Maybe you want to have a slimmer appearance so that you can experience various improvements in life, or get a wider circle of friends. This can be done in various ways, either by wearing the most appropriate clothes for your body, or by improving the quality of your health through changes in diet and exercise. Read the guide below to learn how to look slimmer and healthier.
Method 1 of 4: Highlighting Your Best Body Features

Step 1. Choose the right clothes for your body shape
Make sure that you are wearing the best clothes for your body shape. Everyone's body shape is different. This is a normal thing. To look your best, you need to dress in a way that brings out the best in your natural body shape. This will make your body look slimmer naturally. Regardless of your body shape, remember to wear the right size clothes. Clothes that are too loose or too big will make you look bigger, no matter what your body shape is.
- Round: This is the type of body with a tendency to gain weight around the abdomen but not in the rest of the body. If you have this type of body shape, it's best to accentuate your chest and arms/legs, and hide your belly. Wear clothes that are a little loose on the tummy, but tighter in other areas. An example of an outfit like this is a high-waisted striped top paired with jeans.
- Square: This is a body type in which the hips, waist and shoulders are roughly the same width. With this type of body shape, you need to create the impression of curves. This will make the waist look smaller. Wear clothes that are tight enough around the waist, but loose at the bottom. Examples of this type of clothing are tight tops with rounded belts and skirts.
- Triangle: This type of body shape has broad shoulders while narrow hips. This type of body shape tends to look naturally slim, but you still need to wear clothes that accentuate the hips. This will make your shoulders appear narrower. Avoid tops with shoulder pads, and wear skirts that expand partially or fully.
- Hourglass: This body type has a small waist but wide hips and a large chest. With this type of body shape, it is best to accentuate the waist and maintain the proportions of the upper and lower body. A body-fitting top paired with skinny jeans or a skirt will look great for this body type and a belt can be the key to keep the emphasis on a slim waist.
- Pear fruit: This is a type of body shape that has a small waist and chest but large hips. If you have this type of body shape, it is best to focus the attention of the other person and add volume to the upper body and disguise the lower body. This will create a more balanced look and direct the focus to your slim waist. Appropriate clothing is for example a jacket with shoulder support and pants with straight pipes without pockets.
Method 2 of 4: Using Makeup Tricks

Step 1. Apply makeup
Makeup can be used to create a look of depth or to emphasize the best features of your face. For example, you can apply makeup to create a shadow under your cheekbones (and make a round face look slimmer) or to brighten up your lips (to distract from a round jaw). These methods require skill and practice, but can be very effective.
Make sure not to overdo it, as this can create an unnatural, plastic doll-like look. Use only a light layer of foundation and coating. Choose colors that look more natural, as bright colors and too many colors will make your face look like a clown. Also make sure that you choose colors that match the color of your clothes, hair and skin

Step 2. Dab a suntanned skin tone look
A skin tone that looks like you've been in the sun a lot will create attractive bright tones and dark shadows on your skin. This will make you look slimmer and healthier. Light shadows and dark shadows in clothing colors are difficult for you to determine by yourself (so wearing black clothes will help to disguise the parts of the body that need to be hidden), but you can determine the light and dark shadows on your skin, by using skilled skin darkening product.
- Don't overdo it. Be careful when applying your own darkening product, to avoid unwanted lines or blemishes, and make sure you don't apply too much. You don't want your skin to look orange or unnatural. Your goal is to create a light shade of color and a dark shade of color, so don't apply it all over the body so that all parts of the skin become dark.
- You may need to visit a specialized salon that provides darkening services, if you are not experienced enough to do it yourself. Applying a darkening product yourself can be tricky, and knowing exactly which areas to darken or lighten takes some learning. Take a look at the work of a professional before you try to do it yourself.
Method 3 of 4: Using Appearance Style Tactics

Step 1. Put on the accessories
Accessories are an important thing in creating a slimmer appearance. It can take some of the weight off your appearance or give the impression of a longer body shape so you look slimmer. Keep in mind that accessories of superior quality will generally achieve this goal more successfully than accessories of inferior quality.
- Wear special underwear. Special underwear (corset or similar), with a popular brand being "Spanx", will help to spread the bulges evenly while compressing your body shape. This will make you look significantly slimmer. When buying specialty underwear like this one, keep in mind that the goal is not to be as tight-fitting as possible. This type of underwear is best worn before dresses and skirts, but can also be worn before trousers. The shapes vary, because each supports a certain body part according to the needs and type of your body shape.
- Wear the right-sized bra. Many women wear bras that are not the right size. If the bra is too small, this can create a number of bulges that make you look fatter. If the bra is too big, it will create the appearance of a sagging chest and make your waist appear wider. The right-sized bra will make your body look slimmer and feel more comfortable. Women's lingerie stores, such as "Macy's" or "Victoria's Secret" in the US, provide a free fitting service, which you can do by wearing a bra over your clothing, or directly as undergarment in a special fitting room.
- Wear high heeled footwear. High-heeled shoes will make your legs, and the rest of your body, look longer. This longer look will make your body proportionately slimmer. High heeled footwear also helps many women to have better posture, while pushing the hips for a rounder butt. Light-colored shoes can also focus on slender legs and distract from a fat belly.
- Wear the right jewelry. Long chain necklaces can create a long look too, which makes you look slimmer just like the effect of high-heeled shoes. Avoid large or wide earrings if you have a broad or chubby face, as this will make your face look fuller.
- Wear a belt. If you have a waist that is smaller than the rest of your body, a good choice is to emphasize the waist, as this will make you look slimmer overall. Belts are an excellent way to accentuate your waist. This belt can be wide or thin, depending on the type that best matches your outfit.

Step 2. Choose colors and patterns wisely
The colors and patterns in our clothes play an important role in the impression other people have on our body shape. You can use the workings of the human eye to create a slimmer look by choosing the right colors and patterns for your body type.
- Wear black. When you wear black, you decrease the ability of others to see the shadows in your clothes. Seeing shadows is our eye's way of recognizing the depth of space, so wearing black reduces the appearance of bulges and creates a slimmer silhouette. But be careful, don't wear too much black, because this can create an impression of depression in your appearance as well.
- Wear light colors. You can use light colors to accentuate the slender parts of your body, as well as distract from the fatter parts. A light-colored belt can accentuate a slim waist or a light-colored top can distract from big hips.
- Choose the stripes motif wisely. Stripes can create a slimmer or fatter look, depending on the direction. Vertical stripes create a long look, while horizontal stripes create a wide look. Do not wear horizontal stripes on the parts of the body that you want to appear slimmer. Instead, use stripes strategically to create balance in your look, for example to make narrow hips appear wider (or to make your hips appear slimmer). Use vertical stripes on trousers or tights to make your legs look longer and longer.
- Choose the dot-totol motifs and other motifs wisely. Patterned motifs do look fun and tempting, but they must be chosen carefully. Motives with busy patterns such as dots can attract the attention of others, so you need to wear them on the parts of your body that you want to highlight. Motifs with large patterns also create a fuller look, so you need to wear smaller patterned motifs on the parts of your body that you want to appear slimmer.

Step 3. Direct the other person's attention to the focus you want
As discussed in the previous step about body types, you should direct others' attention to your best traits. You can use a variety of ways to get the other person's eyes on the focus you want, including using colors and patterns, make-up, and shoes.
- Wear bright colors and bold patterns. As mentioned above, colors and patterns can draw people's attention to your appearance. Take advantage of this to highlight your best traits, such as a slim waist, slender legs, or a full chest. A brightly colored belt can draw people's attention to a small waist. A patterned top with the right size can draw people's attention to a well-proportioned upper body. High-heeled, light-colored footwear can draw people's attention to slender legs. Make sure that you choose carefully the colors and patterns that are right for your body. Choose colors that make your skin, eyes and hair look more beautiful, while also expressing your personality style.
- Choose hairstyles carefully. Your hair will change the look of your face significantly, so make sure that you choose a hairstyle that brings out the best features of your face. Avoid flat bangs, as horizontal lines make your face look wider. Also avoid shoulder length hair, as this style will draw attention to the double chin. Opt for side-swept bangs or layered cuts, as they both create a slimmer look by taking the eyes of others away from the width of your face.
Method 4 of 4: Having a Slim Body

Step 1. Improve the quality of your health
You may want to look slimmer by losing weight. Make sure that this is what is best for you and do this only if it is really what you want. Losing weight and improving your health is a long and challenging process, and should only be done with the aim of making yourself feel better, not making other people feel better. The most important thing is your own happiness!
- Apply the right diet. You've heard all too often about this ancient but proven weight loss principle: a healthy diet is the key to losing weight. Calories are really just the body's way of receiving and storing energy, so make sure that you don't put too many calories into your body. Most people consume too many calories compared to how much energy they expend, because the food they eat contains too many ingredients that their bodies don't really need and too few things that their bodies actually need. When your body is not getting enough nutrients, you will feel tired and hungry, because your body is not getting the fuel it needs. Eat a healthy and nutritionally balanced diet, as this makes you feel fuller and provides the nutrients your body needs to function throughout the day. Avoid foods that are less nutritious, such as chips, candy and soft drinks. These are all empty calories that do nothing to your body other than just weight gain.
- Exercise. Exercise doesn't always feel good, especially if your body hasn't reached its ideal shape yet, but exercise is very beneficial in the long term to keep you healthy. Petrifying exercise ensures that the number of calories you consume is balanced with the amount of energy your body uses throughout each day. After all, exercise doesn't need to be too complicated. Just doing simple things like walking more or using the stairs (not the elevator) should help. Find small things you can do each day to increase your activity level. You can do squats while you wait for your food to cook, and a few minutes of planks before your morning shower will be beneficial in the long run.

Step 2. Never let your body starve
You need a little fat for your body! It's not just a matter of keeping your body temperature warm. Fat is the body's way of storing nutrients, which will be distributed to all parts of the body when we do not eat or are unable to eat (eg due to illness or food shortages). We need these nutrients from food to maintain our bodily functions, so never let your body starve. Allowing your body to starve will tire you out and make you feel weak and sick.
- Eat healthy snacks. To keep your stomach full while eating healthy foods that help with weight loss, eat snacks that are high in nutrients but low in bad fats throughout the day. This method will work best if you eat a diet high in protein, as protein provides the most energy. Fresh cut vegetables and fruit, homemade cheese, or nuts are some examples of healthy snacks.
- Starving the body is also counterproductive. If we don't eat for a long period of time, or if we don't eat enough food to carry out bodily functions, our metabolism will change. Our bodies perceive this constant hunger as a response to famine or food scarcity. As a result, the body will create and store more fat, in order to hoard a greater supply of nutrients.

Step 3. Consult an expert
There is nothing wrong with seeking help from an expert. Consult your weight with your doctor to understand the level of your body's health. You can also consult a dietitian to find the right ways to implement a healthy diet and tailor your food consumption patterns to your needs. You can also discuss with a fitness trainer to develop an exercise pattern that is right for your body condition.