How to Know the Presence of Ghosts in Your House: 13 Steps

How to Know the Presence of Ghosts in Your House: 13 Steps
How to Know the Presence of Ghosts in Your House: 13 Steps

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Have you ever wondered if your house is haunted? Maybe you've heard strange noises, or felt a tingle of hair when no one was home. It's time for you to unravel this mystery to the end. Ghosts are difficult entities to see, but with keen perception and the right steps you might be able to get some evidence that there are spirits wandering where you live and understand why they never want to leave.


Part 1 of 3: Communicating with Ghosts

Find Ghosts in Your House Step 1
Find Ghosts in Your House Step 1

Step 1. Ask the ghost what its purpose is in your house

If you suspect that your home is home to otherworldly beings, take a direct approach and try to talk to them. Ask him who he is, what he wants and why his spirit is trapped in your house. While it's unlikely that a ghost will engage in a conversation with you, it may signal its presence in other ways, such as a door opening or closing on its own, or manipulation of the environment to give clues as to what its real intentions are.

  • Some questions you could ask him include “what is your name?”, “why are you wandering around here?”, “what do you want?”, and “how did you die?”
  • Make sure you are prepared for the answers before you start asking questions.
Find Ghosts in Your House Step 2
Find Ghosts in Your House Step 2

Step 2. Communicate with the spirit world using the Ouija board

Although often seen as a silly toy or gimmick, the Ouija board has long been used to communicate with the unknown. Ask a friend to accompany you when trying to make contact with the other world. First, both of you will place your hands on a planchette (a small heart-shaped wooden plate). Then, you will ask the ghost a question and wait for the answer. If you feel the planchette starting to move, it means the ghost is trying to say something.

  • Ghosts can answer “yes” or “no” by scrolling a planchette over the words, while separate letters on the board can be used to spell out responses that are easier to understand.
  • Take this effort seriously. Don't cheat by moving the planchette yourself, and ask a friend not to, too. You'll never know if your house is really haunted or not if you do it playfully.
Find Ghosts in Your House Step 3
Find Ghosts in Your House Step 3

Step 3. Do seance (a method of communication carried out by humans with spirits or spirits)

If you are absolutely sure your house is haunted, the next step is to do a seance. Seance is a ceremony used to invite the spirits of the dead to communicate with the living. To do seance, you have to sit with people who believe in the spirit world around someone who will be the recipient of spiritual energy. Seance is considered a more formal method of communicating with ghosts than simply trying to talk to them. This method is most effective when led by an experienced spiritualist or medium.

  • Dim the lights, sit in silence holding hands and wait for the ghost to appear of its own accord.
  • For the seance to be effective, the skeptic must leave the room. Spiritualists claim that their negative attitude will annoy and discourage spirits from interacting.
Find Ghosts in Your House Step 4
Find Ghosts in Your House Step 4

Step 4. Interpret disturbing dreams

Sometimes, ghost visits occur in dreams because, it is said, the wall separating our world from the rest is at its most impenetrable. If you had a dream that was so vivid and disturbing, write down what you saw and experienced in the dream. Meeting people you don't know or receiving vague messages in your dream could be the spirit's way of contacting you.

If you are confused about the meaning of dreams, consult a psychic medium. Apart from having other talents, these experts are trained in analyzing dreams

Part 2 of 3: Finding Evidence of Ghost Activity

Find Ghosts in Your House Step 5
Find Ghosts in Your House Step 5

Step 1. Watch for strange occurrences

Pay attention to the strange things happening around you. These include things like feeling like you see something moving in the corner of your eye or hearing a whisper when you're alone to watching a device turn on and off by itself. If you are hunting for ghost activity, the first investigation should rely on your own senses and intuition.

  • Do an investigation as soon as you see, hear or feel something. That way, you have a greater chance of catching paranormal events as they unfold.
  • Don't be fooled into believing that every knock and clatter is a ghost. Maybe it's just a creaking floor, wind, pets playing or just your imagination.
Find Ghosts in Your House Step 6
Find Ghosts in Your House Step 6

Step 2. Take photos of different parts of the house

Every few days, take a photo of every room in the house. Choose an angle that allows you to take as many pictures of the room as possible. Some theories say that ghosts exist in some kind of residual energy, and under the right conditions, it is possible to photograph this energy.

  • Some of the signs to look out for in photos are odd glows or circles, dark smudges and a pale tinge of smoke like smoke.
  • To avoid mistakes, make sure the camera lens is clean and there is no blinding light in the room.
  • Concentrate on the room where you find the most phenomena.
Find Ghosts in Your House Step 7
Find Ghosts in Your House Step 7

Step 3. Set up a video camera to capture the movement of the ghost

As with ghost photography, spirits are also known to appear frequently in videos. Install a video camera in a room where you can feel the presence of the strongest spirit. With video, you can take 24-30 pictures per second which will increase your chances of catching a ghost that usually likes to escape if you pay close attention.

  • Watch for anything unusual in the video, especially strange glitches and gestures.
  • The ghost may only appear in the film for a fraction of a second. To be sure of what you're seeing, you may need to pause the video frequently or watch several segments frame by frame.
Find Ghosts in Your House Step 8
Find Ghosts in Your House Step 8

Step 4. Record the inaudible sound

Turn on the voice recorder when you suspect a ghost, then play back the recording to see if there's any sound you can't hear live. EVP, or Electronic Sound Phenomenon, describes ghost sounds recorded on tape. These sounds are usually found at frequencies so low that they cannot be detected by the human ear, but can be picked up by sophisticated audio equipment.

  • Due to this low frequency, you may have to increase the volume on the recording device in order to hear the recorded sound.
  • Record every word or phrase you can hear clearly enough for it to be interpreted. If you're lucky, you may be able to interpret the message and find the cause of the ghost's anxiety.
Find Ghosts in Your House Step 9
Find Ghosts in Your House Step 9

Step 5. Try working with a paranormal investigator

If you feel overwhelmed, consider contacting your local paranormal investigators group. Members of this group are usually fans of the supernatural and the occult with extensive knowledge of ghost history, folklore, science and myth. They can offer expertise, tools and other resources that can help with your research.

  • Make sure you provide a detailed description of the phenomenon you are experiencing so that psychics can decide if they can help or not.
  • Working with a specialist can reduce the fear you feel when you have to check for ghost activity alone. A good paranormal investigator will also know the best way to question and deal with spirits who are reluctant to leave.

Part 3 of 3: Liberating Home from Spiritual Energy

Find Ghosts in Your House Step 10
Find Ghosts in Your House Step 10

Step 1. Understand that you are not in danger

The ghosts roaming your house most likely don't want to hurt you. During life, they were ordinary people, just like you. If you keep this in mind, there's a good chance you can live without being bothered by ghosts in your house. The spirit may believe that your home is still a place to live (the activity that scares you is really just the essence of the deceased trying to revive his daily activities).

  • Incidents showing that ghosts actually hurt people are rare. If you observe ghostly activity, it is usually in the form of a mild annoyance.
  • If you believe in ghosts, it means you know they can be anywhere. You shouldn't be too surprised if a ghost or two happens to be in your house.
Find Ghosts in Your House Step 11
Find Ghosts in Your House Step 11

Step 2. Burn the sage

Burning sage leaves is said to be believed to purify the air in the house and cleanse it of negative and evil influences. This method might be worth a try if you're concerned that the spirits in your home have malicious intent. Take a bunch of dry white sage leaves and let it burn slowly as you walk from room to room, focusing on bringing peace to all corners of the house. Burning herbs such as sage can calm curious spirits and help them feel calm.

  • Sage has long been used as a medicinal herb, and is believed to provide protection for the body and soul.
  • Use the sage while sprinkling holy water, and say a prayer for protection and asking the spirit to continue its journey.
Find Ghosts in Your House Step 12
Find Ghosts in Your House Step 12

Step 3. Encourage the subtle entity to leave

During the process of seance or one-on-one communication, gently ask for the wandering spirit to leave your house. Ghosts are often thought to have “unfinished business” that causes them to be tied to a certain place. Calm the visitors from the supernatural world and tell them that there is nothing they can do about staying in the mortal world. Hopefully they will understand and be able to continue the journey towards a new peaceful existence.

  • In a soft, yet firm voice, ask the ghost to leave. Use pleading sentences like “this house is now where I live, there's nothing you can do here”, or “don't be afraid to go on a journey to another world. There is no reason for you to stay here.”
  • There is nothing wrong with digging up some information about the ghost during his lifetime to be able to communicate with him and guide him on his journey.
  • Try not to speak in a hostile tone. Angry ghosts can hold grudges.
Find Ghosts in Your House Step 13
Find Ghosts in Your House Step 13

Step 4. Enlist the help of a professional exorcist

If you're being bullied by an evil, mischievous or troublesome ghost, it may be time to act decisively. In this case, a professional exorcist may be required. Look for experienced church officials or clerics to perform proper exorcism rituals and have them come to the house to feel the spirit's power and intentions. An experienced exorcist will know the proper prayers and ritual practices to be able to get rid of the spectral intruder successfully.

  • Usually exorcists are Catholic church priests who received special education to deal with supernatural forces. However, other religions also have great teachers or priests who are able to perform exorcisms.
  • You may be asked to leave or stay home during the exorcism, depending on the method used.


  • Do some research to find out the history of the house you live in and find out if any ghosts might be lurking there.
  • Talk to ghosts in a charming and respectful tone. You can attract negative energy by deliberately mocking or being mean.
  • Be patient. Ghosts rarely show themselves when asked. Their energy may strengthen at certain times, or under certain conditions. Stay alert and be prepared to take the opportunity to catch a glimpse of its appearance.
  • Those who are susceptible to the influence of spirits should make sure to stabilize their energy before opening lines of communication. In other words, clear your mind, suppress your fear and communicate with the ghost in a neutral emotional state.
  • If you want to record evidence of ghosts, make sure your camera/video camera/audio recording device is equipped with film tape, or has sufficient digital storage to record the movie you are targeting.


  • Think carefully before using a Ouija board. Some spiritualists say that spirit summoning boards and other means of interaction can act as gates that allow ghosts or subtle entities to enter the user's body.
  • Don't play games or intentionally invite dark creatures into your home, even if it's just for fun. Whether you really believe in ghosts or not, there are some forces that should not be disturbed.
  • Exorcist is not a game. The Catholic Church takes it very seriously. Church officials will investigate your request to see if it was a hoax or a joke before considering sending a pastor to visit your home.
  • Use an EVP recorder or Ghost Box so you can hear what they have to say. This method is easy to do, but if the ghost has bad intentions, ask a priest or cleric to come to the house to help. Usually they will come with the necessary tools, such as holy water if they invite a priest.
