The price of torn jeans in the store may be expensive. However, there is good news for you! You can tear the genie yourself easily. wikiHow will show you.

Step 1. Choose jeans that fit your body size
You can rip any pair of jeans and get the same result, but you don't have to rip the jeans you already have, because you can save money by buying cheap and convenient used jeans at a thrift or secondhand store.
- Wearing jeans that have already been worn may give you better results than new jeans, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't buy new pants for this project.
- Light to medium-colored jeans usually give good results when torn, as the color gives a more "chaotic" look. Dark jeans will look like they've just been dyed in dye, so they may not look "realistic" when ripped.

Step 2. Gather the ingredients
All you need to rip your jeans is a pair of jeans and something sharp. However, depending on the type of style you want, you may want to use the right sharp tool for the job:
- If you want to make a big hole, use scissors, razor or sharp knife to tear the genie. You can also use a brand slicing knife x-acto (cutter knife) or folding knife.
- To create an outdated look, use sandpaper, cheese grater, steel wool, or pumice stone.

Step 3. Decide where you want to rip
Spread your jeans out on the table, and use a pencil to mark where you want to rip. Use a ruler to mark the length you want. Figure out the final shape and the length and width of the hole you want.
- Usually, most people only tear in the area around the knee. However, you can rip any area around the trouser leg.
- Try and aim it a little higher than your knee, so the tear won't get bigger when you walk. Every time you bend your knee, the hole gets caught in the knee, increasing its size.
- Don't make rips that are too high because your underwear can be seen.

Step 4. Lay out the jeans on a flat surface
Slip a small piece of wood to tuck into the trouser leg when you create a worn look, so you don't change the front and the back at the same time.
Or, you can even use a cutting board, an old book or pile of magazines, or anything you don't use anymore. But don't do it on the kitchen counter, if you're using a very sharp knife

Step 5. Use sandpaper to thin the jeans
Before you start ripping your jeans, use sandpaper or steel wool to scrub and thin out the spots you want to rip. This will help loosen the fibers in the jeans and make them easier to tear.
- Use a variety of different tools. Use sandpaper, steel wool, and pumice alternately if you have one. Ripping off the jeans may take a lot of time, depending on the thickness of your jeans.
- If you prefer to cut the jeans, go ahead. You don't need to loosen it first, unless you want your hole to look tufted.

Step 6. Loosen the fibers of the jeans to make holes
If you want to create tufted areas and stringy patches on your jeans, use scissors or a knife to pull the thread over the area you just thinned. That way, the fabric fibers in the area will loosen, revealing your skin when worn. Pull off any white thread sticking out of the jeans for added style.

Step 7. Make a hole with a knife or scissors
Take your scissors and cut a small section inside the area you made worn out. Make the hole as small as possible. You can make it bigger, but you run the risk of damaging the jeans and rendering them unusable if the holes are too big. Do not make the hole more than 1.5 cm.
Make rips all over the pants, not just up and down. The result will look more natural

Step 8. Use your hands to tear the jeans deeper
Tearing will break the fibers, making it look like a real hole. Pull the thread out a little, so the rip looks natural.
- Don't make too many holes, as this will result in a very neat and unnatural cut of the edges of the fabric.
- Or, you can also cut a small hole and let the hole get bigger when you wear the jeans. This way it will look more natural.

Step 9. Reinforce the seams of the jeans, if you wish
To keep the size from getting bigger, reinforce the hole you made by sewing around it. Use white or blue thread to sew around the tear, either by hand or by a sewing machine.
If you want to enlarge the tear in the jeans, skip this step.
If you want to learn more about sewing jeans, read this article.

Step 10. Put on your ripped jeans
- Washing your jeans as soon as you tear them will loosen the fibers even more, making them look even more worn.
- Don't add the rip too close to the seam as this could cause the seam to come off.
- To add a worn look, you can sprinkle bleach solution on the jeans.
- To make neat rips, use a sewing needle to pull individual stitches into the fabric.
- If you are a man, don't rip too high, because your underwear can be seen. Same goes for women, don't flaunt your skin too much and don't rip near your panties.
- To speed up the process, use bricks instead of wood to tuck into your trouser legs.
- Don't try to rip or ruffle the jeans while you're wearing them.
- Don't make the tear too big at the start. Washing your pants can enlarge the rips and fringes from the holes you made.
- Be careful when using sharp tools.