If you don't like hair growing in your ears, you're not alone! This annoying hair growth is actually experienced by many people. Fortunately, there is an easy way to get rid of it. Before removing hair from the ear, be sure to clean the ear of cerumen or dirt. After that, use the ear hair clipper to carefully remove it. Or, try other methods, such as waxing or lasers to remove ear hair. Avoid using scissors, tweezers, or depilatory creams as they can cause damage to the ear canal.
Method 1 of 3: Using an Electric Ear Hair Clipper

Step 1. Clean the ear with a saline solution
Before cutting ear hair, be sure to remove cerumen or other debris from inside the ear. Make a brine solution by mixing salt and water in a ratio of 1 teaspoon salt per cup (120 ml) of water. Dip a cotton swab or clean cotton swab into the saline solution and then use it to clean the ear from the outside to the canal, as well as the indentation on the earlobe.

Step 2. Purchase an ear hair clipper
Avoid buying tools that are cheap and ineffective, as well as tools that are too expensive. Choose a medium-priced tool (around IDR 300,000 - IDR 500,000). Look for a tool that uses a rotating blade system and has a skin guard to prevent cuts during use. If you travel a lot, choose a tool that is lighter in weight and has an easy-to-carry storage case.
Most ear clipper models are battery operated. So, consider purchasing a rechargeable alkaline battery along with a charger

Step 3. Find a place with good lighting
Choose a bright room (such as a bathroom) to cut ear hair. If possible, use a magnifying glass to see the ear hair you want to cut as clearly as possible. Even if the fine ear hair isn't visible from certain angles, other people around you can see it.

Step 4. Trim the ear hair slowly
Make sure the instrument you are using can fit into the ear canal without pressing down hard. Twist the clipper and gently slide it toward the ear hair so you can get rid of it. Stop and observe the results every 1 or 2 minutes. Determine if you are satisfied with the result.
Method 2 of 3: Undergo Laser Treatment for Hair Removal

Step 1. Find out which clinics offer laser hair removal services
To remove hair in this way, a laser beam will be emitted towards the target so that the hair follicles will be destroyed. As a result, your skin will look hairless. Look for a reputed laser treatment clinic near you by observing customer reviews. Call a number of clinics, ask about possible treatment options for ear hair removal and ask for cost information. That way, you can compare the costs of several clinics at once.
- Ask about the payment method options available at each clinic (eg with monthly installments).
- Make sure the laser treatment is carried out by an experienced doctor with a relevant specialty such as a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon.

Step 2. Take time to go through the treatment
Since laser treatment is carried out in parallel with the hair growth cycle, you will receive a specific treatment schedule. Take the time to go through 4-6 treatment sessions with a gap of about 1 month. This is the standard care program for most patients. Note that because ear hair only grows in a narrow area, this treatment session shouldn't take long.

Step 3. Protect your skin
To protect your skin and ensure good results from your laser treatment, stay out of the sun for about 6 weeks before your first session. Sun exposure can greatly increase the risk of skin lightening during treatment. Protect your ears by wearing a wide hat during outdoor activities before and after laser treatment, or by applying a high SPF sunscreen to the ear area.
Method 3 of 3: Avoiding the Wrong Ear Hair Cutting Technique

Step 1. Avoid using scissors
Unless you have no other choice, don't use scissors to cut ear hair. The ear canal is very sensitive while the cutting edge can easily injure it permanently. If you decide to use scissors, try to find a pair of scissors that are small enough to cut properly, and trim the ear hair slowly in a bright place.

Step 2. Do not use tweezers
Avoid plucking ear hair with tweezers as this can damage the sensitive ear canal. Pulling ear hair with tweezers can cause inflammation or sores that can lead to infection. This hair removal technique will also be painful and time consuming. So, do not use this technique as a routine body care.

Step 3. Never use a hair removal cream
While depilatory creams may seem like an easy solution for removing hair from your ears, you should avoid them. The harsh chemicals in this cream can cause permanent damage to sensitive areas such as ears, eyes and nose. Even milder depilatory creams (eg creams for underarms, upper lip, and bikini line), should not be used around the ears.