Because of its amazing luster, it is only natural that chrome is a hot selling commodity in the market. However, its soft nature makes this metal susceptible to damage if it comes in contact with abrasive chemicals. You should clean the chrome regularly as dirt can easily settle on its shiny surface. Luckily, you can remove almost any dirt using a soap and water mixture. To deal with stubborn dirt, you can also use a cleaning agent specifically designed to clean chrome. When cleaning chrome, you should also end the process by polishing it.
Method 1 of 3: Cleaning Chrome with Water and Soap

Step 1. Put hot water in the bucket
As with other types of cleaning, you can clean chrome easily if you use warm/hot water. Add warm or hot water to the bucket until it is two-thirds the height of the bucket. If the area to be cleaned is only small, you don't need to use a bucket. Dip the towel directly in the soap and water mixture.

Step 2. Add soap to the water
After the hot water is put in the bucket, add the soap until the surface is full of foam. The type of soap used depends on the type of chrome to be cleaned. While non-abrasive soaps are great for chrome, it's a good idea to choose one that's harmless to the area around the chrome. For example, use a cleaner specifically designed for cars when you clean the exterior of your car. You can also use a household cleaner to clean the chrome
If in doubt, check the description on the container of the cleaner to be used. There is an explanation of what items can and cannot be cleaned with the product

Step 3. Scrub the chrome with a non-abrasive cloth or sponge
Take a non-abrasive cloth or sponge and dip it in the soap and water mixture. Rub the chrome gently in a circular, smooth motion. Focus on cleaning one part of the chrome before moving on to another. To prevent stains or scratches from forming, dry the area with a different cloth when you're done cleaning.
If the water is too hot, you should only dip the ends of the fabric. If the water and soap start to run out on the cloth, you can dip it again

Step 4. Clean the nooks and crannies using an old toothbrush
Certain chrome parts, such as car tires, have hard-to-reach areas so you'll have to use other methods. To clean the area, apply soapy water on an old toothbrush, then rub it into the nooks and crannies to remove dirt.
Even if you use an old toothbrush, make sure that most of the bristles are intact. Scrubbing the chrome with a toothbrush that has lost a lot of bristles is inefficient and can scratch the chrome if you scrub hard

Step 5. Dry the chrome when you have finished cleaning it
If the chrome is allowed to remain wet, an unsightly water mark will appear. When you're done washing it, dry the chrome with a clean towel. Dry the chrome gently and in a circular motion to avoid scratching the surface.

Step 6. Rub the chrome with aluminum foil
Since aluminum is a softer metal than chrome, you can use it to polish chrome. Many people keep aluminum foil in the kitchen. One great way to restore chrome's shine is to scrub it with aluminum foil after you've removed any dirt on the surface.
Method 2 of 3: Cleaning Chrome with Cleaning Solution

Step 1. Select the desired cleaning solution
Since chrome is a relatively soft metal, choose a mild cleaning solution. Most of the dirt that sticks to the chrome can be cleaned with a mixture of water and soap. Some of the cleaning solutions that are often used on chrome include:
- Baby oil.
- Ethanol or rubbing oil.
- Soda.
- Lemon and baking soda (baking soda).
- You can also use a chrome-safe cleaning spray. Common household cleaners such as Vixal are also suitable for cleaning chrome.

Step 2. Use the mildest cleanser first
If you have several cleaning products, choose the lightest solution first. In general, you don't need a lot of cleaner to remove the dirt on the chrome. Since chrome is a brittle metal, you should only use a strong cleaning solution if a mild solution won't clean the surface.

Step 3. Apply the cleaning product to the towel
Just like when you use a soap and water solution, dip the end of a towel in the cleaning solution. If you are using a spray, spray the solution directly onto the towel. This method allows you to control the amount of cleaning solution that should be used.
You can use paper towels instead of cloth towels, although you may need to use more wipes if you want to clean large areas of chrome

Step 4. Rub the chrome gently in a circular motion
After you've soaked it in the cleaner, rub the towel over the chrome surface in a gentle, circular motion. Even if you use soap, certain types of dirt may require a bit of pressure to get rid of them properly. You don't have to worry because this slight pressure won't damage the chrome.

Step 5. Rinse and dry the chrome when you have finished cleaning it
After using the cleaner, quickly buff your chrome with a towel that has been moistened with hot water to remove any adhering cleaner. Next, use another towel to dry the surface. Do this in a circular motion.
The water marks left behind will stain the chrome if you don't dry it
Method 3 of 3: Chrome Polish

Step 1. Rub the chrome with aluminum oxide
The use of aluminum oxide will remove very fine grains of dirt from the surface of the chrome which makes it smooth and shiny. Apply this scrubbing agent to a towel, then rub the chrome in a circular motion.

Step 2. Use steel wool to remove rust
If the chrome peels off, the surface will form rust that cannot be removed with a cleaning agent. You have to use mechanical materials such as steel wool to overcome this. Use steel wool to scrub off as much rust as possible. While the chrome won't be as beautiful as the original, you can drastically improve its appearance once the rust is removed.
You can wax (coating the chrome with a material that contains wax) and polishing (glossing the metal by polishing) on a freshly cleaned chrome surface to enhance its appearance

Step 3. Wax your chrome surface
Waxing is a good choice if you want to polish a chrome surface. Shake the wax, then apply it to the chrome surface using a clean cloth. Once the wax has been applied evenly to the chrome surface, take another cloth and rub it over the chrome.

Step 4. Brush the surface of the chrome with water and dry to end the process
Quick cleaning with water is an easy and effective way to restore chrome surface shine. If the chrome luster has faded from scratches, dirt, or fingerprints, scrub the surface with a damp towel and dry it to restore its luster in no time.
- If possible, remove the chrome part from where it is attached (for example on a car) and place it on a table so you can clean it easily.
- Clean one part of the chrome first before moving on to another. By cleaning section by section, you won't miss a particular area.
- Don't rub the chrome too hard and too long.
- Chrome is a relatively brittle metal. Do not use harsh industrial chemicals and cleaners when cleaning.