Supernatural abilities make a person able to explore the subconscious mind of others. Many people have supernatural abilities, but are still blocked by negative thoughts or don't know how to use them. Read this article if you want to recognize, utilize, and develop supernatural abilities.
Method 1 of 3: Developing Supernatural Abilities with Practice

Step 1. Know the different types of supernatural abilities
There are people who have supernatural abilities only in certain fields or there are also those who focus on developing their best abilities.
- Imagine that you are using the “third eye”, which is the chakra (energy center) that is between the eyebrows. With your eyes closed, visualize your “third eye” opening and dilating while trying to mentally see what images pop into your mind.
- Be a fortune teller. A fortune teller is able to see the appearance of supernatural beings. One of the abilities of fortune-tellers is to do visions to see things that don't make sense. Fortune tellers usually use aura to receive messages when communicating with supernatural beings. Before fortune-telling, close your eyes and imagine a specific location where you want to gaze while focusing your mind on the third eye. Remember the impression that first appeared and then immediately write down.
- Be the medium. Medium is a person who is able to receive messages in the form of voices from supernatural beings. The sound will be streamed through the aura into the subconscious mind of the medium which functions like a telephone. In order to become a medium, think of a certain word and then repeat it in your heart to bring out the inner voice. Medium is able to feel the sensation of the existence of supernatural beings including understanding their emotions and personality.

Step 2. Practice supernatural abilities using small objects
Fortune tellers or mediums who are investigators of criminal cases usually use clothing as a tool. Actually, they can use any other object, as long as it has been used by the person involved in the case because the object is believed to store energy. Objects that are never used do not store that energy.
- Hold the object with your eyes closed and relax and then feel the sensations that arise in your body. Ask yourself if the object belongs to a man or a woman, what emotions he feels, and what his job is.
- Take note of the instincts that appear as they are without editing them. This is called an energetic impression. You can get the best results if you don't know any information about the object's owner by comparing your records with actual facts.

Step 3. Do another exercise using a specific object as an object
Have someone hide an object and then practice finding it. As described above, try to "feel" the object's energy to determine its location.
- Visualize you are connecting with the energy of the object to find out its location. Ask yourself if the object is on top or bottom, covered by something else, or stored in a container.
- Use an image as an object. Have a friend put a picture from a magazine (that you've never seen) in a sealed envelope. After that, try looking through the photo to see how much you can “see”.

Step 4. Meditate to develop supernatural abilities
Meditation is a way of controlling your mind and helps you focus on your sixth sense because you need to be able to clear your mind during meditation.
- When you wake up in the morning, lie down with your eyes closed for a few minutes. Before opening your eyes, pay attention to the sounds, textures, and smells you can identify. If done every day for a few weeks, this exercise is very helpful in increasing awareness and intuition.
- Begin the meditation practice by closing your eyes and taking deep, slow breaths. Inhale through your nose, hold your breath for a moment and then exhale through your mouth.
- During meditation, play soft music to calm your mind or say a mantra. Mantras are short words or phrases that are said over and over again as a way of focusing the mind. Meditation helps you control the mind that is accustomed to analyzing so that it can activate the subconscious mind.
- Imagine a plus sign on inhaling and a minus sign on exhaling. Do this exercise repeatedly. Eliminate negative thoughts so as not to hinder the development of supernatural abilities.
Method 2 of 3: Activating the Subconscious Mind

Step 1. Learn how to recognize and rely on intuition
Intuition is a belief or sensation that arises without a logical reason, but because of an instinct that goes beyond logic.
- Everyone has intuition, but some people are able to develop this ability better. Develop your intuition by trusting it, for example when a certain instinct pops up when you first meet someone. Make sure you have a pure motive because this will bring out supernatural abilities.
- Pay attention to random thoughts and feelings. Have a journal ready so you can use it anytime. Take note of every thought that just pops up. Maybe you will find a certain pattern. Thoughts that previously seemed very random and unrelated begin to form recognizable themes or ideas.
- Lie down for a few minutes when you wake up in the morning to make it easier to remember detailed dreams. Don't be in a hurry to get up and move. Set the alarm to sound 10-15 minutes before your scheduled wake-up time. Take some time to remember what your dream was last night and write it down in a journal. The subconscious mind usually works more actively during your sleep.

Step 2. Improve your empathy skills
People who have supernatural abilities are thought to be able to align themselves with the emotions, suffering, and energies of others as if they were experiencing them themselves.
- There are people who are able to empathize because of a natural ability, but it can be learned. Just like the ability to empathize, some are born with supernatural abilities, but they can also be developed. Learn to read body language. Fortune tellers and mediums read nonverbal cues that provide important clues to know a lot about other people.
- Supernatural powers can also be used to heal others. The healer will place a hand on the patient's body to get to know his emotions better. Protect yourself from negative energies called supernatural protection, namely by protecting or fortifying yourself from negative energies around you.

Step 3. Learn how to concentrate
You need to be able to concentrate if you want to understand other people's thoughts or move objects using the power of your mind. In this case, the ability to focus the mind is very important.
- Hold the picture and stare at it for one minute. After that, close your eyes and try to remember and imagine the picture in as much detail as possible. This visualization technique is one way to improve the ability to concentrate.
- Use your imagination and daydream skills. Children who are more imaginative are usually better able to use the subconscious mind. This is very much needed to build supernatural abilities.
Method 3 of 3: Using the Energy Field

Step 1. Find out more about your own energy field
People who have supernatural abilities believe that every human being is surrounded by electromagnetic fields that can be used to channel supernatural energy. Study your energy field so you can harness supernatural energy.
- Auras and chakras are two aspects of the energy field surrounding you. By understanding these two things, you are able to control the flow of energy that flows into and out of your body. Aura is a field of energy that surrounds the body; Chakra is the entry and exit of energy flowing in the body. To recognize auras and chakras, you must have telepathic abilities that can be developed by practicing every day.
- Learn to detect other people's energy fields to improve your ability to read their minds. Have someone draw an object and then say what it is without seeing it first.

Step 2. Study the major chakras and try to open the chakra channels
There are seven major chakras in the human body, each of which has a channel as the entrance and exit of energy. The first and second chakras from above are the mental centers. The third to sixth chakras from the top facing forward are the center of emotion and those facing back are the center of desire. The base chakra is the energy center associated with physical life.
- The closed chakras cannot drain energy, causing illness and emotional stress. An open chakra can cause overreaction and emotional problems.
- Imagine that you are opening and closing the third eye chakra, which is the chakra between the eyebrows. Close your eyes (physically) while imagining that your third eye is open.

Step 3. Learn how to see other people's auras
Aura is a field of energy that surrounds the human body in various colors and intensities. Learn how to detect auras so you can read other people's minds.
- Energy is everywhere and radiates from our bodies. To detect the aura of another person, stand facing each other at a distance of approximately 3 meters. Have him stand against a white or black background.
- Look gently at the nose of the person standing in front of you using your peripheral vision. At first, the aura will look like fog. Stare continuously without blinking so that you can see the aura because blinking makes the aura invisible.

Step 4. Free yourself from negative energy
To improve your ability to understand other people's feelings and experiences, you need to have a higher frequency of energy levels.
- Negative thoughts and sadness are energies that pollute supernatural abilities. Therefore, you must always think positively.
- Start the practice by calming the mind to control the energy. Stand with your feet apart and your arms relaxed. Allow your knees to bend slightly while placing your feet firmly on the floor. Mentally direct the energy to the soles of your feet and imagine the energy flowing deep into the ground like strong roots.

Step 5. Try to stay still and calm so you can feel the energy of nature
In order to feel the flow of energy properly, don't dwell on daily activities and ignore other distractions.
- Stay away from distractions and distracting activities so you can think more clearly to develop accurate and focused mental abilities. Direct your attention to the beauty of nature's sounds, for example by enjoying the chirping of birds, the sound of running water, the rustling of the wind, etc.
- Develop intuition and supernatural abilities by listening to the sounds of nature. Eliminate distractions by turning off electronic devices, such as cell phones, TVs, and lights, as they can hinder the development of supernatural abilities.
- Do the exercises as often as possible! Supernatural abilities can only be possessed by people who never give up. You must have the motivation and dedication to keep practicing in order to succeed faster.
- If you want to use supernatural powers to achieve certain goals, do self hypnosis to make yourself more sensitive.
- Practical applications will enhance supernatural abilities, for example: as you swim, guess which man or woman will slide next.
- Sometimes, you can do certain activities by watching other people do the same. However, this method only serves as a temporary “shock therapy” to activate the subconscious mind by seeing something real.
- Listen to the message that comes from inside and use it as a guide. Sometimes, we hear voices saying certain things are good or bad, but we regret ignoring them. This is a message from our own spirit that will be very beneficial to listen to.
- Try to clear your mind during meditation so that the spirit can talk to you.
- There are people who respond poorly when you discuss things related to supernatural abilities or experiences.
- Many people deny or are unable to understand supernatural abilities as real.
- The influence of supernatural abilities in everyday life is still poorly understood.
- Science has not recognized the validity of scientific research carried out in the field of parapsychology and research on consciousness.