3 Ways to Remove Permanent Marker from Skin

3 Ways to Remove Permanent Marker from Skin
3 Ways to Remove Permanent Marker from Skin

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Does your friend draw embarrassing anatomical drawings on your face while you sleep on the couch? Did your four-year-old turn himself into an art project just before grandma's 85th birthday party started? No matter what causes your skin to ink, you can remove and hide the blemishes by following the tips and instructions below.


Method 1 of 3: The Fast Way


Step 1. Use nail polish remover

Look for nail polish remover that contains acetone. Take a cotton ball and rub it on the ink to be cleaned. If the ink is on your face, be careful not to get the cotton ball too close to your eyes and mouth.


Step 2. Use isopropyl alcohol

This ingredient works in a very similar way to nail polish remover. Apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol to a cotton ball and then rub it over the ink to be removed. If the ink is on your face, be careful not to get the cotton ball too close to your eyes and mouth.


Step 3. Use a facial cleansing pad

Use pads that contain alcohol. Wipe on the ink-affected area. This method will work better if the ink is on your face.


Step 4. Use baby oil

Use olive oil or baby oil. Either of these can help remove some (perhaps not all) of the ink.


Step 5. Use sugar

You can also use sugar, combined with any of the methods above, to scrub the ink-affected area. This will help remove dead skin cells that contain some of the ink.

Method 2 of 3: Complete Way


Step 1. Take a tablespoon or so of Tide with Bleach (a brand of soap), or whatever dish soap is close to you

Mix the soap with water in a bowl.


Step 2. Spread the soap mixture over the ink site

If you can bear the pain, rub it with iron wool, this will help a little.


Step 3. Rub for a while, then rinse with water

If the ink is not completely gone, repeat the procedure one more time.


Step 4. Remember that ink is supposed to be permanent, so don't expect the ink to disappear completely, but this method can remove up to 50% of it

If ink still remains, try the next day. You can save the soap solution if you wish.

Method 3 of 3: After Cleaning


Step 1. Don't panic if you can't remove the ink completely

When the skin cells die, you can scrub and remove the remaining ink easily. Skin cells will die in less than a few days. In other words, more or less the ink will erase itself.


Step 2. Try applying makeup

If the remaining ink needs to be covered (for example, your friend has racist slurs all over your face and you have an internship interview scheduled for the next day), try dressing up. You will need a foundation and powder that matches your skin tone. You can also use Dermablend Cover Creme, which is known for its ability to cover almost anything and is often used to cover tattoos.

You may need someone more experienced to help with makeup if you don't know how, as applying makeup is more difficult than it sounds, but you can definitely cover up any remaining ink with makeup


Step 3. Understand that you will not experience ink poisoning

The idea that you will be poisoned by ink is wrong. Ink poisoning only occurs if the ink is swallowed by mouth, and even then in sufficient quantities. Again, don't panic. If you are very concerned, you can call your local poisoning hotline.


  • Don't rub too hard with the iron wool as the iron wool will leave red marks that are equally obvious as ink.
  • If that doesn't work, make a dish soap-peroxide solution and scrub the ink-affected area with a sponge. The ink will not disappear completely, but the ink will fade and become almost invisible. Also, rub it into the ink-affected area which, although a little sore, doesn't leave a red mark, as long as you don't rub too hard over a long period of time.
