How to Seek the Daily Presence of Jesus: 6 Steps

How to Seek the Daily Presence of Jesus: 6 Steps
How to Seek the Daily Presence of Jesus: 6 Steps

Table of contents:


You can meet Jesus if you earnestly seek Him in life in this sinful world. Jesus will lead you to the truth and reveal himself to you personally only if you seek Him with all your heart. This article will help you get to know Jesus and have a personal relationship with him.


Seek the Presence of Jesus Christ in your Life Step 1
Seek the Presence of Jesus Christ in your Life Step 1

Step 1. Leave the worldly lifestyle that you have been living so far and ask God for help through prayer

Many people go through life only to achieve dreams, achieve goals, and fulfill worldly needs. This makes them depressed, afraid, and feel anxious so that life becomes more problematic. However, Jesus is always ready to hear your every complaint, talk to you, and help you if you ask Him for help humbly and humbly. repent (which means rejecting the devil and truly regretting all the sins you have ever committed). In order to hear the voice of Jesus, you must put Jesus first in your daily life and have a good relationship with Him. For that, you must open your heart to receive the love of Jesus.

Seek the Presence of Jesus Christ in your Life Step 2
Seek the Presence of Jesus Christ in your Life Step 2

Step 2. Seek Jesus by praying

If you cry out to Jesus with all your heart, He will hear and answer your cry! Ask Jesus to help you by forgiving sins so that your heart will come back clean and whiter than snow, but sin no more. When praying to Jesus, regret all the mistakes you have ever made and make a decision to put Jesus first in your daily life. Jesus will give you peace, a true peace that makes depression and fear go away.

Seek the Presence of Jesus Christ in your Life Step 3
Seek the Presence of Jesus Christ in your Life Step 3

Step 3. Wait for Jesus to speak to you

Jesus will speak to you as you draw near to Him. He will show you how to live with Him, have faith in Him, and leave the sinful life behind. He will explain the true way of life, which is to deny oneself, take up the cross, and become His follower! He will tell you that sinners cannot enter the Kingdom of God because only those who are clean from sin can pass through the narrow door to eternal life! This happens when you repent and come to Jesus for a personal relationship with Him in true faith.

Seek the Presence of Jesus Christ in your Life Step 4
Seek the Presence of Jesus Christ in your Life Step 4

Step 4. Repent of all sins

Jesus will tell us that He forgives all the sins we have ever committed. If we fall into sin again, He will still forgive us if we repent and promise not to sin again. However, do not let us repeat the same mistakes and become sinners again because we will go astray if we do not repent. People who die in sin will go to hell! Jesus explained this through the parable of the sower.

Seek the Presence of Jesus Christ in your Life Step 5
Seek the Presence of Jesus Christ in your Life Step 5

Step 5. Listen to Jesus speak and let Him show the truth

Many people are in hell because it is too late to repent and know Jesus. Some people do not have time to have a relationship with Jesus because they prefer to continue their sinful habits. There are also those who worship diligently, but replace certain verses in the Scriptures with dubious ideas, do not really seek Jesus, and are not committed to living the Word of Jesus in the Gospel of John 5:39. You must seek Jesus earnestly because He who was raised from hell, lives, and becomes a king who reigns in the Kingdom of God can hear and speak to us. Jesus will soon return for believers who accept Him as king and Savior. Read the words of Jesus and the commands conveyed through the letters of the apostles in the Scriptures and then carry them out with full obedience. You will face the final judgment according to faith and Jesus will write your name in the book of life in heaven.

Seek the Presence of Jesus Christ in your Life Step 6
Seek the Presence of Jesus Christ in your Life Step 6

Step 6. Receive baptism in the name of Jesus, the Messiah, and ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit

God will give the Holy Spirit as a power from heaven enabling you to do His will on earth as in heaven and He will lead your life. The most easily recognizable sign after receiving this gift is the ability to speak in tongues as one of the many gifts given by the Holy Spirit. This gift enables you to pray in tongues as revealed in the Scriptures. This prayer is very powerful because when you pray in tongues, it is the Spirit of God Himself who is praying through you. As Jesus said in 2 Corinthians 6:2, "Today is the day of salvation".


  • Read the testimonies of others who have experienced the presence of Jesus in their lives.
  • If you have just accepted Jesus, you can meet Him after admitting that you are a sinner, repenting, and sinning no more. You become a member of God's family when you take that step.
  • Watch the YouTube movie "How to Meet Jesus in Everyday Life".
  • If you're not convinced that God is real, there's a great way to help you meet Him if you really mean it. Begin by calling on God's name while kneeling to worship Him or pray. Ask God to forgive the sins you have ever committed and believe in Jesus, His Son who was sent to shed His blood as a ransom for the sins of mankind to erase the dark past and close the door that leads to it so that you do not sin again. Thus, you begin to live life in a new way. Listen to the directions Jesus gave. Let God's commandments be embedded in your heart and mind so that you always obey them as you go about your daily life!
  • Instead of looking for Jesus only in church or through the Scriptures, remember that Jesus is alive and in heaven. Jesus is ready to speak to all who seek Him as He said in the Gospel of Matthew 7:7, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you".
