Crowds of rodents in your home can be a very bad nuisance to your health. Killing a rodent will never be completely humane, but you can take steps to make the rodent less miserable. There are several questions related to legality. Therefore, check the regulations in your country or region before doing so. The meanings of humane and cruel may vary, but there are general principles to be aware of. If you have live rodents that you want to get rid of, try to choose humane options. You are always advised to take the animal to a nearby veterinarian who has skills and experience that you do not have instead of doing this at-home method.
Method 1 of 6: Asphyxiate with CO2

Step 1. Read the method
Asphyxiation with CO2 is the only method approved by the “American Veterinary Medical Association” that uses common household appliances. These instructions are intended for veterinarians, not ordinary people, so consider whether you have the skills to do this without causing the rodent the unnecessary suffering and pain.
- This method is considered not easy and convoluted, but can be the most humane method if done correctly.
- As a guide, it is highly recommended to take the rodent to the vet.

Step 2. Prepare your equipment before starting
This method uses a mixture of baking soda and white vinegar to create a gas that will suffocate the rodent. In addition to preparing the vinegar and baking soda, you'll need to prepare a sealable plastic bag and container, a pipe to connect the two items together, and a separate container for mixing the vinegar and baking soda, such as a glass or jug.
- You will need a tying tool, rope and cloth to tie the separate containers together.
- The plastic container is a euthanasia room for the rodent
- The plastic bag is a CO2 chamber where the gas is produced.

Step 3. Prepare the CO2 chamber
Place the baking soda in the bottom of the bag, then place the separate container with the vinegar inside the bag without spilling it. When you mix baking soda with vinegar, the reaction produces carbon dioxide (CO2) gas, which prevents rodents from breathing.
- The ratio of vinegar to baking soda may vary depending on the size of the container you are using.
- Using the correct CO2 concentration is the key to the human level. You can create a CO2 concentration of 30%-40% in the euthanasia container to make the rodent lose consciousness.

Step 4. Prepare the euthanasia container
Be careful when you handle the rodent. Place the rodent in an airtight plastic container. You can use Tupperware containers. Using additional equipment for tightness can make the container a little more comfortable and will probably make the rodent more comfortable as well.

Step 5. Connect the two containers using a pipe
Attach the pipe to the top of the bag and tie it with rubber band or string and then insert the rodent into the other side. Use a cloth or towel to cover the inlet area of the pipe so that the pipe is airtight.

Step 6. Slowly pour the vinegar into the baking soda
Once everything is locked, you can start slowly pouring white vinegar over the baking soda to create CO2 gas that will travel down the short pipe to the plastic container. Pour in half the vinegar, then watch the rodent. The rodent will soon become unconscious and die. When the animal shows no reaction, pour in the remaining vinegar.
Exposure to carbon dioxide by this gradual filling method is considered to cause less pain
Method 2 of 6: Killing Him with Minor Injury from a Blow to the Head
Warning! If you are not sure whether you will kill the rodent with one hit, it is highly recommended to try another method

Step 1. Know your goals
The purpose of this method is to damage the rodent's brain with one powerful blow to the head using a hammer or other blunt object that can be struck. This method requires courage and/or can be emotionally draining. If you are unsure whether you can kill the rodent with one hit, it is highly recommended to use another method. This method runs the risk of causing further pain and suffering if you don't do it properly.

Step 2. Know what not to do
Some of the usual ways, such as putting rodents in a bag and hitting them against a wall or stepping on them carelessly, are considered inhumane. These methods can result in a painful and prolonged death for the rodent.

Step 3. If you decide to do this, make sure that the rodent is immobile
You also need to make sure that you hit the right shot when you hit it. One way to do this is to hold the rodent in the corner of a sturdy sack or bag before hitting it.
The human level of this method depends on the strength and accuracy of the blow made
Method 3 of 6: Using Mouse Tweezers

Step 1. Get a sturdy, reusable mouse clip
Mousetrap is still considered the more humane trap you can get. This trap is considered more humane than mouse glue. Mouse clips can still cause pain to the trapped rodent, but they will kill the rodent very quickly. When properly installed and set up, these traps can result in a quick death.

Step 2. Install the traditional mouse clamp
To set a trap like this, place the bait in a designated area and make sure that the rest of the trap is kept clean. By doing this, the trap will close completely when it catches the mouse and the rodent will die instead of getting hurt. Then, place the trap in the right corner of the wall with the bait closest to the wall.
- The rodent must have a clear path towards the trap.
- The bait used should be changed regularly.

Step 3. Check regularly
You should check the traps every morning and be prepared to get rid of any dead rodents. Carefully remove the animal from the trap, then place it in a plastic bag. After that, place the bag in the second bag and throw it in a closed trash can. Always wear gloves when you do this. You can also use disinfectant to clean traps.
If you come across a rodent that is injured but still alive, you must kill it as quickly and humanely as possible
Method 4 of 6: Shooting Projectiles
Warning! This method can only be carried out by someone who has skills in using firearms, even though there is little chance of making a shot that can kill a rodent instantly

Step 1. Use a small caliber and power air rifle
More powerful rifles run the risk of bouncing or penetrating the rodent. They can also spread more biological material than smaller guns, causing greater chaos and greater health risks. A low-powered air rifle (12 joules) with a caliber of.177 is considered the most suitable rifle.

Step 2. Make sure you can shoot the rodent well
Free-running rodents are very difficult to catch, but easier to corner. Shooting rodents with a wind-powered nose gun when the rodent is cornered and sitting still in a gap can be an effective and quick way to kill these rodents.
This is only recommended in an emergency situation. Setting traps in the normal way is almost always advisable over shooting the rodents

Step 3. Ensure that the shooting environment is safe
If you think shooting rodents is a good option, make sure that the environment is safe. If the projectile penetrates the rodent's head, it can hit people or objects in its path. Make sure that the area is free of distractions before shooting the rifle.

Step 4. Shoot the rodent's head
A shot to the head will kill the rodent instantly. If a shot to the head doesn't hit the target, quickly reload the rifle and then shoot at the head to end the suffering. You can do this only if you are sure that you can kill it quickly. Otherwise, it would be far from humane.
Even the right shot will be bloody and pathetic

Step 5. Observe all the steps for using the rifle safely
If not used properly, the rifle can be deadly. This also applies to air rifles. Air rifles or pistols must not be pointed at other people. If you're not sure how to use a gun safely, use other methods to humanely kill rodents.
You should be aware of the regulations in force in your respective area before considering shooting rodents
Method 5 of 6: Breaking the Neck
This method is a quick, non-bloody method that involves holding the neck firmly and pulling it toward the tail. There are two advantages to doing this method, namely that this method is considered effective in ending the animal's life without causing unnecessary pain, and does not require any equipment.
Step 1. Place the rodent on a solid surface (eg, on the floor, on the ground)
If the rodent gets wet (when caught by a cat in the early hours of the morning), you're better off not catching the tail with a plastic bag or glove, or drying it first (for example, with tissue paper) to ensure that you can grip the tail firmly
Step 2. Press down firmly on the back of the head using your fingers
You should be able to feel the spine up to the back of the skull. Firmly tug the tail with your other hand.
- This will break the rodent's neck and result in instant death. However, seizures can still occur.
- Make sure to do it in one pull. It doesn't require too much force, just enough energy to break it.
Method 6 of 6: Think About Your Choices Before Doing It

Step 1. Take care of yourself
Despite their small stature, rodents are wild animals. If it feels threatened, the rodent can bite. In addition, rodents can transmit various diseases. Wear sturdy gloves and a long-sleeved T-shirt if you must touch them, but you should try to avoid this as much as possible by using a sealable bag to contain the rodent.

Step 2. Review any available non-lethal options
Live traps are popular among people who don't want to kill rodents because they allow us to release animals into the wild. Also consider eliminating the cause of the crowd. The presence of rodents can be a symptom of a dirty environment, rich in food for rodents to live in.
- If you use live traps, you should be aware that the survival rate of the relocated mice is very low. Therefore, releasing the rodent to a new location often kills the rodent.
- Getting rid of the cause of the crowd is the only way to get rid of rats in the long run.

Step 3. Be aware of rodent conditions
If the animal is injured, releasing the animal into the wild can result in more suffering, the suffering is longer than if the animal is killed immediately. This may be unpleasant, but it's more humane to kill it if you can do it.

Step 4. Try to minimize the stress experienced by the rodent
Making the rodent restless can cause it to thrash, run, or fight. Minimize unnecessary stimulation. Handle the rodent gently, do not shine bright light on it and do not make loud noises.
- Use rubber gloves when handling rodents. The gloves are sturdy and easy to wash.
- If you bury a dead mouse, bury it somewhere that is difficult for neighbors' pets to dig.
- Handling rodents is considered dangerous and can expose you to dangerous diseases. Make sure to be careful and do the steps safely. Wash all parts of the body that are touched with the rodent.
- Certain methods are considered illegal to do where you live. Check animal cruelty regulations if you're not sure.
- If you are bitten or scratched, seek medical attention immediately.