while running away. When the police arrive at the crime scene, they may think you are the killer.
  • Try to run irregularly. This will make it difficult for the killer to shoot you if he catches up.
  • Try to put as many obstacles as possible between you and the killer.
Hide from a Murderer Step 9
Hide from a Murderer Step 9

Step 2. Go to a safe place

If you choose to flee, it's important to head to a safer location than the one you just left, just in case the killer catches up. Even if you want to quickly leave the crime scene, don't just run aimlessly.

  • If possible, go to a location where you can call for help. A safe location like a police station is the best option, but a neighbor's house is better than no destination at all.
  • Avoid escaping to the neighbor's house if the killer is watching you. It could put them in danger by directing the killer to their home.
  • If you can't find a place to go, try running into the woods rather than out into the open. Forests provide more places to hide. A full parking lot will also provide more opportunities to hide.
Hide from a Murderer Step 10
Hide from a Murderer Step 10

Step 3. Be prepared to fight back if necessary

In some cases, you may have no choice but to fight against the killer. In general, this option is not recommended, unless your life is really in danger. However, if you have no other choice, do everything you can to survive.

  • If you decide to fight, you must have a strong will. A little hesitation can put you in even greater danger.
  • Your goal is to disarm and/or incapacitate the killer, then escape as quickly as possible.
  • If you have a gun, use it in self-defense. Otherwise, you can try disabling the killer with pepper spray.
  • If you have no choice but to attack the killer with your bare hands, aim at the most vulnerable areas of the body, such as the throat, eyes, groin, and stomach.
Hide from a Murderer Step 11
Hide from a Murderer Step 11

Step 4. Use emergency weapons

If you decide to fight back and don't have a weapon, look for common items that can be used to disarm the killer or incapacitate him. The ideal weapon should be easy to use and effective enough to injure the killer.

  • You can use the backpack as a shield or swing it at the killer to hit him.
  • You can use items like a baseball bat, or a large flashlight to swing as a bat.
  • Heavy objects can be used to knock the killer unconscious.
  • Chemical fire extinguishers can incapacitate criminals if they are sprayed in the face.
Hide from a Murderer Step 12
Hide from a Murderer Step 12

Step 5. Try to cooperate if you get caught

If the killer finds you and has no chance to escape or fight (e.g. he has a gun and you only have a baseball bat), it's a good idea to know how to interact with him to increase your chances of survival. If the criminal's main goal is to steal or commit other crimes, he probably won't kill you if you don't have to.

  • Try to be as cooperative as possible. Do what is asked without asking.
  • Don't look him in the eye because he could see it as a threat.
  • Don't make sudden moves that could be interpreted as an attempt to attack him.
  • Always be on the lookout so you don't miss a chance to escape or incapacitate the killer.

Part 3 of 3: Planning Ahead

Hide from a Murderer Step 13
Hide from a Murderer Step 13

Step 1. Make your home safe

There may not be much you can do to secure public spaces, but you can make your home safer from intruders. These precautions can minimize the chances of you having to hide from the killer in your own home.

  • Make sure the door and door frame are made of strong steel.
  • If you install glass as part of the door, make sure it is made of an unbreakable material.
  • Do not forget to close and lock the windows at night and when you are not in the room.
  • Make sure your home is well lit at night to discourage intruders.
Hide from a Murderer Step 14
Hide from a Murderer Step 14

Step 2. Install the alarm system

The alarm system is ideal for ensuring the safety and peace of the occupants of the home. The system automatically calls emergency services if someone tries to break into the home, and its presence often makes the intruders squirm.

  • Some alarm systems have a panic mode that you can use to make an intruder think you have disabled the system, while secretly alerting the police.
  • Ask the company that offers the monitoring service to tell them how to alert them in the event of an intruder breaking into the home. In some cases, you will need to say a special password while in others it will send an immediate red flag if someone enters the wrong password.
  • You can also buy a security camera (CCTV).
  • Whether you have a security system in place or not, put a sticker that says there is a security system. This trick is often effective at preventing criminals from intruding into your home, just like a real alarm system.
Hide from a Murderer Step 15
Hide from a Murderer Step 15

Step 3. Set up a safe space in your home

It's a good idea to create a safe space at home and make sure the whole family knows they have to hide there in case of an emergency.

  • The safe room should have a solid door and a strong lock on the inside. You can install steel security doors for extra protection.
  • Make sure the safe room is in a place accessible to the whole family and away from entrances that are likely to be used by intruders. A closet or bathroom near the bedroom can be a great option.
Hide from a Murderer Step 16
Hide from a Murderer Step 16

Step 4. Keep essential equipment in a safe room

Apart from dedicating a special room in your home as a safe room and making sure it's safe, it's also a good idea to equip it with all the necessities that will be needed if an assassin manages to infiltrate the house.

  • It is recommended to charge the cell phone in this room every night so that you can always call for help if you have to hide there.
  • If you have a gun, there's nothing wrong with keeping it in a safe room as well. If you don't have a firearm at home, keep a makeshift weapon in this room.


  • Don't come out of hiding until the police arrive. You may think the situation is safe, but it really isn't.
  • If you have a firearm, make sure you are trained so that you can use it properly in an emergency.
  • Never try to handle a problem on your own, unless you have to.
  • Keep in mind that you are more likely to be killed by someone you know than by a complete stranger. If you suspect one of your acquaintances is trying to kill you, hide yourself as you would when facing another assassin!
  • If the killer has a gun (most likely), or he dropped it (either because he passed out or did it by accident), DO NOT touch it because your fingerprints will stick to the weapon and could be used as evidence against you, making you feel guilty..
  • Don't talk while hiding. If possible, text the police emergency number if speaking becomes too risky.
