Although you can buy them at the store, making your own treats for rabbits can also be fun. Treats for rabbits can be baked or made raw. Also make sure that you know the precautions when preparing and selecting the ingredients for the treat.
Method 1 of 3: Making Baked Treats

Step 1. Make carrot cake
Carrot cake is a simple recipe that many rabbits love. To make it, you will need dry oatmeal, wheat flour, grated carrots and water.
- Pour 45 grams of oatmeal, 60 grams of wheat flour, 45 grams of grated carrots and 120 ml of water into a bowl. Then, stir all the ingredients until well blended.
- Shape the dough into small balls (about the size of a coin). Then, bake the dough in a greaseproof or greased baking sheet at 177°C for 15 minutes.
- Allow the cake to cool for about 1 hour before feeding it to the rabbit. The remaining cake should be refrigerated.

Step 2. Try the rabbit biscuits
Rabbit biscuits are another treat for rabbits that are quite easy to make. To make it, you need one grated carrot, half a chopped banana, one tablespoon of honey, 40 grams of rabbit pellets, and 25 grams of oatmeal.
- With a coffee grinder or blender, grind the pellets and oatmeal into a fine flour.
- Pour and stir the ingredients in a bowl. Then, knead the dough by hand for 1-2 minutes.
- Form the dough into a square 0.6 cm thick and cover each layer with plastic wrap. Then, use a cookie cutter to cut it into cakes or just cut the dough into squares. Choose a cake mold that is small so the rabbit can eat it easily.
- Bake the dough at 163 °C for 30 minutes. Then, turn off the oven and let the cake sit in the oven for 1 hour. Place the remaining cake in the refrigerator.

Step 3. Make a treat for the rabbit or guinea pig
This treat is great for rabbits and can also be given to guinea pigs. To make it, you will need 90 grams of oatmeal, 90 grams of rabbit pellets, 160 ml of vegetable stock, 6 tablespoons of olive oil, and 2 tablespoons of honey.
- Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Then, knead and cut the dough into the shape you want.
- Bake the dough at 177°C for 20 minutes. Before giving it to the rabbit, turn off the oven and let the cake cool in the oven for 1 hour.

Step 4. Try the bunny cake
Rabbit cake is another great recipe for bunnies. You will need 120 grams of powdered rabbit pellets, 120 grams of flour, 180 ml of milk, 45 grams of oatmeal, 60 ml of molasses, 75 grams of raisins, 45 grams of cereal, and 1 chopped banana.
- Preheat the oven to 177°C. Grind rabbit pellets in a food processor until smooth. Then, sift the pellet powder and flour at the same time.
- Pour the other ingredients into the pellet mixture and flour. Knead the dough until smooth.
- Shape the dough into a ball and place it on the baking sheet. Bake the dough for 15-18 minutes.
Method 2 of 3: Making Raw Treats

Step 1. Try a cereal mix
This treat is a simple treat and is liked by rabbits and other small animals. You will need a handful of cereal, a handful of sunflower seeds, some rabbit pellets, and a handful of dried oats. Stir the ingredients and give it to the rabbit.
This treat should only be given occasionally. The sugar contained in cereals can cause health problems if given regularly

Step 2. Make honey balls
This treat is a sweet treat that rabbits will love. You will need 25 grams of crushed oats, 25 grams of oats, honey, 40 grams of ground rabbit pellets, and 1 carrot cut into small pieces.
- Mix all ingredients except honey. Then, pour in the honey little by little until the ingredients are well mixed. Form the dough into small balls (the size of a coin) and give the treat to the rabbit.
- In the wild, rabbits rarely eat sugar, even natural sweeteners like honey. Don't give your rabbit this treat too often because it can cause dental problems and diabetes.

Step 3. Make fruit snacks
Fruit treats are a great, healthy treat that rabbits love. To make it, you will need a cabbage leaf, 5 blueberries, 4 small carrots, 2 cherries, and 3 grapes.
Place the cabbage leaves on the bottom of the bowl. Slice the carrots into very thin pieces. Also cut the cherry and remove the seeds. Then, slice the grapes and add the blueberries. Give this treat to the rabbit

Step 4. Do the experiment
You can make fruit and vegetable salads for rabbits by experimenting with different food combinations. Pay attention to what the rabbit likes and doesn't like. Then, make the food according to his taste.
Method 3 of 3: Taking Precautions

Step 1. Wash the fruits and vegetables that will be used
If you buy fruits and vegetables for rabbits, be sure to rinse them under clean running water before using them for recipes. This will prevent the rabbit from ingesting pesticides or other harmful substances.

Step 2. Never add granulated sugar
Adding sugar can cause rabbits to become obese and have dental problems. If you want your treat to be sweet, use fruit or a natural sweetener like honey. However, don't use it too much and too often. Recipes that require treats to be dipped in artificially sweetened yogurt should also be avoided. While they may like it, rabbits can easily get sick from the added sweetener.

Step 3. Don't treat your rabbit too much
Treats cannot be used as a substitute for healthy rabbit pellets. Never give a rabbit too many treats. At one time, give the rabbit 1-2 treats and save the rest for another time.