Nudism, also known as naturism, involves living naked at home and in public, it's about connecting with your body and respecting yourself and others in your community. Contrary to what people think, this understanding is more about freedom than sexuality. If you are interested in this and want to know more about it, see step 1 to get started.
Part 1 of 4: Understanding Nudism

Step 1. Know that Nudism brings you closer to nature
There is a reason why nudists prefer to be called naturists. Nudism is about returning to nature and being one with nature. Being naked on the beach, in the forest, or other natural places will take you to another experience. One of the best feelings from this is that you can feel your body directly into the sun and waves.

Step 2. Know that being naked isn't just about sex
Of course many people think that a group of people who don't wear clothes will certainly lead to it. However, most adherents of nudism of course think that there is no connection between following nudism and sex. They think that it's just a matter of being free and returning to their true state, and this is what matters to them.
- Naked does not mean erotic for nudists. They are used to seeing naked bodies without having sexual thoughts.
- Also, you shouldn't think you have to have the perfect body to be a nudist.
- While it can be a little difficult to convince friends and family that nudity isn't a risk, it's a lifestyle that many people follow.
- However, there are also some groups of nudism that are more sexually oriented. Make sure you do some research first about the community you are going to join.

Step 3. Know that nudism can help you feel free
Being a nudist can help you go back to your childhood, to remember yourself before you cared about wearing clothes. It's a very free feeling. Nudism can help you return to your true self and make you feel happy and free in a friendly environment.
Imagine how complicated life has become. Cluttering about the clothes, jewelry, footwear, and other things you have to wear only makes it more complicated

Step 4. Know that nudists are not always naked
Maybe you can imagine naked people in public. However, most nudists still carry out their activities and work in public places while still wearing clothes, even though they are always looking for opportunities to be naked.
Committing to following nudism doesn't mean throwing away all your clothes. This means appreciating every opportunity you have to be naked
Part 2 of 4: Doing Nudism at home

Step 1. If you don't live alone, respect the boundaries of your housemates
Even if you want to be naked all the time, it's certainly very rude to be naked in front of people who aren't comfortable with it. If your housemates are okay with that, of course you can be naked all the time. However, if they don't like it, then you can be naked in your own room or in another area of the house when no one else is there.
Speak honestly and directly with them about your decision about nudism. Of course you have the right to live up to your beliefs, but this shouldn't cause problems with other people either

Step 2. If you don't live alone, invite someone else in your household to join you
If you live with people who might be interested in this idea, then you can invite them to follow it too. If they know nothing about nudism, they may be suspicious at first. However, once you educate them more about this understanding, they may actually join in.
If they don't want to join, don't force them. Nudism is something that should be done without being forced

Step 3. Don't let your neighbors see you
Close your windows. Don't go out into the park unless you live in an area without neighbors. You may think that this fear of getting caught is very exciting and fun, but you should act on your beliefs with respect.
You should also provide towels in case you suddenly have to go out and open the door. You certainly do not want to give a strange impression on your neighbors or other guests

Step 4. Do what you normally do – naked
Now, time to have fun. When you are alone at home or people around you are comfortable with it, you can start doing your daily activities at home naked. You can cook, watch TV, or whatever you usually do at home without wearing clothes. This is the joy of following nudism: doing what you normally do feeling free and detached!
Of course you should still shower, wash your hands, and maintain good hygiene. It's important to stay clean, whether you're wearing clothes or not

Step 5. Sleep naked
One of the highest pleasures of being a nudist is sleeping naked, feeling the soft mattress and blankets directly touching your body. Many people who are not adherents of this understanding also like to sleep naked. Set the temperature in your room or open the window, and enjoy the pleasures of freedom from sleeping naked.
If you live with other people and don't want to bother them if you suddenly have to go to the toilet in the middle of the night, you should hang towels on your door so you can put them on immediately when needed

Step 6. If you are committed to staying home naked, move to a location that is more open about this
If you want to try nudism at home but feel too constrained because of the people in your house, gossip from your neighbors, or your lack of freedom, then it's best to move to another location that is more open about this understanding.
Of course if you are too young to live alone, wait until you are able and ready to live alone
Part 3 of 4: Doing Nudism with the family

Step 1. Know that there will be a debate about this
You want you, your partner, your child to feel free with their bodies. This is a great goal, but before embarking on this journey, you should be aware that there are views from others that raising you nudism is unethical, some even consider it sexual exploitation. In the end, you decide.

Step 2. Start by suggesting going naked
If you want your entire family to embrace nudism, especially if your child is young, then you have to start off right. You can't suddenly ask them to be naked. You can start by starting to wear lighter or lighter clothes, so you can start to feel comfortable seeing each other's bodies before you start any further.
- If your child is naked in the shower, don't make a big deal about them if they don't wear clothes.
- You can even invite your child to spend some time naked, if they are comfortable with that.
- Of course, when you start doing this, explain to your child that this is only at home because people out there are not necessarily receptive or comfortable with this understanding.

Step 3. Make your family feel confident
If you want to do this with your family, then you have to make your family feel confident about themselves and how they look. Make them feel beautiful, and give them compliments to make them feel that they are beautiful creations. Even though nudism isn't all about sex and looking good, you have to get people to believe in themselves.
Just maintaining a positive atmosphere in your home can have a huge impact. While constructive criticism is necessary, you should focus on being positive over negative and encouraging your family to grow spiritually

Step 4. Make nudism feel natural
Another thing you can do is make nudism feel normal when you get home. If people don't wear clothes, don't comment about it or talk about how nice it is to be naked, take it for granted. This will make this a matter of course for your family.
When you and your family sit at the dinner table naked, take it for granted rather than talk about how wonderful it is that we are all naked. If this is a common thing, we don't need to pay much attention to it

Step 5. Make nudism a comfort
You can show your family that nudism is not only natural, but also comfortable. You don't need to be confused about what to wear at home. You don't have to buy a lot of clothes. If the weather is very hot, you will not be too hot because you are not wearing anything.

Step 6. Do it as a family
If everyone is comfortable with it and doing it together, it will strengthen your family relationship. Of course you have to get your child brave enough to say they are uncomfortable. You have to respect his beliefs and not push him into this.
Part 4 of 4: Doing Nudism outdoors

Step 1. Join the Nudism community
If you are really with this, you can join the nudism community. If you're in America, you can join the AANR (American Association for Nude Recreation). This organization will help you find a healthy club, private residence, and a location where you can safely and comfortably do nudism.
- Joining a community will also make you feel less isolated because of your beliefs and help you meet like-minded people.
- While many nudists focus on being free and connected to nature, there are some communities that use nudism for sexual reasons. If this does not suit you, be careful when choosing.

Step 2. Look for a nudism beach
You don't have to be a member of a community to find a nudist beach in your area. If you can find a place that suits you, then it's the right place.
If you do nudism with your family, make sure your family members are old enough to enter the nudism beach

Step 3. Take a nudism vacation
In recent years, holidays like this have become more popular. Many people are uncomfortable being naked where they live, even though they are comfortable being naked in another place or country. You can get out of your zone and find an area that is open to nudism and spend your time there.
- You can check regular vacation sites and search for "nudist spa vacations" to find the right place for you, or you can use specialized sites that can help you find the right nudism destination.
- Some people oppose practicing nudism in a public place near their home because they are afraid of meeting people they know. If you are away from home, of course these worries will disappear!

Step 4. Look for opportunities to get naked outside
While you should make sure not to offend anyone in public, if you can find a quiet place, this will help you. Look for a quiet place such as a lakeside, secluded area, or countryside.
Just make sure you don't break the rules. Although it's legal to be naked in public, practicing nudism is prohibited in places like Arkansas, and countries like Iran
- Hold your erection, your naked body can't cover it.
- Do it slowly, you certainly don't want to get caught in an awkward situation.
- Separate this from sexual needs by reducing the amount of sexual activity you do.
- Don't force nudism on other people.