While many people try to make their skin darker, there are also many who prefer lighter skin to cover scars, disguise smallpox, remove the effects of excessive tanning, or simply want whiter skin. To have fair skin, try the tricks and techniques below.
Method 1 of 3: In Your Refrigerator

Step 1. Squeeze the lemon
Lemon juice is commonly used to lighten hair and can even be added to your laundry as an alternative to bleach. You can apply lemon juice to dark areas as a lightening solution, but be aware that citric acid is harsh and can irritate your skin. If you want to use lemon juice regularly or on large areas, consider diluting it or making a milder solution by mixing it with honey or yogurt.
- You can mix lemon juice with water in a spray bottle, rub the peel on your skin, or make masks and lotions. There is no specific method that can ensure that one method works faster than the other. Be patient, lightening the peel with lemon takes time.
- Do not use lemon on areas that have been recently waxed, shaved or cut.

Step 2. Use plain yogurt
In addition to the fact that yogurt is a very gentle bleach, it also contains moisturizing lactic acid, zinc which fights sunburn, and active substances that attack bad bacteria and fungi.
Compared to formulated products and exfoliating products, yogurt doesn't really lighten the skin. Yogurt contains about 0.9% free acid; The level of Alpha Hydroxy Acid it contains is quite low compared to other alternatives. Yogurt won't hurt you, but you may not get the results you want. At least not as fast as you'd like

Step 3. Use baking soda
Baking soda is commonly used as a household cleaner and teeth whitener, but it can also lighten skin. Although it is quite gentle, be aware that using it too much will cause it to dry out; to make the effect more friendly to the skin, mix baking soda with honey, use as a mask, leave on the skin for at least 10 minutes.
Baking soda is used as an exfoliant. This ingredient won't lighten the skin, but it can remove sun-damaged and darkened skin cells
Method 2 of 3: Cream, Peel & Powder

Step 1. Wash and exfoliate your skin
This step helps lift the outer layer of skin that is dark and/or damaged by exposure to the sun. Avoid exfoliating too much, as this can interfere with your skin's natural oil production and lead to a shiny complexion.
One of the inexpensive and effective exfoliants is brown sugar mixed with honey. Honey alone can make skin feel very smooth; blended with the gritty texture of sugar, it makes a very effective scrub. As a bonus, honey is an antibacterial agent that can prevent acne

Step 2. Use a shimmering powder
With its shine, powder will not only make your skin look lighter, but also disguise skin blemishes.
Baby powder can also be used. Baby powder is light enough to sink into your pores like foundation, but heavy (and white) enough to lighten your skin tone subtly. Make sure you don't wear too much, or you'll look like an 18th century geisha

Step 3. If all else fails, use a facial lightening cream
Keep in mind that hydroquinone – the active ingredient in many whitening creams – has been banned in many countries because of studies that concluded that it is carcinogenic-can cause cancer.
Bearberry (Beta-Arbutin) and kojic acid are also the latest trends in skin lightening. But recently bearberry has been linked to hydroquinone and is considered unsafe; kojic acid on the other hand, has passed the test. Its use at a level of 2% (not higher) in cosmetic products is safe. Note: in laboratory tests, the visible skin lightening result is 4%
Method 3 of 3: For Your Body

Step 1. Stay away from the sun
If you want to exercise, go to the gym or jog before sunrise or after sunset. Wear a wide hat if necessary and don't forget to wear sunscreen every day–even on a cloudy day. The level of sunlight that can pass through the clouds reaches up to 80%.
Don't forget your lips! Add a lip balm with SPF 15 in addition to your daily moisturizer

Step 2. Adopt habits that make your skin healthy
A healthy glow is important for any skin tone. If you're trying to make your skin a little lighter, stick to a routine that makes your skin glow.
- Do not smoke. Smoking causes a pale, uneven skin tone that is easily visible in young people. This habit also increases the chances of your skin getting the dark patches that older people usually have.
- Maintain a healthy, nutritious diet. Especially vitamin C. Vitamin C is key in the production of collagen, a protein that helps the growth of cells and blood vessels and gives strength and firmness to the skin.

Step 3. Ask a dermatologist for advice
A professional will be able to show you the options if you're sure you want to change your skin tone. There are over-the-counter products that might help you, which are safer and more effective.
In addition, dermatologists can fight myths about skin care and provide knowledge that no other website can provide. Visit a doctor before you take any serious action
- Initially use natural methods first because the skin whitening effect is usually irreversible.
- Hydrogen peroxide can be found in many whitening creams, if other methods don't work, you can do so at your own risk, using very little in your face mask. Careful. Hydrogen peroxide has many possible side effects.
- Act fairly. If your natural skin tone is brown, be happy with your skin tone. Many people are willing to do anything to have tanned skin.
- Staying away from the sun can reduce sunburn and freckles on the skin.
- Using too many products can dry out your skin and can cause peeling and irritation.
- Avoid using hydrogen peroxide on your skin. Although temporarily whitening, its oxidizing agents (i.e. the opposite of the healthy antioxidants we use to keep our skin from aging prematurely) have a corrosive (eroding) effect. For this reason hydrogen peroxide is not recommended for treating wounds.