Almost everyone around the world believes that God exists. Discussing the existence of God can be a very challenging act. However, scientific, historical, philosophical, and cultural evidence can all be used when developing convincing arguments that God does not exist. Whatever approach you take, be sure to remain polite and considerate when discussing God's existence.
Before starting a discussion, pay attention to the person you are talking to. Remember that religion is a sensitive topic for some people to discuss. Respect other people's beliefs even if you don't agree with them.
If the topic of this article does not match your beliefs or makes you feel uncomfortable, please do not continue reading.
Part 1 of 4: Using Science

Step 1. State that living things are poorly designed
The bad design argument states that if God is perfect, why did He create humans and many other living things badly? For example, we are prone to many diseases, our bones break easily, and as we age, our mind and body get worse and worse. You could also mention the poorly designed human spine, inelastic knees, and pelvic bones that make labor difficult and painful for women. All in all, this biological evidence suggests that God doesn't exist (or that He didn't create us well, in which case, there's no reason to worship him).
Believers may counter this argument by claiming that if God is perfect, then He created us as best as possible. They may also argue that what we see as imperfections actually serve a purpose in a design that is greater than God's. Point out the logical fallacy in this case. We can't go through life with the expectation that someday an explanation for why our eyes or shoulders are so badly designed will emerge. Take the reference from the philosopher Voltaire, who wrote a novel about people searching for meaning after the devastating earthquake hit Paris. We are pattern-seeking animals. So naturally we seek and hope for patterns we can't find

Step 2. Show the history of replacing supernatural explanations with natural explanations
The "God of the Gaps" argument is commonly used when people argue that God exists. This argument argues that while modern science can explain many things, it cannot explain others. You can counter this by saying that the things we don't understand are decreasing every year, and that while natural explanations have replaced theistic explanations, supernatural or theistic explanations have never replaced scientific explanations.
- For example, you could cite the example of evolution as one area where science has revised its previous God-centered explanation of the diversity of species in the world.
- Discuss that religion is often used to explain things that cannot be explained. The Greeks used Poseidon to explain how earthquakes occur, which we now know occurs due to the movement of tectonic plates to release pressure.

Step 3. Discuss the fallacy of creationism
Creationism is the belief that God created this world, usually in a relatively recent time frame such as 5,000 - 6,000 years ago. Take advantage of the abundance of plausible evidence that disproves this, such as evolutionary data, fossils, radiocarbon dating, and ice cores to suggest that God does not exist.
For example, you might say, "We keep finding rocks that are millions or even billions of years old. Doesn't this prove that God doesn't exist?"
Part 2 of 4: Making Use of Cultural Evidence

Step 1. Discuss that belief in God is socially determined
There are several variations on this idea. You could explain that in relatively poor countries, almost everyone believes in God, while in relatively developed and rich countries, few people believe in God. You could also state that people with higher levels of education are more likely to be atheists than those with lower levels of education. All in all, these facts further strengthen that God is only a product of culture and belief in God depends on one's social condition.
You can also point out that people who grew up in a particular religion tend to stick with that religion throughout their lives. On the other hand, those who were not raised in religious households rarely become religious later in life

Step 2. Explain that just because most people believe in God, doesn't mean it's always true
One common reason for believing in God is that most people believe in him. This "mutual agreement" argument might also suggest that because belief in God is so high, such belief must be natural. However, you can refute this idea by arguing that just because a lot of people believe in something, doesn't mean it's true. For example, you might state, most people believed that slavery was acceptable at one time or another.
State that if people are not exposed to religion or the idea of God, they will not believe in God

Step 3. Learn the many beliefs in religion
The identities and characteristics of Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist gods are very different. Therefore, you could argue that even if there is a God, there is no way of knowing which God to worship.
This argument is formally known as the inconsistent revelation argument

Step 4. Point out the contradictions in the religious texts
Most religions offer their sacred texts as products and evidence of their God. If you can show that a sacred text is inconsistent or flawed, you will provide a strong justification for the absence of God.
- For example, if God is described in one passage of a sacred text as forgiving, but then razes an entire village or country to the ground, you can use this apparent contradiction to show that God does not exist (or that the sacred text is a lie).
- In the case of the Bible, often entire verses, stories, and short stories are falsified or altered at some point. For example, Mark 9:29 and John 7:53 to 8:11 contain passages copied from other sources. Explain that this indicates that the sacred texts are merely imitations of creative ideas generated by people, not divinely inspired books.
Part 3 of 4: Using Philosophical Arguments

Step 1. Discuss that if God existed, he would not allow unbelief
This argument states that if atheism existed, God would come down or intervene directly in this world to reveal himself to atheists. However, the fact that so many people are atheists, and God does not try to persuade them through divine intervention, means that God does not exist.
Believers may counter this claim by claiming that God permits free will, and therefore unbelief is an inevitable result of this trait. They may cite some specific examples in their sacred texts of instances when their Lord revealed himself to people who still refused to believe

Step 2. Investigate inconsistencies in other people's beliefs
If a believer's belief is based on the idea that God created the universe because "Everything has a beginning and an end," you might ask, "Then what created God?" This will emphasize to others that they are unfairly concluding that God exists when in fact, the same basic premise (that everything has a beginning) can lead to two different conclusions.
People who believe in God may argue that God-because he is omnipotent-transcends space and time, and is therefore the exception to the rule that everything has a beginning and an end. If they argue in this way, you must direct the argument against a contradiction in the idea of omnipotence

Step 3. Investigate the crime problem
The problem of evil questions how God can exist if there is evil. In other words, if God exists and he is good, he should eliminate all evil. You might argue, "If God really cared about us, there would be no war."
- Your interlocutor will probably answer "Management by humans is messy and imperfect. It is humans, not God, who cause evil." In this case, your interlocutor may again use the idea of free will to counter the idea that God is responsible for all evil in the world.
- You could also go a step further and argue that if there is an evil god who condones evil, he is not worthy of worship.

Step 4. Show that morality does not require any religious belief
Many people believe that without religion, the planet would be in chaos. However, you can explain that your own behavior (or that of another atheist) is slightly different from that of believers. Admit that even though you are not perfect, no one is perfect, and believing in God does not encourage people to always be more moral and righteous than others.
- You could also reverse this proposition by arguing that religion not only leads to good, but also leads to evil because many religious people commit immoral acts in the name of their God. For example, you could take the example of the Spanish Inquisition or religious terrorism around the world.
- In addition, animals that are unable to understand our human concept of religion show clear evidence of an instinctive understanding of moral behavior and the difference between right and wrong.

Step 5. Show that a good life does not need God
Many people believe that only with God can one live a rich, happy, and fulfilling life. However, you can point out that many non-believers are happier and more successful than religious people.
For example, you might consider Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens as individuals who were very successful even though they did not believe in God

Step 6. Explain the contradiction between omniscience and free will
Omniscience, the ability to know everything, seems to contradict most religious dogmas. Free will refers to the idea that you are responsible for your own actions. Most religions believe in both concepts, but the two are incompatible.
- Say to your interlocutor, "If God knows everything that has happened and will happen, as well as every thought we create before thinking about it, your future is a predictable certainty. Then how can God judge us on what we do? we do?"
- People who believe in God will probably answer that even though God already knows individual decisions beforehand, individual actions are still everyone's free choice.

Step 7. Demonstrate the impossibility of omnipotence
Omnipotence is the ability to do anything. However, if God can do anything, he must be able to, for example, draw a square circle. However, since this is logically incoherent, it is unreasonable to believe that God is omnipotent.
- Another logically impossible thing that you can claim God cannot do is knowing and not knowing something at the same time.
- You could also argue that if God is omnipotent, why does he allow natural disasters, massacres, and wars?

Step 8. Follow the opponent's game
In reality, it is impossible to prove that something does not exist. Anything can exist, but for a belief to be valid and worthy of attention, it needs solid evidence to back it up. State that instead of proving that God does not exist, believers need to provide proof that God does exist.
- For example, you could ask what happens after death. Many people who believe in God also believe in an afterlife. Ask for proof of this afterlife.
- Spiritual entities such as gods, demons, heaven, hell, angels, demons, etc. have never been (and cannot be) studied scientifically. Point out that these spiritual qualities cannot be proven to exist.
Part 4 of 4: Preparing to Discuss Religion

Step 1. Do your homework
Be prepared to discuss the existence of God by familiarizing yourself with the main arguments and ideas of well-known atheists. For example, reading Christopher Hitchens' God is not Great is a great place to start. Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion is another excellent source of rational arguments against the existence of a god in religion.
- In addition to researching opinions that support atheism, examine the rebuttals or justifications from a religious perspective.
- Familiarize yourself with issues or beliefs that might invite criticism from your opponent, and make sure you can actually stand up for your own beliefs.

Step 2. Organize your opinion logically
If your argument is not presented in a way that is easy to understand, your message will not reach the person you are talking to. For example, when explaining how a person's religion is culturally determined, you must get the other person to agree with each of your premises.
- You could say, "Mexico is inhabited by a Catholic country, isn't it?"
- When they say yes, move on to the next premise, such as "Most people in Mexico are Catholic, right?"
- When they say yes, continue to your conclusion by saying, for example, "The reason most people believe in God in Mexico is the history of the religious culture there."

Step 3. Be tactful when discussing the existence of God
Belief in God is a sensitive topic. Approach the debate as a conversation in which you and the other person have a valid opinion. Speak kindly to the person you are talking to. Ask why they are so sure of their faith. Listen patiently to their reasons and adapt your response appropriately and attentively to what they have to say.
- Ask the person you're talking to for sources (books or websites) you can use to learn more about their perspectives and beliefs.
- Belief in God is very complicated, and statements about God's existence-whether for or against-cannot be considered facts.

Step 4. Stay calm
The existence of God can be a very emotional topic. If you are excited or aggressive during a conversation, you may become incoherent and/or say something you will regret. Take deep breaths to stay calm. Exhale slowly through your nose for five seconds, then exhale through your mouth for three seconds. Repeat until you feel calm.
- Slow down your speech rate so you have more time to think about what you want to say and avoid saying something you regret later.
- If you start to feel angry, say to the other person, "Let's agree to disagree," and then part ways with them.
- Be polite when discussing God. Remember, many people are sensitive about their religion. Honor those who believe in God. Don't use offensive or accusatory language like bad, stupid, or crazy. Do not insult your interlocutor.
- In the end, instead of giving a concise opinion, the other person will often use the statement "Sorry, you're going to hell." Do not respond with answers that are both passive and aggressive.
- You don't always have to say that God doesn't exist to every believer you meet. Best friends don't have to think the same about everything. If you're always trying to start an argument with your friends or "change your mind," be prepared, you'll have fewer friends.
- Some people choose religion to cope with bad experiences in their life such as addiction, or tragic death. Although religion can have a positive impact on people's lives and can help them in times of need, that does not mean that the ideas behind religion are true. If you meet someone who claims to have been helped in this way, be careful, because you don't want to offend them, but you don't have to avoid or pretend to think like them.