Thongs are widely known as sexy underwear. You may have wanted one for a long time, but were too shy to go to the store and buy one. Or, you may already have a store-bought thong and want to test your skills by making your own. Whatever the reason, you can make your own thong with basic sewing skills.
Method 1 of 2: Making a Lace Thong

Step 1. Take measurements
Use a tape measure to measure the circumference of your hips or where the thong will be worn. This measure will determine the length of the thong waistband. Then, to determine the length of the groin, use a tape measure to take the measurement from a position slightly below the hips, parallel to the navel, through the groin and back up the hips, at the back.

Step 2. Prepare the required materials
Buy lace trim. You will need the length of the lace as measured by the hip circumference and twice the crotch length. Lace is usually about 5 cm wide, but you can change it to your desired thong. You will also need a piece of cotton fabric of about 7.5 cm² for the inner lining. Choose a cotton fabric in the same color as the lace.

Step 3. Cut the lace
You'll need to cut the lace into four sections: two for the thong waistband and two for the crotch. Use the measurement of the hip circumference, then divide in half, and cut the lace to that size. After that, cut the lace for the crotch using the results of the crotch measurement. You will need two strips of lace of the same length according to these measurements.
For example, if you got a measurement of 96cm for your hips, divide this number by 2 and you'll get 48cm for each strip of lace. Then, if you get a measurement of 25 cm for the crotch, you will need to cut 2 strips of lace, 25 cm each

Step 4. Use a pin to hold the waistband together
Before you start sewing, you'll need to join the lace with a pin. First, stack the lace pieces for the waistband, then pin vertical pins on each end.

Step 5. Use a pin to hold the crotch together
Stack the lace pieces for the crotch, but when pinning the pins, do so vertically in the center of the lace. Start at one end and pin the pin crosswise over the lace. When you reach the other end of the lace, start pinning the pins toward the bottom corner of the lace, creating a downward diagonal shape.

Step 6. Sew the waistband
Use a sewing machine or a needle and thread (if you are skilled enough) to sew the waistband. For best results, use a serger or zigzag stitch. Take the waistband lace, sew the ends together so that no excess lace sticks out through the seam.

Step 7. Sew the crotch
This section will be sewn a little differently because you will be sewing through the center of the lace, not the ends. Follow the sewing needle you pinned through the thong, sewing through the center, then down diagonally toward the bottom corner. This will create a wider section at the front of the thong that blends into the waistband.

Step 8. Align the seams and start sewing
Take a piece of lace for the crotch, align the wider part with one side of the waistband, make sure the inside is facing out and sew along the top of the crotch lace and the bottom of the waistband in a zigzag stitch. Then, do the same process with the other side of the crotch lace and the other end of the waistband.
You will see a continuous seam. This means that you are joining the crotch seam with the individual seams on the waistband

Step 9. Add a layer of cotton
Actually this step is not mandatory, but is recommended for the purpose of cleanliness and comfort. Take a cotton cloth, cut to size the inside of the crotch and sew the three other sides (leaving the top side or the side that will be the front of the thong) open.

Step 10. Admire your work
When you're done sewing, flip the thong so that the good part is facing out and you can try it on. Since the lace used is elastic, you don't need to add extra material. If you think the waistband is too thick or not too thick, consider buying lace trim that is more or less than 5 cm wide.
Method 2 of 2: Making a G-String Thong

Step 1. Prepare the materials needed
To make a G-String thong, you will need a slightly elastic piece of fabric that is about 25 to 30 cm long. You'll also need elastic bands for the waistband and thong leg holes. Choose the color of the elastic that matches the color of the fabric because this rubber will show.
If the elastic is not comfortable enough, you can always replace it with elastic lace, even if it doesn't suit your underwear

Step 2. Cut a triangular pattern for the thong
Before you start cutting the fabric, it's a good idea to make a pattern for the thong that you're most comfortable with. As a first step, cut a triangle shape on a piece of paper with two sides measuring 23 cm long and a shorter top side measuring 18 cm. Hold the triangular pattern against your body and decide whether you should make it bigger or smaller, then you can adjust it to the size you want.
When making a thong, the tip of the triangle should point downwards. So keep this in mind when cutting fabric

Step 3. Cut the fabric into a triangular shape
After getting the right size for the thong, place the paper pattern on the fabric and start cutting it. If you're using a very stretchy fabric, you can cut the pattern to its actual size, but if the fabric isn't very stretchy, you may need to cut the fabric slightly larger than the pattern so you have enough fabric to work with.

Step 4. Cut three threads of elastic
You will need elastic bands for the waistband, back, and both sides of the thong. The elastic for the sides of the thong should be 2.5 cm shorter than the length of the sides of the triangle (you will stretch it as you sew) and the elastic for the back should be about 20 cm, but can be adjusted to your convenience.

Step 5. Measure the waist circumference and cut the elastic
The elastic for the waistband should be about 2.5 cm shorter than your hip or waist measurement, depending on where you will be wearing the thong. Use a tape measure to measure your waist or hips, then cut the elastic 2.5 cm shorter than that measurement.
The position of the thong when you wear it will determine whether you will use your hip or waist measurement results and will determine the length of the elastic for the back. If you want to wear the thong taller you will need a longer elastic for the back and shorter elastic for the waistband, if you want to wear the thong on the hips, that means you will need a longer elastic for the waistband and shorter for the back.

Step 6. Use a pin to attach the elastic to the sides of the thong
Take an elastic band and place it on the top edge of the fabric, on either side of the longest thong (side pointing down to form a V). Then, pin the pins on the top and bottom of the elastic for the sides of the thong. You will also need to pin the pin in the center of the fabric and for that you have to stretch both sides of the fabric, and then pin the pin on the elastic towards the center while the fabric is still stretched.
When removed, the fabric may wrinkle slightly, but once you sew on the elastic and put on the thong, the fabric will stretch and adapt to your body

Step 7. Sew the elastic to the sides of the thong
When you've finished pinning the pin, use a zigzag stitch to sew the elastic, pulling and stretching the fabric as you do so so that they align.

Step 8. Connect the back elastic
After sewing the elastic to the sides of the fabric, you'll need to connect the back elastic to the front of the thong by connecting one end of the back elastic to the bottom point of the triangle and making small stitches, ensuring the position of the elastic behind the fabric.

Step 9. Connect the waistband to the back rubber and sew
Before sewing the waistband to the thong, you need to sew the two ends together so that they form a nice loop. Then, sew the loose end of the back elastic to the back of the waistband, making sure the rubber is sewn on the inside.

Step 10. Align the waistband and triangle
Fold the waistband in half, with the back elastic just above the waistband. The opposite fold will be the center point of the thong, pin the pin there. Then, take the center of the upper triangle and align it with the pin so that it connects with the other pin. The elastic waistband will sit on top of the triangular fabric, side by side with the sides of the triangle.

Step 11. Sew the entire thong
Stitch along the elastic band, attaching the waistband to the top of the triangular fabric and making sure you stretch the fabric as you do so. Then, cut off the excess thread. Now is the time to try on a thong and admire your handiwork!
- If lace or other fabrics are uncomfortable, you can sew a piece of soft cotton or satin at the crotch. Look for a color that matches the color of the lace.
- You can also make a thong out of yarn by purchasing a thong knitting pattern. There are many intricate and detailed patterns that you can purchase to make a unique thong.