How to Take Care of a Pomeranian Dog (with Pictures)

How to Take Care of a Pomeranian Dog (with Pictures)
How to Take Care of a Pomeranian Dog (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


The Pomeranian is a Toy dog breed known as a smart and dashing dog, with a face that looks like a fox. Another trait that makes this cute breed easy to spot is its beautiful fur. Pomeranians have two coats of fur. The undercoat is composed of thick, soft hairs, while the upper layer is composed of straight, coarse hairs. A Pom's fur that is allowed to grow naturally with the right care and minimal will make it look stunningly rounded – this is the general look of the Pom that characterizes it. The steps below contain a guide on how to care for a Pom.


Part 1 of 5: Cleaning Ears and Cutting Nails

Groom a Pomeranian Step 1
Groom a Pomeranian Step 1

Step 1. Clean the ears

To begin the Pom treatment process, clean her ears with a cotton swab that has been dipped in a non-alcoholic cleaning fluid. Lift the dog's ears to see the skin and clean the area.

  • Never insert a cotton tip or cotton bud into the ear canal. If the dog moves suddenly, the cleaning kit could go too deep and damage the ears.
  • Non-alcoholic cleaners won't sting your dog's ears like alcohol ones.
Groom a Pomeranian Step 2
Groom a Pomeranian Step 2

Step 2. Trim the dog's toenails

Cut carefully by lifting the paw from behind and allowing the dog's paw to bend at the joint. This is easier than trying to pull the palm toward you from the front. Try to identify the quick part and leave a 4-5mm nail to protect the part. If you can't see it, trim your nails a little bit just in case your dog's quick gets long. Quick can bleed if cut.

  • Trim nails with scissors specially made for trimming dog nails.
  • Have a powdered blood stopper handy to stop the bleeding if you accidentally cut your dog's toenails too short.
Groom a Pomeranian Step 3
Groom a Pomeranian Step 3

Step 3. File the dog's nails

Once you've trimmed your Pom's nails, use a dog file to smooth them out. Make sure you praise your dog when you're done to be more cooperative the next time you trim his nails.

Part 2 of 5: Bathing Pom

Groom a Pomeranian Step 4
Groom a Pomeranian Step 4

Step 1. Get ready to bathe the dog

Bathe Pom before cutting the hair so that the clippers don't dull the oil on the fur. Even so, some types of oil are beneficial for the health of a dog's coat. So, just bathe your dog every three months unless needed.

Groom a Pomeranian Step 5
Groom a Pomeranian Step 5

Step 2. Bathe Pom in the tub

Place a non-slip rug or towel in a large tub or sink and fill it with warm water. Soak your dog in water, but be prepared for the reaction-some dogs like bath time, others don't. Therefore, be prepared to ask for help from an assistant. Use a large cup or glass to slowly pour the water over the dog. Wet the fur thoroughly, but be careful not to get water into the ear canal. You can use cotton plugs in your dog's ears, but don't insert them too deep.

Avoid watering his eyes

Groom a Pomeranian Step 6
Groom a Pomeranian Step 6

Step 3. Apply shampoo until it lathers

Make sure the shampoo covers the dog's entire body. Gently massage while flattening it. Start from head to tail by using a special dog shampoo. Rub all areas of the Pom's body, including tail, belly, feet, soles, etc.

Groom a Pomeranian Step 7
Groom a Pomeranian Step 7

Step 4. Rinse the Pom thoroughly

This is very important, because unrinsed shampoo can cause irritation. Use a water spray if possible, as the spray reaches the skin more easily and helps wash away any remaining shampoo.

Groom a Pomeranian Step 8
Groom a Pomeranian Step 8

Step 5. Dry the Pom

Drying your Pom well will help with the whole grooming process. You can use a hairdryer or let the air dry. Be careful and make sure you thoroughly dry the dog's ears with a dry towel or paper towel. Parasites, bacteria, and fungi can grow in the ears if they are not drained effectively.

Groom a Pomeranian Step 9
Groom a Pomeranian Step 9

Step 6. Brush the teeth

Use a brush and toothpaste specially made for dogs and clean Pom's teeth thoroughly. Some dogs may not like this and try to resist, but keep trying for at least five minutes each day. Over time, your dog will get used to it, making it easier for you to brush his teeth in the future.

  • Don't brush too hard because your dog's gums are sensitive.
  • Brushing your dog's teeth can prevent potentially fatal bacterial infections.
Groom a Pomeranian Step 10
Groom a Pomeranian Step 10

Step 7. Use a flea deterrent

Monthly flea prevention treatments can ensure your Pom stays healthy and beautiful. Some shampoos already contain lice-killing ingredients, but sometimes you have to give them separately.

Part 3 of 5: Brushing Pom

Groom a Pomeranian Step 11
Groom a Pomeranian Step 11

Step 1. Brush the bristles

Brush the bristles with a wire brush or a strong bristle. You can brush every day, but it is recommended that you brush your Pom's fur at least twice a week. Brush from the skin instead of the whole body. Brushing your Pom's fur regularly will help prevent it from tangling.

Groom a Pomeranian Step 12
Groom a Pomeranian Step 12

Step 2. Avoid brushing dry bristles

It is recommended that you do not brush your Pomeranian hair dry. This can create static electricity and peel off the protective layer of the hair shaft, causing split ends. Moisten first using a leave-in conditioner (both home-based or not). You can make this conditioner by mixing 10% good quality bath conditioner in 90% filtered water.

You can also scrub your dog's hair after he's bathed

Groom a Pomeranian Step 13
Groom a Pomeranian Step 13

Step 3. Comb out any tangles and/or trim them

After scrubbing the fur, comb the Pom with a fine-toothed steel comb to look for tangles. You can try using a spray conditioner to straighten it out, but if that doesn't work, trim away any creases.

Use dog-safe clippers to prevent them from getting hurt when they move suddenly when you cut their fur

Part 4 of 5: Choosing a Treatment Style

Groom a Pomeranian Step 14
Groom a Pomeranian Step 14

Step 1. Select the lion piece

The lion cut for Pom's dog emphasizes his lion-like appearance. Shoulder, facial and thick hair on the chest will be preserved, while the rest of the hair on the rest of the body is cut very short to close to the skin. The dog's tail is left thick for the perfect lion-like look.

  • You should trim the mane regularly to prevent tangles etc.
  • Shaving your dog's skin too close can cause pain, hair growing through the skin, or cuts, so be careful.
Groom a Pomeranian Step 15
Groom a Pomeranian Step 15

Step 2. Choose a puppy cut style

This style of cut is also called the Teddy bear style. All dog hair will be trimmed down to 5-7.5 cm remaining. The dog's face and legs will be cut in circles. This way, the dog gets a look similar to a teddy bear or puppy.

Groom a Pomeranian Step 16
Groom a Pomeranian Step 16

Step 3. Shave the Pom

In some cases, you may need to shave your dog's hair, especially if the coat tangles or clumps easily. You can also choose to shave if you can't brush your dog regularly. On the downside, the hair may not grow as much as before.

Don't shave your Pom's hair so short that it's close to his skin. Even if it's short, leave a layer of fur to protect the Pom from the outside environment

Groom a Pomeranian Step 17
Groom a Pomeranian Step 17

Step 4. Choose a cut style for the contest

This cut is the standard pom club style you might follow. The goal is to bring out the Pom's natural fur, so you don't have to style it too much, although you'll still need to trim to keep the shape.

  • In general, the hair around the palms, eyes, and genital area should be slightly trimmed.
  • Learn about this particular fur style guide by asking a Pom-loving group in your area.

Part 5 of 5: Cutting Pom's Fur

Groom a Pomeranian Step 18
Groom a Pomeranian Step 18

Step 1. Get the dog to exercise before the fur is cut

Exercising your dog can minimize his activity while undergoing a haircut, so he will be safer. Your dog may also be able to sit still for long periods of time, giving you more time to complete grooming.

Groom a Pomeranian Step 19
Groom a Pomeranian Step 19

Step 2. Use quality hair and nail clippers

The high-quality equipment used to treat dogs will make your job easier and make your dog feel more comfortable. In addition, the hair that is pulled will also be reduced and you can be helped in making sure the cut is clean and even. Make sure you are using the correct blade for the cutter you are buying. The length must also be correct.

Groom a Pomeranian Step 20
Groom a Pomeranian Step 20

Step 3. Introduce the cutlery to the dog

Turn on the device near the dog so he can get used to hearing the sound. Doing this when he is very young can help get him used to being comfortable with the haircut later in life.

Groom a Pomeranian Step 21
Groom a Pomeranian Step 21

Step 4. Get rid of excess hair around the eyes, ears, back of the body and the soles of the feet

Use an electric mower to make your job easier. You should also trim the genital area. Read the instructions for using the cutting tool to make sure you are using it correctly. You'll also need to choose the right blade for each area you're going to trim.

Groom a Pomeranian Step 22
Groom a Pomeranian Step 22

Step 5. Shape the Pom's fur with scissors on the areas you are going to cut

Trim this fur and shape it so it looks like it fits the characteristics of the breed. Trim the hair on the legs, buttocks, and trim the back, sides, along the stomach, and chest to get this look. You should also trim the hair on the tail, ears and head.


  • When you bathe your dog thoroughly, be careful not to get water in his eyes and ears.
  • Start scrubbing and grooming Poms from an early age. This way, he will get used to the process. Otherwise, Pom may be afraid of treatment.
  • As you carry out these Pom care tips, don't forget to say kind words and compliments.
  • Treat your Pom once every month or two.


  • Do not bathe Pom regularly so that the natural oils on the skin are not lost and as a result, it becomes dry and cracked.
  • Don't be rude when caring for Poms. This intelligent breed wants to please its master, so it shouldn't be too difficult to care for if you get used to it from an early age. You also have to be patient in carrying out this process.
