4 Ways to Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen

4 Ways to Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen
4 Ways to Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen

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Gnats are flying insects that emerge from moist soil and love fruit, rotting plants, and stagnant water. People often mistake them for fruit flies, which are garden pests that do look very similar. When gnats enter the kitchen, these insects can lay hundreds of eggs at a time and spread quickly. The easiest way to get rid of them is to set a trap and spray. However, this can only deal with adult gnats roaming around the kitchen. For best results, you should also address the source. Change the soil in potted houseplants in a kitchen that has been infested with gnats. Also, clean the kitchen to remove food and water sources. If you are diligent in cleaning the kitchen, gnats will not come there again.


Method 1 of 4: Trapping and Spraying Gnats

Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 1
Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 1

Step 1. Make a vinegar trap to gradually get rid of the adult gnats

Adult gnats will be attracted by the smell of apple cider vinegar. Mix 2 tbsp. (30 ml) vinegar with 4 1/4 cups (1 liter) water. Next, add 6 drops of liquid dish soap. When this mixture is placed in a container such as a glass jar, the gnats will not be able to escape once trapped inside.

  • Place this mixture in a sealed jar or bowl with a plastic cover. Make a hole in the lid so that the gnats can enter the container. Make a new mixture when the container is full of gnats.
  • To make the mixture more potent, add 1 tbsp. (15 ml or 15 grams) of sugar. You can also use fruit that is starting to rot.
  • Another ingredient that can be used is aged red wine. It's even better if you use wine that tastes similar to vinegar. To prevent the gnats from flying out, add about 6 drops of dish soap.
Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 2
Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 2

Step 2. Spray to get rid of gnats quickly

The trap method takes a while to collect the gnats, but the spray can kill any flying bugs in the kitchen quickly. Look for chemical products specifically designed to kill flying insects. Spray the product in the kitchen once a day until the gnats are gone. As a safety measure, do not enter the kitchen until the chemical spray has settled.

  • You should wear a mask when spraying. Also make sure all food is tightly closed. After that, clean the entire surface after the spraying is complete.
  • Remember, chemical sprays can be toxic or at least cause discomfort. While many products are considered safe for indoor use, it's a good idea to leave the house while the insecticide is still active.
Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 3
Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 3

Step 3. Make your own organic mix to kill gnats

You can make a mixture similar to a trap made of vinegar. Mix 1 tbsp. (15 ml) apple cider vinegar with 1 cup (250 ml) warm water in a spray bottle. Add about 6 drops of liquid dish soap, then spray this mixture on any visible gnats. Soap keeps gnats from flying once they are sprayed and will die quickly.

It is an organic mixture so it is safe to use around plants in the kitchen. This mixture also does not harm anyone in the house

Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 4
Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 4

Step 4. Hang flytrap paper from the ceiling to trap any remaining gnats

Place the trap in a place frequented by gnats. If the gnat lands on the sticky trap paper, the insect will not be able to fly. Discard the paper that is infested with gnats and replace it with a new trap.

  • You have to hang the paper traps from the ceiling. So, the space that can be used will be limited. Many people place them on fans, curtain rods, and other objects near the ceiling.
  • Although cheap and effective, paper traps cannot kill gnat eggs and larvae. Combine this trap with other methods, such as soil handling and clearing.

Method 2 of 4: Dealing with Soil Affected by Gnats

Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 5
Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 5

Step 1. Spray the affected plants with a dish soap mixture to kill gnats efficiently

Mix 1 tbsp. (15 ml) dish soap with 8 1/2 cups (about 2,000 ml) warm water. A very good ingredient is soap with a lemon scent because gnats love fruity scents. You can pour the mixture on the ground or spray it. You may have to do this a few times, but eventually all the gnat larvae in the soil will die.

Organic insecticidal soaps are also very effective at getting rid of gnats. You can also use neem oil, which can be used as an organic pesticide that is sold in many farm stores

Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 6
Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 6

Step 2. Let the soil dry if there are any gnats in it

Wait until the top soil (about 5-8 cm) feels dry to the touch. Since gnats don't stay too deep in the ground, they will become trapped in dry soil and die. To monitor soil moisture, plug a moisture meter into the soil.

  • You can also check the condition of the soil by sticking your finger, wooden stick, or other object into it.
  • Be careful not to over-water when watering the soil that has dried out as this can make the gnats come back.
Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 7
Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 7

Step 3. Transfer the plant to a new pot if the gnats have not disappeared

Remove the plant from the pot carefully so that the roots are not damaged. Use a new pot with drainage holes to keep the soil from getting soggy (which can attract gnats). Next, fill the new pot with good quality planting media that suits your ornamental plants.

  • Choose a growing medium that contains slowly decaying material. For example, you can use growing media that contains perlite, coconut coir powder, or charcoal. These materials will decompose slowly so they do not attract gnats.
  • To keep the plant healthy, do not over-water it. Make sure the planting media can drain water well. Try placing the pot on top of a potting saucer (a kind of base for the pot) so you can water the soil from the bottom (by pouring water on the saucer).
Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 8
Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 8

Step 4. Put the old planting medium in a plastic bag and seal it tightly in case the gnats are still inside

Don't reuse old soil if you can't handle the gnats in it. Don't use it either when you move the plant into a new pot. Remove the soil from the old pot and put it in a plastic bag. Make sure you seal the bag tightly before putting it in the trash. Do not use the soil for compost or leave it open around the house.

This rule also applies to planting media that have not been used. Close the planting media container tightly, especially if you place it outdoors or near the kitchen. Store the growing media in a tightly closed container to protect it

Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 9
Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 9

Step 5. Remove any dying or rotting plants that cannot be saved

Gnats like to live in and near rotting flowers or houseplants. If the condition of the plant has deteriorated or has been severely attacked by gnats, you may not be able to save it. You should place it in a plastic bag that is tightly closed and put it in the trash so that the staff will take it to the garbage collection. You can also sprinkle the chemical on dying soil and plants before removing them.

Take precautions to prevent gnats from spreading. Do not move gnat-infested plants near healthy plants, even if they are outside the kitchen

Method 3 of 4: Eliminating Food and Water Sources

Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 10
Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 10

Step 1. Check the kitchen for leftover food

Pay special attention to vegetables and fruits. Fruit and vegetables that begin to rot will attract gnats and other insects (such as fruit flies). The only way that gnats can't survive in the kitchen is to sort and dispose of food that starts to rot. Get rid of food that has bite marks.

Gnats really like organic materials. So, any material that comes from plants can be used as food, including fruits, vegetables, and tubers

Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 11
Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 11

Step 2. Put dry foodstuffs in tightly closed containers to protect them

Make sure you don't provide any ingredients for the gnats to eat. This starves him and forces him into the traps you set. Store dry food in a tightly closed plastic container, then put it in the refrigerator or refrigerator to make it even more secure.

If gnats or other insects attack food, put the food in a plastic clip (ziploc) bag so that the insects can't get out. After that, throw the plastic bag in the trash

Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 12
Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 12

Step 3. Remove any standing water that might attract gnats

These include water-filled glasses, pet bowls, and plant pots. Agas will use the water to lay eggs. You can get rid of gnat eggs by removing the water every day. Only fill glasses and bowls with water if you want to use them.

Move the pet's water bowl to a room where there is no food. Remind everyone not to leave a glass of water behind when you're trying to get the gnats out of the kitchen

Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 13
Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 13

Step 4. Dispose of the trash when it is full

Put the trash in a sealed bag and place it in the trash until you can dispose of it. If you need to get rid of rotting food, old growing media, or any material that might attract gnats, do this as soon as possible. Take advantage of the garbage collection service in your neighborhood, or take the trash out of the kitchen until you can throw it in a receptacle.

Remember, place the trash bag in a location away from the kitchen if you can't dispose of it immediately. This is especially important if you have rotten fruit or other ingredients that gnats like

Method 4 of 4: Doing Cleaning to Get Rid of Gnats

Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 14
Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 14

Step 1. Clean the sink and countertop to get rid of food residue

Remove all solid and liquid food residue by washing the kitchen counter every now and then. Wipe up any spills as soon as possible. Also remove all food particles. Wipe the surface with a clean, damp sponge after you use it.

It's important to keep the kitchen clean when you're dealing with a gnat infestation. Most treatments will kill adult gnats, but young gnats will find food and water sources in the kitchen

Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 15
Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 15

Step 2. Spray the cleaning product all over the surface to sterilize it

Choose a cleaner that is non-abrasive and safe for the surface you want to treat. Make your own cleaning solution by mixing 1 tsp. (5 ml) white vinegar with 1 cup (250 ml) water. This mixture can remove any remaining particles that can attract gnats.

Try to sterilize the kitchen every time you finish using it. Kitchen sinks and countertops can hold a lot of debris, especially after you've finished cooking

Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 16
Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 16

Step 3. Wipe and dry the surface with a tissue or washcloth immediately

Immediately remove standing water. If the liquid food residue is removed immediately, the gnats will not be able to place the eggs there. Keep a clean, easy-to-reach cloth handy in case you need to clean and disinfect your kitchen. Also have a rag for handling spills.

  • Be on the lookout for new spills in the kitchen, which could be from food, leaks, or plants that were there. Do regular cleaning to prevent the return of gnats.
  • Pay attention to the area around the sink. Maybe the area is full of puddles after you wash the dishes. If mold or mildew is present, clean and dry the area as often as possible.
  • Immediately repair existing leaks, for example by repairing or replacing components. In addition to creating an ideal environment for gnats, leaks can also damage your home.
Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 17
Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 17

Step 4. Clean the garbage disposal to remove stuck food residue

Run plenty of water into the garbage disposal (a device installed under the sink to destroy food waste) to start cleaning. Next, put about 12 ice cubes into the drain, then grind the ice in the garbage disposal. Continue to add cup (260 grams) of coarse salt and a few orange peels to sterilize the drain. This action will eradicate all the gnats in the garbage disposal.

Another way is to pour 1 cup (250 ml) of white vinegar down the drain. After that, add about cup (90 grams) of baking soda

Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 18
Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen Step 18

Step 5. Use bleach or ammonia if you want a stronger material to clean the drain

Bleach and ammonia are harsh ingredients so you have to be careful when using them. Do not pour it directly into the drain, but mix about cup (120 ml) of the cleaning agent with 16 cups (about 4 liters) of water. Protect yourself by wearing gloves and a mask when you do this. Next, pour the mixture into the sewer to remove dirt and gnats in the pipes and for garbage disposal.

  • Choose an environmentally friendly bleach to avoid exposure to harsh chemicals. This bleach is usually made with hydrogen peroxide, not chlorine.
  • You can also clean the drain with vinegar and baking soda if you want to do it organically.


  • Gnat problems can usually be treated within a week of removing the food source and cleaning the breeding area. You really don't need to use insecticides, unless you want to clean the kitchen quickly.
  • Mold and mildew should be cleaned with bleach immediately to prevent health problems and gnats from developing.
  • Do not forget to close the gaps or holes in the house, especially around the kitchen. If gnats can get into your home, they may keep coming back even after you've cleaned up.
  • A compost heap is an ideal place for gnats. So, place the compost in a location away from the kitchen and home. Cover the compost tightly so that gnats don't get to it.
