3 Ways to Keep Ants Out of Pet Food

3 Ways to Keep Ants Out of Pet Food
3 Ways to Keep Ants Out of Pet Food

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Food infested with ants may be rejected by pets. Ants that swarm in stored food can also cause pest problems in your home. The following instructions will help you repel and prevent ants from eating your pet. In addition to these problems, you may also be concerned that the food you save for wild animals around the house is also infested with ants. These instructions will also cover steps to keep ants away from the food. The key is to create a chemical barrier that the ants can't pass through and that doesn't harm your pets, wild birds, or other animals you want to feed.


Method 1 of 3: Storing and Protecting Pet Food

Keep Ants Out of Pet Food Step 1
Keep Ants Out of Pet Food Step 1

Step 1. Store extra food in sealed containers

Coffee cans, tupperware and sealed bags are some examples of containers that will help keep ants away. The barrier will be more effective if the container is inserted into another container. Food that is put in a sealed bag and then placed in an airtight container will keep the ants from swarming it.

Keep Ants Out of Pet Food Step 2
Keep Ants Out of Pet Food Step 2

Step 2. Create a dividing trench

Store clean food containers in a not-too-deep pan of water (such as a cookie sheet). The pot of water will act as a ditch and keep the ants away from food. Another solution is to use two stainless steel pet food containers, one of which is larger. Glue a small piece of brick or stone that is very flat under the smaller container with glue commonly used for industrial purposes. Wait for the glue to dry and then pour the water in a larger container. Store the smaller container with bricks or stones in the larger container filled with water. The water will act as a trench and keep the ants away from the food, while the bricks or bricks help lift and stabilize the food container above the water's surface.

Store the container in a different area for 2 days or more. The ants will eventually stop going to their usual feeding grounds

Keep Ants Out of Pet Food Step 3
Keep Ants Out of Pet Food Step 3

Step 3. Purchase an anti-ant pet food container

There are several containers for pet food on the market that are known to protect food from ants. These types of containers exist that are intended to be stored indoors or outdoors. Choose the most suitable container for your pet, whether it is an indoor or outdoor pet, dog, cat or other animal.

Several separate special trenches can also be purchased and installed in existing food containers so that they will protect the food from ants

Keep Ants Out of Pet Food Step 4
Keep Ants Out of Pet Food Step 4

Step 4. Keep the area around the food container clean

Store the food container on a movable surface (such as a placemat) and clean the container when the animal has finished eating. Ants follow a trail of pheromones, which appear as they walk, to return to the food source. Clean the surface where the food container is stored as well as the container itself with soap to disrupt the pheromone trail and prevent ants from returning.

Keep Ants Out of Pet Food Step 5
Keep Ants Out of Pet Food Step 5

Step 5. Use peppermint oil

Mix one tablespoon of 100% peppermint oil with 240 ml of water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution near the ventilation area in your home to prevent pests from entering your home. The use of peppermint oil will disturb their sense of smell. Another effective way to use peppermint oil to prevent ants from eating pets is to wipe the underside of walls and other surfaces near the ant's entry area with a cotton swab soaked in a few drops of the oil. You can also wipe peppermint oil on surfaces around food containers or around food containers.

Method 2 of 3: Getting Rid of Ants in Pet Food

Keep Ants Out of Pet Food Step 6
Keep Ants Out of Pet Food Step 6

Step 1. Freeze the food infested with ants

If the ants are already in the food container, close the container tightly and freeze it in the freezer. Leave the container in the freezer until the food freezes and the ants die. This method will make the food clean of ants and can be given back to pets.

Keep Ants Out of Pet Food Step 7
Keep Ants Out of Pet Food Step 7

Step 2. Take the dry food out of the freezer

The ants will be dead if the food is frozen. Pour the dry food into a colander, and shake it under running water until there are no more ants left in the food. That way, food can not be wasted and served again.

Keep Ants Out of Pet Food Step 8
Keep Ants Out of Pet Food Step 8

Step 3. Restore the food

Once free of ants, pour food into an airtight container to prevent ants from re-entering. Try to prevent the ants from returning to swarm the food with the techniques listed in method 1. To get the ants completely gone, you may have to repeat some of these steps. Keep trying these steps if the first try doesn't work.

Method 3 of 3: Keeping Ants From Bird Feeding

Keep Ants Out of Pet Food Step 9
Keep Ants Out of Pet Food Step 9

Step 1. Use petroleum jelly

To protect the bird feeder against the window, cut the newsprint into a large circle or heart. Paste the paper that has been shaped on the inside of the window to serve as a pattern. Then, apply Vaseline to the outside of the window. Keep the bird feeder in the middle. This method is most effective in cool, shady areas because the Vaseline will melt in hot weather.

Keep Ants Out of Pet Food Step 10
Keep Ants Out of Pet Food Step 10

Step 2. Make a petroleum jelly divider for the hanging bird feeder

For this type of dining area, make a circle from the center of the lid of the margarine container or other small light object, and thread a rope/wire hanging the dining area through the hole. If needed, tie a knot on the rope/wire to keep the food lid in place. Spread petroleum jelly on the lid of the dish or other target. Ants may be able to reach the lid of the feeding trough, but will not be able to enter the feeding trough. Other ants won't try to do that either.

Keep Ants Out of Pet Food Step 11
Keep Ants Out of Pet Food Step 11

Step 3. Use anti-fly adhesive paper

Wrap the bird feeding pole with fly-proof adhesive paper tape. Or, stick fly-proof adhesive paper on a window or a high place. Ants will not be able to pass through the paper because the anti-fly adhesive paper has glue on both sides. Keep fly-proof paper away from feeding areas to prevent birds from touching it. If the paper comes off due to the heat, secure the paper with duct tape that does not have a soft surface to prevent ants from passing through.


  • The ants will continue to return to the food source area for several days. Move food as far as possible. Within 2 days or so, do not put it back in its usual place.
  • Outdoors, petroleum jelly (Vaseline) will work optimally at 24ºC. If the weather is very cold, the ants can pass through. Meanwhile, if the weather is very hot, the petroleum jelly will melt and smear the windows.
  • Try to think creatively. Whatever problem you're having with ants, find a way to create a barrier that's safe for pets but impenetrable to ants. Water, oil, Vaseline, butter, or bar soap (used like when drawing with chalk) are environmentally friendly solutions but have a short lasting effect.
  • Keep the pet food container in the middle of a terry cloth or towel. The outer edge of the food container should be positioned at least 5 cm from the edge of the cloth.
  • Be careful not to spill the sugar solution when hanging the hummingbird feeder. Just one drop will draw the ants' attention to the area. Also flush the deck or patio if food spills on it.


  • Do not direct ant spray at pet food.
  • Be sure to follow the instructions on the insecticide product packaging whenever you use it.
  • Keep all chemicals out of reach of children.
