Getting close to a hedgehog takes time. Remember, your hedgehog has just been moved to a new environment and he doesn't know you yet. Therefore, approach the hedgehog slowly and give him time to adapt to you. Set aside 30 minutes each day to get closer to the hedgehog. This is done so that you and your hedgehog can establish a healthy relationship.
Method 1 of 4: Getting Closer by Touching the Hedgehog

Step 1. Wash your hands before touching the hedgehog
Use the same soap every time you wash your hands. Your hedgehog will associate the smell of the soap with your presence, which will make him more comfortable around you. Do not wear gloves when touching a hedgehog. Your hedgehog won't be able to smell your body.
- Hedgehogs are generally afraid of the smell of gloves and they may bite.
- If you don't want to touch your hedgehog with your bare hands, use a blanket. Use the same blanket every time you touch or play with your hedgehog. Wash the blanket with the same detergent.

Step 2. Gently lift the hedgehog
Place your hands on either side of the hedgehog's body and gently lift it up. Let the hedgehog find a comfortable position in your hand. You need to support the body firmly and securely.
- Lift the hedgehog when its stomach is facing down.
- You can hold the hedgehog in your arms or place it on your lap.
- Hedgehogs may curl up and roll up when they are picked up. Don't worry, this is normal.
- Don't touch the hedgehog after it's finished eating, touch objects with strong odors, or handle other animals. Your hedgehog won't be able to recognize you and he may bite or curl up.
- Wash your hands thoroughly to get rid of the smell.

Step 3. Wait for the hedgehog to stop curling up
The hedgehog may be shy and need some time to stop snuggling. You can let your hedgehog relax under the covers until it stops curling up. You can also let him relax on your lap. Over time, your hedgehog will realize that your lap is a safe and comfortable place to sleep and relax.
- Hold and gently touch the hedgehog. If you are too hasty or rude, your relationship with your hedgehog may be damaged.
- You can watch television or play on the computer with your hedgehog on your lap.

Step 4. Caress the hedgehog from head to tail
Gently stroke the hedgehog and make sure the direction of your stroke is parallel to the direction of the hedgehog's spines. If you stroke the hedgehog from the opposite direction, the hedgehog will feel uncomfortable. When the hedgehog is comfortable, the spines will be flat. When a hedgehog feels threatened, its spines will be more spread out and sharper to the touch.
- Don't pet a hedgehog that feels threatened.
- Your hedgehog probably won't like being petted if he doesn't trust you. Therefore, gently stroke the hedgehog.
Method 2 of 4: Approaching Your Hedgehog Through Smell

Step 1. Place the T-shirt you wear frequently into the hedgehog's cage
Hedgehogs have a strong sense of smell. Your hedgehog needs to recognize your body odor and associate it with a sense of security. This can make the hedgehog more confident and comfortable when touched by you. Therefore, place the shirt that you often wear into the hedgehog's cage.
- Don't wash the shirt before putting it in the cage.
- Make sure the shirt doesn't have any dangling stitches or threads.
- The hedgehog will make your T-shirt a blanket.

Step 2. Go to bed wearing flis clothing
Sleep in a flis dress that is about the same size as a hedgehog's bed. Do this for 2-3 nights. Once your body odor has settled on the clothing, place it in the hedgehog's cage. If your hedgehog sleeps in a sleeping bag, you can sleep in it for a few nights before letting your hedgehog use it.
- Baby blankets are an alternative that you can try.
- Flis or vellux clothing is a good option because the fibers don't sag or dangle.

Step 3. Watch out for new scents
Every time you use a new lotion, perfume, or soap, you need to introduce the new scent to your hedgehog. The hedgehog may be confused and may not recognize you. Therefore, make sure the body odor and fragrance you wear remain consistent.
- If the hedgehog likes a certain smell, his mouth will foam and he will apply the foam to his spines.
- Hedgehogs may become irritated if they smell a very strong odor.
Method 3 of 4: Getting Closer to Your Hedgehog Through Sound

Step 1. Talk to the hedgehog
Talk to your hedgehog every time you pick him up, feed him, or bathe him. By doing this, your hedgehog can get used to your voice. In addition, the hedgehog will also associate your voice with a sense of comfort and security. Speak in a soft, soothing tone.
- If your hedgehog curls up or lifts its spines, your voice may be too loud.
- Talk to your hedgehog every time you give him a treat. By doing this, your hedgehog will associate your voice with feeling happy.

Step 2. Play a soft song
Hedgehogs like to listen to soft songs. Playing a soft song can help your hedgehog adapt to his new environment. As the song continues to play, the hedgehog will be less afraid of unfamiliar sounds. If a hedgehog is used to living in a quiet environment, he will be more afraid of unfamiliar sounds.
- If the sound you hear is loud enough, it's too loud for a hedgehog.
- Hear the hedgehog sound when it interacts with you. When he purrs, the hedgehog is feeling happy and comfortable.

Step 3. Introduce new sounds to the hedgehog slowly
Hedgehogs will feel stressed if introduced to too many new sounds at once. When talking to him, turn off the television and music that is playing. When watching television, make sure that only the sound of the television can be heard by the hedgehog.
- If you have frequent guests or live with a lot of people, your hedgehog will also need to get used to the sounds of the people around you.
- Even the sound of a door opening or closing can irritate a hedgehog.
Method 4 of 4: Understanding the Hedgehog's Personality

Step 1. Know the characteristics of a hedgehog that feels threatened
It's pretty easy to identify a hedgehog that's scared, angry, or threatened. You need to calm a hedgehog that is scared or feeling threatened. Gently rock your hedgehog back and forth, pet his quill, talk to him slowly, or leave him alone for a while. Here are some hedgehog behaviors to watch out for:
- Upright thorn
- hiss
- Biting aggressively
- Rolling his body into a ball
- Her body is shaking

Step 2. Find out which hedgehog likes to cuddle
This hedgehog loves to relax. He will be happy when sleeping on your lap or held by his owner. This hedgehog really likes to be touched and interacted with. This type of hedgehog is a good option for beginners!

Step 3. Get to know hedgehogs who like to explore
Hedgehogs may like to explore if they often roam when removed from the cage. This hedgehog does not like to sit still and sit on your lap, he prefers to explore and find new places. If your hedgehog has this personality, you may need to get closer to him when you invite him to play.
- Supervise your hedgehog when he's playing, talk to him softly and quietly, and notice how much fun your hedgehog has.
- This hedgehog loves to walk on your hands. Therefore, move one hand forward when the hedgehog begins to walk over your hand.

Step 4. Know a shy hedgehog
Some hedgehogs are very shy. This hedgehog doesn't like to socialize, but he won't curl up or hiss when you touch him. If the hedgehog is quite shy, he will prefer to stay in his cage. Plus, your hedgehog doesn't need to interact with you too often.

Step 5. Get to know the hedgehog who is grumpy
If your hedgehog prefers to stay in a cage, he may be a grumpy hedgehog. When held, he may curl up or hiss at you. Your hedgehog may change if you stay patient while building a relationship with him.
- If a hedgehog bites, don't pull it right away. Blow his face. This will startle him and the hedgehog will release his bite. It won't frighten him. After that, he will realize that biting you is wrong.
- One way to get closer to a hedgehog is to stroke or massage its back.
- Interact with the hedgehog at the same time each day. Hedgehogs love regular interactions.
- Be careful when stroking the hedgehog from snout to tail. Some hedgehogs, especially male hedgehogs, do not like it when humans touch their face and the thorns on their eyebrows.
- Like dogs or cats, hedgehogs love eggs, vegetables, and fruit.
- Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals, so they are more active at night. Therefore, the night is the right time to interact with him.