How to Take Care of a Mini Pinscher Dog (with Pictures)

How to Take Care of a Mini Pinscher Dog (with Pictures)
How to Take Care of a Mini Pinscher Dog (with Pictures)

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The MIni Pinscher is a dog breed that is known for being energetic, spoiled, and has a high curiosity. Even though they are only 25-30 cm tall, the Mini Pinscher is quite active and energetic. Its small size makes the Mini Pinscher dog suitable for living in apartments. However, make sure your dog has the opportunity to be active and explore. Study your dog's emotional and physiological needs to determine whether the Mini Pinscher is the right choice for you. If you've decided to have a Mini Pinscher, below are ways to keep your dog healthy and happy.


Part 1 of 5: Assessing the Characteristics of the Mini Pinscher

Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 1
Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 1

Step 1. Know your dog's hunting instincts

Although it looks frail and weak, the Mini Pinscher is a dog breed that is mentally strong and full of enthusiasm. This is because the Mini Pinscher was bred to be used as a working dog whose job it is to hunt and catch pests, such as rats.

Consider these characteristics if you have other pets. Because, Mini Pinscher will consider small mammals such as rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, or rats as prey to be hunted

Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 2
Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 2

Step 2. Understand the dog's independent mindset

This will give you an idea of what training methods are suitable for dogs. Since the Mini Pinscher is a working dog, it will think and make decisions for itself. This of course can be an obstacle when the dog is undergoing training if you are inexperienced or unfocused.

If you've never had a dog before and want a dog that's easy to care for, the Mini Pinscher isn't the right choice

Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 3
Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 3

Step 3. Understand Mini Pinscher's response to strangers

Most Mini Pinschers have an instinct to guard their owners or people they know, so they are quite wary of strangers. This can interfere with the dog's behavior. Dogs may guard the door excessively or be territorial towards house guests.

Mini Pinscher's courage and aggressiveness when dealing with pests is also displayed when dealing with strangers. When he's insecure, the MIni Pinscher will express his distress aggressively instead of hiding or running away

Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 4
Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 4

Step 4. Understand the dog's curiosity

Generally, Mini Pinscher really like to explore and roam. Therefore, the Mini Pinscher is known as a dog breed that is good at running away.

  • The Mini Pinscher is very good at slipping between your legs when you open your front door. Therefore, be prepared when opening the door of the house.
  • If there is a yard, make sure your yard is safe because the Mini Pinscher can slip between fences or holes to escape.
Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 5
Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 5

Step 5. Understand how dogs interact with young children

The MIni Pinscher is not a good option if you live with small children. The reason, Mini Pinscher has legs that are quite frail. If the dog's paw is treated too harshly by the child, the dog can be injured.

In addition, the Mini Pinscher will become aggressive when threatened. Young children generally cannot identify the characteristics of a disturbed dog. If your child ignores these characteristics and instead approaches a frightened dog, the dog may attack him

Part 2 of 5: Training a Mini Pinscher to Socialize

Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 6
Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 6

Step 1. Train your dog to socialize early

Since the Mini Pinscher is quite wary of strangers, it's important that you train your dog to socialize with people, dogs and other animals in a variety of situations from an early age. If a dog is adopted from a breeder, make sure the dog has frequent interactions with men, women, and small children. Also make sure your dog has interacted with a variety of sights, sounds, and smells.

It's best to choose a Mini Pinscher puppy that was raised indoors instead of in a cage. This is done to ensure that the dog is accustomed to the sounds in the house, such as the sound of the vacuum cleaner, washing machine, TV, and the sound of human chattering

Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 7
Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 7

Step 2. Continue to practice socializing your dog while he is still growing

When you bring them home, make sure your dog is constantly trained to socialize. Take your dog for a walk so he can adapt to different situations. If the dog has not been vaccinated and is not allowed to roam alone, carry the dog or use its crate. This is done so that the dog can feel the rush of traffic or see children playing near the school.

Lack of socialization and experience can make dogs often restless. Mini Pinscher puppies may become aggressive

Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 8
Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 8

Step 3. Spend some time with him

The Mini Pinscher needs a companion. He doesn't like being left alone for too long. Make sure the dog is mentally stimulated enough. Give the dog toys, puzzles, and dolls when left alone.

Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 9
Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 9

Step 4. Teach your child how to interact with dogs

Children who are old enough can be taught to recognize the body language of a disturbed dog. Therefore, children who are old enough can live with Mini Pinscher. The characteristics of a dog that is distracted and ready to attack are:

  • The dog glares at the person who is bothering him
  • Excessive yawning
  • Licking his lips excessively
  • His body bent and straightened as his head was raised. In addition, the weight of his body will rest on his front legs.
  • Dog's tail stiffens and wags slowly (a wagging tail doesn't always mean the dog is happy)
  • The hair is lifted
  • Dogs snarl and growl. In addition, his lips also lifted.

Part 3 of 5: Training a Mini Pinscher

Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 10
Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 10

Step 1. Do consistent firm training

Mini Pinscher's independent nature requires you to choose firm and consistent training to take him more seriously. Rewarded training methods, especially clicker training, are good options because the dog will be rewarded for good behavior, thereby minimizing the dog's feelings of anxiety and stress.

Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 11
Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 11

Step 2. Train the dog regularly

Teach the dog basic commands, such as sitting, still, and lying down. Depending on the level of concentration, train the dog twice a day (each training session lasts 10-20 minutes).

End the training session on a positive note. If your dog's attention is distracted, give him a basic command, such as "sit down." After that, reward the dog when he obeys your orders. Continue the training session at a later time

Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 12
Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 12

Step 3. Train the dog to approach early

Since the Mini Pinscher loves to run away, you'll need to train it to come to you when prompted. By teaching this, your dog can roam more freely and you won't have to worry about the dog running away or getting lost.

Remember, if your dog takes a long time to respond to your commands, never scold him. If you are scolded, your dog will think that he will be punished if he approaches you. In the end, the dog will not hear you and come to you again

Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 13
Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 13

Step 4. Perform cage training

Dogs should have a safe hiding place when they want to be alone or with strangers in the house. Do this training with the reward method. Therefore, place the treat in the dog's crate and let him eat it in the crate. This is done so that the dog associates the crate with feelings of happiness.

Never use a crate to confine or punish a dog. Dogs will no longer see the crate as a safe place for them

Part 4 of 5: Feeding the Mini Pinscher

Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 14
Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 14

Step 1. Check the Mini Pinscher's weight

Although quite active, Mini Pinscher is prone to obesity. Therefore, you need to feed your dog properly so that his body weight remains ideal.

The dog's ribs should be felt with the hand, without pressing. When viewed from the side, the Mini Pinscher's belly should bend upwards. The Mini Pinscher's waist should curve inward when viewed from above

Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 15
Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 15

Step 2. Feed the dog high quality food

Dog food must include the name of the meat used as the main ingredient (the first 3 ingredients listed on the dog food packaging label). Consult a veterinarian to find out a good brand of dog food.

Don't forget to give Mini Pinscher access to drinking water. A clean source of drinking water is very important for dogs

Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 16
Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 16

Step 3. Take a break between eating and exercising

The Mini Pinscher is a deep chested dog breed that is prone to gastric bloating and torsion. Both of these conditions can be life threatening for dogs. To reduce the risk of GDV (torsion and gastric expansion), give your dog 90 minutes between meals and exercise.

Part 5 of 5: Keeping Mini Pinscher Healthy

Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 17
Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 17

Step 1. Brush your dog's hair regularly

The Mini Pinscher has short coats that don't require too much grooming. However, brush your dog's coat regularly to stimulate blood circulation to the skin and coat. In addition, combing a dog can also condition his fur.

Combing your dog can also improve your relationship with your dog

Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 18
Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 18

Step 2. Keep her body warm

Due to its short coat and lack of fat in the dog's body, the Mini Pinscher is susceptible to cold. Therefore, when the weather is cold, cover the dog with a jacket and provide a warm bed for him.

Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 19
Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 19

Step 3. Check your dog regularly

If you want to properly care for your Mini Pinscher, you will need to take him to the vet regularly to make sure he is okay. Get an annual vaccination, especially the rabies vaccine.

  • Your vet can tell you the most common ailments your dog has. The doctor can also suggest what vaccines your dog needs.
  • Give your dog protection against parasites and worms, as recommended by your doctor.
Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 20
Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 20

Step 4. Neutralize the dog

If your dog just wants to be kept as a pet, consider neutering him. Neutralize dogs before they are 6 months old. Castrating dogs can protect dogs from deadly diseases, such as breast cancer. In addition, dogs will also behave better after being neutered.

Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 21
Care for a Miniature Pinscher Step 21

Step 5. Get pet health insurance

The Mini Pinscher is a pedigree dog (born from two dogs of the same breed). Therefore, there are several genetic conditions that are more common in this dog breed than in other breeds. Some of the common genetic conditions in Mini Pinscher dogs are Legge-Perthes disease (a disorder in the hip area), luxating patella (a knee disorder), thyroid disease, and epilepsy.

This condition can be treated and managed, but the cost is not small. You can prepare the funds needed in case your dog suffers from certain diseases or get pet health insurance


  • Training the Mini Pinscher is a rewarding activity for both you and your dog. This dog breed usually lives in groups and likes to be commanded. Dogs will usually become aggressive when around a larger dog that bothers them. Usually, Mini Pinscher will feel that he is bigger than his opponent.
  • Purchase a fence that is quality, tall, and strong so the dog can't climb, dig, or sneak out. Mini Pinscher has a pretty high hunting instinct. Therefore, when he sees a squirrel on the other side of the electrified fence, the dog will be electrocuted by the fence as it tries to get out.
  • The Mini Pinscher is quite wild and has a variety of personalities! This dog breed really likes to be watched and petted by humans. He is very funny and can make you smile and laugh because of his silly behavior.
  • Some Mini Pinschers like to bark. If your dog doesn't like barking, train him to stop barking early.
  • Most clothes that fit on the Mini Pinscher should be size S, not XS. This is because his chest is flat and wide.
  • Mini Pinscher has a high sense of belonging. He likes to collect snacks or toys. If you have another dog, you should address this Mini Pinscher behavior. You will also need to provide enough toys and treats for each dog in the house.
  • Train your dog to behave properly when out for a walk. Since the Mini Pinscher is good at escaping, you can purchase a non-slip harness or train it with a martingale collar.
