Sometimes, intentionally or unintentionally, we Muslims have sinned. As Muslims, we feel guilty and want to repent. Many people find this difficult to do, but they forget that Allah is Most Forgiving. 'Repentance' refers to asking Allah's forgiveness for the sins committed. Read this article to learn how to repent.

Step 1. Understand the error
Realize that you have strayed from the teachings of Allah. Examine the causes, how they affect you, and the kinds of consequences for those around you. Clear your mind, open your mind, and admit mistakes. This is not done to feel sorry for yourself, but to make you realize and accept the harsh reality that you have sinned. Don't forget that Allah created and cares for us, and only asks us to worship and obey Him in return.

Step 2. Try not to beg for forgiveness because of the coercion of others
There may be people who dictate right and wrong to you, and tell you to repent when they learn that you have sinned. However, a request for forgiveness will not be sincere if it does not come from oneself. The desire for repentance must come from your heart, not someone else's.

Step 3. Promise never to do it again
To repent, you can't simply "beg forgiveness and promise not to do it again." You have to make sure the error will not be repeated. Don't be half-hearted, and make sure sin doesn't happen again. Don't let doubt keep you from repenting, or feel that repentance will not be accepted and you will get sin. Don't forget, if you keep repeating it, small sins will become big sins.

Step 4. Apply the three factors that determine the effectiveness of repentance
The process of repentance consists of three factors:
- Confess sin and guilt;
- Shame for betraying God's trust;
- Promise never to do it again.

Step 5. Find out if anyone else has been affected by your sin
Find out if your actions hurt other people. If true, also ask for forgiveness from them.
- If a sin violates the rights of others, such as property rights or ownership, you must return the rights.
- If you slander another person, ask for his forgiveness with all your heart.

Step 6. Know that Allah is Most Forgiving and Forgiving
However, sometimes Allah gives severe punishment and forgiveness must be grateful. It is useless to repent if you are not fully committed to being a good Muslim. Trust in Allah and hope your sins are forgiven. As stated in the Qur'an, Allah said:
- "Indeed, Allah loves those who repent and loves those who purify themselves" (Surah Al Baqarah, 2:222).
- The Qur'an states that Allah is Forgiving and Forgiving: “Then Adam received some words from his Lord, so Allah accepted his repentance. Verily, Allah is Most Accepting of repentance, Most Merciful.” [Al-Baqarah, 2:37]
- "Ya'qub said: "I will ask forgiveness for you to my Lord. Indeed, He is the Most Forgiving, Most Merciful" (Surah Yusuf, 12:98).

Step 7. Believe in the power of repentance
'Repentance' has many benefits that need to be known.
- 'Repentance' is the path to success.
- “Repentance” keeps us away from trials and obstacles.
- Repentance helps clear our minds.
- Repentance pleases Allah.
- Repentance is a process of change in life.
- Repentance makes your prayers worthy of being answered.
- Sincere repentance can wash away one's sins.

Step 8. Perform Salat
Pray solemnly and solemnly to Allah. Perform the obligatory prayers five times a day. If you can, do it all at the mosque. A calm and serene environment will help your solemnity. Don't be afraid to perform additional Sunnah (recommended) and Nafl (voluntary) rak'ahs as they will increase your chances of getting forgiveness from Allah, especially if done regularly.

Step 9. Ask Allah for forgiveness after every prayer
As stated in the Qur'an, Allah says, "And establish prayer on both sides of the day (morning and evening) and at the beginning of the night (in other words, the five obligatory prayers)." (Hud 11:114). This sentence explains that Allah loves people who pray on time with the right attitude and obedience.

Step 10. Ask Allah for forgiveness during the day and night
Asking for forgiveness is a long and tiring road, but this is your only hope. Know that forgiveness will not come in a day, or after one or two prayers. Repentance is a process of self-improvement from within.
Rasulullah SAW. said, "Whoever repents before the sun rises from the west (resurrection), then Allah will still accept his repentance." (Sahih Muslim)

Step 11. Use other names of Allah related to goodness and forgiveness
The most suitable names include: Al-'Afuww (The Most Forgiving), Al-Ghafur (The Most Forgiving), and Al-Ghaffaar (The Most Forgiving).
"Only belongs to Allah Asma-ul Husna, so ask Him by mentioning Asma-ul Husna and leave those who deviate from the truth in (mentioning) His names" (Al-A'raaf, 7:180))

Step 12. Fast in the month of Ramadan
This is the most important time for Muslims to show their piety to Allah. What's more, Ramadan is considered a 'month of forgiveness'. Therefore, worship obediently and solemnly.
Read this article a more detailed guide

Step 13. Remember that good deeds can help cover sins
Focus on actions that please Allah, and stay away from His prohibitions.
Rasulullah SAW. once said: "Between the five daily prayers, between one Friday and another, between one Ramadan and another, it will erase the sins between them as long as one stays away from major sins." (Sahih Muslim, 223)

Step 14. Pay Zakat
Zakat is a great way to wash away sins, which will not only lighten your load, but also help in the lives of others.

Step 15. Go on a pilgrimage
This is the best way to get forgiveness from Allah. It is said that all your sins will be washed away when you go on Hajj for the first time.

Step 16. Control yourself to prevent sin in the future
Sometimes it can be tempting to 'break the rules', but remember that Allah promises rewards for those who are patient and refrain from wrongdoing.

Step 17. Try not to overlook the 'small efforts' that can help you gain forgiveness
- Answer the call to prayer. Rasulullah SAW. said, "Who says after hearing the call to prayer: Ashhadu alla ilaha illallah wahdahu laa syarika lah wa anna muhammadan 'abduhu wa Rasuluh, radhitu billahi robbaa wa bi muhammadin rosulaa wa bil islami diinaa (meaning: I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah, there is no partner for him, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger, I am pleased as my Lord, Muhammad as the Messenger and Islam as my religion), then his sins will be forgiven." (HR. Muslim no. 386).
- Say 'Amen'. Rasulullah SAW. once said, "Then say by you Amen. Indeed, whoever says (amen) along with the words of the angels, his past sins will be forgiven." (Al-Bukhaari & Muslim).
- Hang out with people who obey Allah. It is important to stay away from people who distance themselves from the teachings of Islam.
- Follow the Muslim dress code to help you remember Allah and obey Him.
- Pray two rak'ahs solemnly to ask Allah's forgiveness. Rasulullah SAW. once said, "For those who purify themselves properly, then pray two rak'ahs (prayer) without being solemn, all previous sins will be forgiven." (Ahmad).

Step 18. Pray a lot for forgiveness
There have been many prayers mentioned above, but there are still several other prayers for forgiveness.
- "They both said: "Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we will surely be among the losers." (Al-A'raf; 7:23)
- say Astaghfirullah over and over again. Say it three times after every prayer and at least 100 times a day. This word means "I ask forgiveness from Allah SWT."
- Rasulullah SAW. said, “Say 'SubhanAllah wa bihamdihi' 100 times a day and all your sins will be forgiven, even if they are as much as foam in the ocean. (Bukhari)
- Be polite to everyone.
- Pray five times a day and read the Quran regularly.
- Try to stay away from people who hinder you from living God's commands. Stay away from bad friends.
- Get rid of your ego and apologize. It's useless to have a big ego if you end up in Hell.
- Don't commit a grave sin that is unlikely to be forgiven.
- Think before you speak!
- Worship Allah for His forgiveness.