Getting lost in the woods can frighten you. Whether you get lost while hiking, your car breaks down in the middle of the road in a wilderness area, or for some other reason, surviving in the forest is not easy, but it can be done. You must get drinking water, food, shelter to sleep, and fire to cook and warm. If your basic physical needs are met, you can survive in the forest, then give a signal and wait for help.
Part 1 of 5: Finding Drinking Water

Step 1. Find a water source
The first thing to do to survive in the forest is to get drinking water. Look for signs of water in your surroundings, such as areas with green foliage, lowlands that allow water to pool, and signs of wildlife such as animal tracks. This could indicate the presence of a river, stream, or pool nearby. While getting drinking water is essential for survival, be aware that not all water is safe to drink. If possible, treat the water you get before drinking.
- If there are mountains nearby, look for pools of water at the foot of the cliffs.
- The appearance of insects such as flies and mosquitoes indicates that there is water around you.
- Water that is rich in oxygen (such as large waterfalls or white water rafting) is usually safer than water that doesn't move or flows slowly.
- Water that comes out of a source is usually much safer, although the water can also be contaminated with bacteria and minerals.
- Remember, all water should be considered unsafe if it has not been treated. Even clear water can contain disease and is dangerous when consumed.

Step 2. Collect rainwater to drink
The easiest and safest way to get drinking water in the forest is to collect rainwater. If it rains, use all available containers to collect the water. If you have a tarp or poncho (a type of raincoat), hang it at least 1 or 1.2 meters from the ground by tying the corners to a tree and placing a small rock in the center to create a basin that can hold water.
- Do not let the water stay in the container or tarpaulin for a long time because it can make it pooled and contaminated with bacteria.
- If possible, purify the water you get.

Step 3. Absorb the morning dew using a cloth
Use a cloth, rag, shirt, sock, or any clothing material that absorbs water (such as cotton) to collect morning dew. Find an open area or plain with tall grass, then place a cloth over the grass to collect the dew. Move the cloth around the grass until it is wet. Squeeze and collect the water in a container.
- You can get large amounts of dew before the sun rises.
- Be careful not to collect dew that sticks to poisonous plants. The safest place is the grass.

Step 4. Get water by digging a hole
Maybe you can get water by digging a hole until it reaches the surface of the water or soil that contains a lot of water. Use a shovel or a strong wooden stick to dig through the soil until you get some water. Make a wide hole so you can easily take out the water in it.
Wait until the mud settles to the bottom and the water is clear before you scoop it up
Dig in places such as drains that have dried up or areas where there is a lot of green foliage.

Step 5. Melt ice or snow if you find it
Melt any snow or ice you find in the forest to make drinking water. You can put snow or ice in a container, then place it near a fire to melt it. You can also hold the container so that body heat melts the snow.
Collect bluish ice or snow. Frozen water that is gray or opaque is high in salt, and this can make you even more dehydrated after drinking it

Step 6. Purify the water you find
It's important to purify the water you get, including dew, rain, ice, or snow so that you don't get bacteria that can cause you to get sick or even die. Strain the water with a cloth or cloth to remove large particles, then boil for about 10 minutes to kill any contaminants.
- If you don't have a container to boil it in, you can purify the water by putting it in a clear plastic bottle. After that, close the bottle and place the bottle in direct sunlight for about 6 hours.
- If you don't have any container that can be used to purify the water, dig a deep hole, then allow the hole to fill with water escaping from the soil, and wait for the particles to settle to the bottom. Once the water is clear, you can drink it. Only do this when there is no other option.
Part 2 of 5: Building a Shelter

Step 1. Find a flat, dry place between 2 trees that have branches
Check the area around you for a flat spot with a tree with branches about 1 or 1.5 meters off the ground. If possible, look for trees that have branches 1 to 1.5 meters from the ground about 3 meters apart.
- If you don't have a tree with branches that high, look for strong, "Y"-shaped branches or wood to support your shelter.
- Clear the rocks and debris between the two trees so you can lie down comfortably.

Step 2. Find a wooden stick that is about 3 meters long and 8 to 15 cm thick
To build a shelter, you'll need support beams, which can be obtained from sturdy wooden sticks that don't rot. The straighter the stick, the better for building a shelter.
Clean up any small animals or spiders that may be on the wooden stick

Step 3. Insert one end of a wooden stick into a tree branch
Place the end of the stick into one of the "V"-shaped tree branches, which will serve as a support. If the tree has no branches, use a stick that has a "V" shaped branch, and attach it to the tree for support.
If you have rope or twine, use the rope to tie the log to the tree

Step 4. Place the other end of the stick onto the other tree branch
Make a horizontal frame by inserting the end of the other stick into the branch of another tree. Make sure the stick is firmly attached by shaking it.
If you only find one tree, place the other end of the stick on the ground, but the shelter will be smaller.

Step 5. Lean several smaller logs against the main log to form the framework of the shelter
Gather some logs long enough to lean against the main beam of the shelter. Suppose you are forming a rib with the log. Make sure the logs are placed close together.
Use dry or fresh logs, not wet or rotting ones

Step 6. Place twigs and leaves on top of the branches to form an insulating layer (roof)
Once the shelter structure is in place, use small branches, leafy twigs, shrubs, or leaves to create a useful insulation layer to maintain warm temperatures and protect against rain and wind. Place leaves and twigs on the shelter frame downwards to form a thick layer.
- Add several more layers of insulation until there are no holes in the roof and add more layers to keep the place warm.
- If you have a tarp, place it on top of the shelter frame.

Step 7. Spread the leaves for bedding in the shelter
Make the shelter as comfortable as possible by laying soft material such as leaves or pine leaves on the ground in the space. Remove any insects or spiders (if any) before you place the leaves in the shelter.
Part 3 of 5: Looking for Food

Step 1. Turn any logs you come across to look for edible insects
Insects can be caught and killed easily. Insects also contain fats and proteins that are useful for survival in the forest. Examine the underside of rotting logs for termites, ants, beetles, or maggots. Also look for worms in the soil. Most insects can be eaten raw, but avoid fleas, spiders and flies.
- Check under rocks, wood, and other objects for insects. Only eat insects that have been killed.
- Insects with tough outer shells such as grasshoppers and beetles should be cooked for 5 minutes before eating to remove parasites. Pierce the insect with a small stick and roast it over the fire.

Step 2. Pick edible wild berries
If you come across a recognizable berry bush, take advantage of the fruit. Never eat berries you don't recognize as many are poisonous. To be safe, only eat berries that have been identified, such as blackberries, raspberries, and wild strawberries.
Always avoid white berries, as almost all of them are toxic to humans

Step 3. Look for edible mushrooms in the forest, if you are trained
Look for wild mushrooms around dark, damp areas or on deciduous trees in the forest. Be careful, you can get sick or die if you eat poisonous mushrooms. If you are in doubt whether the mushrooms are safe to eat or not, don't eat them!
- Morel mushrooms have a spongy hood similar to a beehive and can be found at the bottom of trees.
- Chanterelle mushrooms are a bright yellowish-orange color and can be found around coniferous trees (needle leaves such as pine and spruce) or hardwood trees.
- Oyster mushrooms grow in groups with shapes such as oysters or shells. You can find them in deciduous trees.
- Mushrooms do not contain many calories and no protein. The effort you put into looking for mushrooms in the forest can use up more energy than you get from the mushrooms you eat. Maybe you should look for some other wild food.
- Unless you've been trained in mushroom recognition, it's best to avoid looking for mushrooms. You can misrecognize mushrooms, and the consequences of consuming a harmful substance usually carry more risks than benefits.

Step 4. Look for edible wild plants
Many wild plants in the forest are edible, but make sure the plants are completely non-toxic. Look for cashew leaves, pohpohan leaves, clover leaves, liverworts (usually attached to rocks), gotu kola leaves, or bamboo shoots. If you are not sure what plant to choose, it is better not to eat it.
Wash any plants you want to eat

Step 5. Set a trap if you are carrying wire or rope
A safe and easy method of catching small animals such as squirrels and rabbits is to use snares. Prepare a rope or wire about 1 meter long, then make a loop at one end and tie it with a knot. Then thread the other end of the rope or wire into the knot you made to form a large loop. Hang this circular snare on a dirt road or trail in the woods.
- Make a bar with branches (to hang the snare) horizontally above the ground.
- Make as many snares in the area and check every 24 hours to see if anyone is trapped.
Place the noose in the path made by the animal.

Step 6. Avoid hunting large animals
If you are trying hard to survive in the forest, you must stay healthy. While deer and wild boar provide nutritious meat, they can injure you if you don't have adequate weapons to kill them humanely. While you may eventually find wild boar and deer, you may not have the equipment needed to preserve the remaining meat. Small animals and insects are much safer to hunt and collect. In addition, these animals also provide sufficient nutrients to survive in the forest.
Minor wounds can quickly become infected and can be life-threatening in an emergency situation like this
Part 4 of 5: Lighting a Fire

Step 1. Find a small, dry ingredient to use as kawul (material to start a fire)
Look for dry materials, such as grass, leaves, tree bark, pine leaves, or other flammable materials in the area. The kawul you choose should be of a combustible material and produce a large flame so that you can maintain the flame.
If there is trash and paper in the area, you can also use it to make a fire

Step 2. Collect twigs and small branches to be used as firewood
You should use a flammable material when lighting the kawul. Collect logs, branches, or dry bark for firewood.
You can also split large pieces of wood into smaller pieces for firewood

Step 3. Gather large pieces of wood for longer-lasting fuel
Before starting a fire, first collect enough fuel to keep the fire burning. Look for dry wood around the area and stack it near the location where you want to start the fire so you can easily add fuel if needed. Look for wood that is dry and brittle because wood that is still green and fresh will be difficult to ignite.
- Hardwoods such as teak or mahogany can burn for a long time.
- Dried tree stumps are very suitable for use as firewood.

Step 4. Stack the wood and kawula to form a conical structure
Remove leaves, branches, and other dry objects that are flammable and can spread the fire. Form a conical structure by stacking kawul and firewood. After that, place the larger pieces of wood by stacking them on top of each other to form a frame around the kawul and firewood from twigs and small branches.
Leave a small hole for lighting the kawul
Make a fire pit around the cone structure.

Step 5. Make a lighter to light the wood and make a fire
Take a flat piece of wood and make a small groove in the center. Use another piece of wood to rub up and down the grooves so the friction creates heat. After you've done this for a few minutes, the heat from the friction will ignite the wood. Act quickly and burn the kawul to light the fire.
- Make a lighter from a piece of dry wood.
- Rest the lighter with your knees to keep it from shifting.

Step 6. Use fire to warm the body, cook food, and boil water
Fire will make it easier for you to survive in the forest. Use fire to warm the body so that you avoid hypothermia (body temperature drops dramatically). Cook food over a fire and boil water over high heat to kill contaminants (pollutants).
After the fire is lit, try not to extinguish the fire. When you are going to bed, place a large piece of wood over the fire to keep the coals burning until morning
Part 5 of 5: Out of the Forest

Step 1. Don't panic when you get lost in the forest
Panic can lead to bad decisions and affect judgment. If you want to get out of the woods, your mind must remain clear. Take deep breaths and focus on the task at hand.
- Focus on doing one task at a time so you don't get overwhelmed.
- Instill confidence that you will definitely get out of the woods.

Step 2. Avoid spending a lot of energy
You may have trouble finding enough food and water when you get lost in the forest. Try not to sweat too much or use up a lot of energy by running around or screaming for help when you're alone. Save as much energy as possible so you can build shelters, build fires, and get water.
If you're lost and are sure that the place isn't too far from anyone else, fill your lungs and scream for help!

Step 3. Stay where you got lost
When you get lost in the forest (for whatever reason), people will look for you in the last known place. If you move away looking for a way out, you could get lost further and make it difficult for others to find you. Stay in one location so you're easier to find.
- If your current location is not secure, find a safer location nearby.
- If you don't know where you are, you could be walking in the wrong direction and making it difficult for others to find you.

Step 4. Signal using smoke to indicate your location
Turn on the fire and add green leaves or pine leaves to make lots of smoke. Take a tree branch with lots of fresh green leaves and cover the heat for 3 to 4 seconds to prevent the smoke from escaping. After that, lift the branch to release the smoke. Repeat this process to form several puffs of smoke in the sky.
The puff of smoke will show people looking for you that the fire is man-made, and will tell you where you are
- Always purify the water you get.
- Don't eat wild plants or mushrooms you don't recognize.