How to Care for an Angelfish: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Care for an Angelfish: 11 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Care for an Angelfish: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

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Angelfish are fish that are suitable to be kept in a home aquarium. Once you prepare the right environment, fish care can be done easily. You need to make sure that the tank has the right temperature and pH level. After that, give the Angelfish healthy food and clean the aquarium regularly. Be aware of problems that can arise. Be careful when placing other fish in the tank and quarantine any Angelfish that are showing signs of illness.


Part 1 of 3: Preparing an Aquarium for Angelfish

Care for an Angelfish Step 1
Care for an Angelfish Step 1

Step 1. Choose the right tank size

Even though they are small now, Angelfish will grow big. Angelfish can grow up to 15 cm long and 10 cm high. When choosing an aquarium, try to have a capacity of at least 75 liters. If you have the money and space for a larger aquarium, you should buy one.

Even if the Angelfish don't grow very big, it's always better if the fish have more room to roam

Care for an Angelfish Step 2
Care for an Angelfish Step 2

Step 2. Maintain an appropriate pH level

You can measure the pH of your aquarium using a test kit that can be purchased at a pet store or online. You will need to wait 24 hours to test tap water as its pH will change after exposure to air. Angelfish need water with a pH between 6 and 8.

  • If you need to raise the pH level, there are several things you can do. Add crushed coral to increase the pH level. You can also use baking soda, shells, and chemical pH enhancers sold at pet stores.
  • If you need to lower the pH level, add wood to the tank. You can also buy chemical pH lowering agents that are also sold at pet stores.
Care for an Angelfish Step 3
Care for an Angelfish Step 3

Step 3. Add suitable plants to the aquarium

Angelfish like aquariums with lots of substrate and plants. Decorate the contents of your aquarium so that Angelfish feel happy.

  • Rocks and hiding places are very important for Angelfish. Stop by a pet store and choose a variety of decorations for your aquarium.
  • Also try to include objects such as floating logs so that your aquarium resembles the angelfish's natural habitat. In addition, Angelfish also like plants that grow vertically.
Care for an Angelfish Step 4
Care for an Angelfish Step 4

Step 4. Adjust the temperature in the aquarium

Angelfish live in water with temperatures between 24 to 29 degrees Celsius. You may need to install a heating system to maintain the temperature of the aquarium. You can buy heaters online or at pet stores. Follow the guidelines for setting up the heating system and the water temperature in the aquarium is correct.

You need to put a thermometer in the aquarium. If the temperature is too hot or cold, adjust your aquarium heater

Part 2 of 3: Feeding and Caring for Angelfish

Care for an Angelfish Step 5
Care for an Angelfish Step 5

Step 1. Choose the right food for Angelfish

Angelfish diet consists mostly of meat products. Angelfish's main diet should consist of cichlid flakes (cichlid fish food in the form of flakes) and cichlid pellets (cichlid fish food in the form of granules). However, complete the fish diet with live foods. Angelfish really like sea shrimp, white worms, blood worms, hongkong caterpillars (mealworms), small insects, and crustaceans (hard-skinned animals).

Care for an Angelfish Step 6
Care for an Angelfish Step 6

Step 2. Watch your Angelfish to determine how much food to feed

The amount of food given to Angelfish is influenced by various factors, such as the size of the fish or its environment. You need to pay attention to the habitual behavior and behavior of the fish while eating. You'll have to experiment before you find out exactly how much to feed your fish. You also need to adjust the amount of food given as the fish grows.

  • Young angelfish need more live food than adult angelfish. As your fish get older, you can give them more pellets and flakes and reduce the amount of live food.
  • As a general guide, young Angelfish need to eat 3-4 times a day. Once the fish are fully grown, reduce the amount of food and stick to a strict diet schedule. Angelfish tend to overeat and gain weight if fed too much.
Care for an Angelfish Step 7
Care for an Angelfish Step 7

Step 3. Clean the filter once a week

You need to make sure the Angelfish aquarium is always clean. This keeps the tank free of contamination and prevents your fish from becoming infected or sick with bacteria.

  • Take a cup or two of water in the tank to clean the filter using a sponge. Drain the water from the aquarium, then unplug the filter power cord and remove it from the aquarium.
  • Remove all dirt and oil from the filter. You must wear gloves because there is a lot of mucus stuck to the filter. After that, use the remaining water in the bowl to thoroughly scrub the filter and hose.
  • When you're done, you can reassemble the aquarium filter and put it back in the tank.
Care for an Angelfish Step 8
Care for an Angelfish Step 8

Step 4. Change the aquarium water once a month

You should change the aquarium water at least once a month. You don't need to replace all the water in the tank. Instead, you only need to change 10-25% of the water in the tank every month.

You may need to adjust the temperature and pH of the water after changing the aquarium water

Part 3 of 3: Preventing Problems with Angelfish

Care for an Angelfish Step 9
Care for an Angelfish Step 9

Step 1. Be careful when adding other fish to the aquarium

Angelfish can get along with other fish. Angelfish are territorial fish, and can attack or even eat smaller fish. If you want to add other fish to the tank, we recommend choosing another Angelfish or fish of the same size.

Care for an Angelfish Step 10
Care for an Angelfish Step 10

Step 2. Watch for symptoms of the disease

If your Angelfish falls ill, talk to your veterinarian or pet store employee about how to treat the disease. This is important if you have other fish in the tank. One sick fish can infect the entire contents of the aquarium.

  • Excess mucus and therapeutic fins are symptoms of a serious disease called the Angelfish virus. If you suspect that your fish have been infected with this virus, you should just let it go because there is no cure for this disease.
  • White chalky stools, lack of appetite, and weight loss can also be symptoms of the disease.
  • There is also a common disease called ich which causes white spots due to parasites. This disease can be cured easily using medicine. So have some ich on hand if you have Angelfish.
Care for an Angelfish Step 11
Care for an Angelfish Step 11

Step 3. Quarantine the sick Angelfish

If the Angelfish shows symptoms of illness, take them immediately and put them in a quarantine tank. Call your vet to discuss treatment options, or check with a pet store employee. Do not return sick fish to the aquarium until the symptoms of the disease have disappeared to prevent the disease from spreading.
