4 Ways to Develop a Passion for Life

4 Ways to Develop a Passion for Life
4 Ways to Develop a Passion for Life

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Maybe you've been struggling with your passion for living with other people, or you've had a hard time having a personal passion. Developing a zest for life is an active part of the process of becoming a more passionate and passionate human being, and it requires a more proactive way of life. You can become a more passionate person by doing fun and exciting things, focusing on creativity and using your imagination, and interacting with other people passionately.


Method 1 of 1: Finding Passion in Work or Education

Develop Passion Step 1
Develop Passion Step 1

Step 1. Recall your childhood hopes and dreams

If you're struggling to identify your passions, you might want to rethink the things you loved as a child. Make a list of activities that you really enjoyed as a child, from playing with Legos to dressing dolls. Consider whether you would still enjoy the activity at this time, even in a different context.

For example, if you really like creating shapes with Lego, this may mean that your true passion lies in architecture or construction. If you love dressing up dolls, this may mean that your greatest passion in life has to do with fashion or fashion. Returning to a childhood passion and turning it into a money-making job or a field of education can lead you to a fulfilling career and a happy life

Develop Passion Step 2
Develop Passion Step 2

Step 2. Know your personal values

Your values in life are the core beliefs, ideas, and principles that are most important to you. Determining your personal values can help you determine whether you have a particular passion for your work or education, or even for your relationship. You can also ask yourself some guiding questions to identify your personal values:

  • Think of the two people you admire or respect the most. Why do you admire them? What traits in them do you admire and value?
  • If you were able to make a change in the community around you, what would you change and why? What issues or problems in the world would you change if you could? What issue or issue most interested you in engaging in conversation with others?
  • Think of the times that made you most satisfied or happy. Identify those moments and think about why they made you feel so fulfilled and happy.
  • Observe your answers to these questions and try to find certain themes or ideas that you have in common. These principles, beliefs, and ideas are very likely some of your personal values. You can then use your personal values to determine your life priorities and how these priorities will shape your passions in your career, education, and relationships.
Develop Passion Step 3
Develop Passion Step 3

Step 3. Do the “future me” exercise

The "future me" is a personal representation of the goals and dreams you have for your own future life. Doing this exercise can help you better understand your goals, priorities, and motivational factors. This exercise can also help you to better control the direction in your education or career path with critical thinking and personal self-analysis.

  • To do this exercise, use the "imagine your future life" command. “Imagine that everything in your life goes perfectly the way you want it to. You achieve every goal in life. You achieve all your dreams in life. Now, write down everything that you imagine.”
  • Write down the answers, which are these things that come to your mind for 20 minutes every day, for three days in a row. On the fourth day, read the answers you have written. Mark or circle recurring themes, ideas, goals, or aspirations. These can be an indication of where your passions are and how you can pursue them.
Develop Passion Step 4
Develop Passion Step 4

Step 4. Set personal goals for yourself

Another way to capture passion in life is to set personal goals. This can motivate you to pursue certain areas of interest which can then be used as career or educational options. Writing down personal goals makes you have to reflect and really consider what things mean the most to you. In addition, it also allows you to set priorities and narrow the scope of your ideas to form clear personal goals.

  • Once you've set personal goals, you'll need to create a timetable for achieving them. You may need different durations and timings for each goal, depending on how simple or complex the goal is.
  • Setting personal goals also enables you to identify the things you've been doing that have contributed to achieving those goals, as well as other skills or skills you need to develop in order to achieve certain goals. This will really lift your spirits and is a very active way to develop your zest for life.

Step 5. Learn from the leaders or mentors in your life. If you're having trouble identifying your goals and passions, you may want to talk to a leader or mentor who can provide input or advice. This may mean teachers, parents, community leaders, siblings, or even friends. Discuss with this mentor about a career path you are interested in and how you can get started on it.

Develop Passion Step 5
Develop Passion Step 5

Sit down with your mentor and talk about your personal values and goals, and how you can turn them into a viable educational or career field. Oftentimes, a mentor with whom you have a fairly close relationship can provide a fresh perspective on the options available, as well as encourage you to pursue a goal or dream that interests you and may be your area of expertise as well

Doing Fun and Exciting Things

  1. Try a new hobby or activity. Maybe there's a new hobby that you've always wanted to try or learn, but you don't have enough time for because of a hectic and boring schedule. Sharpen your passions by pursuing new experiences and learning new skills. Take courses that will allow you to improve your skills in a particular hobby, such as playing the guitar, drawing, or creative writing. Focus on hobbies that will push you out of your comfort zone.

    Develop Passion Step 6
    Develop Passion Step 6

    Encourage yourself to pursue this new hobby with the support of a friend or partner. Take classes together, or have a friend or partner remind you of the weekly course schedule. The support of those closest to you can help you to be more enthusiastic about pursuing your dreams in the form of new skills while attending classes every week

  2. Join a specific activity club or team. There may be an activity or recreational sport that you've always wanted to try, such as running, karate, yoga, or basketball. Or maybe it's a sport you really enjoy and you're good at, but you haven't been able to focus enough on. Join a club or team of this kind of activity in your local area, and make sure that you attend their training sessions every week. Make time in your schedule to make these regular practice sessions a priority in your life.

    Develop Passion Step 7
    Develop Passion Step 7

    Participating in team sports or other activities will also give you the opportunity to meet new people and be part of a group that is different from your everyday group of people. It can also help you develop a greater zest for caring for others, in your situation being surrounded by new people and engaging in conversation about new topics

  3. Incorporate a little fun and surprise into your routine. Make the usual activities less boring and full of enthusiasm by adding fun and surprises. This will help make your routine more interesting and exciting.

    Develop Passion Step 8
    Develop Passion Step 8
    • If you tend to sit in the same chair or corner at home working on the computer or reading notes, mix a surprise into the routine by sitting in a different place or working at the nearest library or coffee shop. Research has shown that changing moods every few hours for the duration of a concentrated study period can actually improve the ability to recall information.
    • Similarly, if you tend to walk every day on the same path, choose a new route. If you take the same yoga class every week, change your routine by taking a different class that may be more challenging or provide a new skill that you can learn.
  4. Make a "lifetime goal list" ("bucket list") and work to achieve each goal in it. A "lifetime goal list" usually contains the activities you dream of doing in your life. Your list could include things like "climb every mountain in the world," or more practical goals like "learn to knit" or "get out of college." A good "lifetime goal list" with a balanced number of dream goals and practical goals will help you stay inspired and motivated to live more passionately.

    Develop Passion Step 9
    Develop Passion Step 9
    • Once you've finished compiling your "lifetime goal list," you'll need to motivate yourself to achieve one of your goals within a certain amount of time. That way, you'll experience a sense of accomplishment every time you hit a target and cross it off your list. You can start with practical goals and concentrate on them, so that you can immediately experience that sense of accomplishment.
    • Don't be afraid to postpone big goals, because procrastination can actually be useful as a boost to your enthusiasm and hope. Even though your dream goals may seem impossible to achieve, at least they will help you live more passionately and stay motivated. Pushing yourself to try things that seem impossible will at least get you out of your comfort zone and doing more fun and exciting things.

    Focus on Creativity and Imagination

    1. Allocate time in your schedule for creative things. Pursuing a vibrant attitude to life can be difficult, especially if you have a busy schedule and you have a lot of obligations. Make time for creative things, such as an hour or 15 minutes each day. During this creative time, close the door, turn off your phone, and focus on developing your creative side. This will ensure that you are truly focused on developing yourself to be more creative and passionate, both individually and with others.

      Develop Passion Step 10
      Develop Passion Step 10

      Include "creative time" in your daily agenda or schedule electronic app, so that you receive notifications reminding you to shift your focus to creative things, even if it's only for a few minutes each day

    2. Make your "inspiration board". In the fashion world, an "inspiration board" is also known as a "mood board". Make your own “inspiration board” to create inspiration to stay creative. An "inspiration board" can be especially useful if you're stuck with a particular problem or issue and need new, exciting solutions or ideas, such as "what area or thing am I most interested in?" or "how do I sharpen my passion for life?".

      Develop Passion Step 11
      Develop Passion Step 11
      • To make an "inspiration board," write the question you want answered in the center of a large board or piece of cardboard. Then, make a collage of pictures, words, articles, poems, and other forms of visual inspiration, such as graphs or diagrams, around the question. This will help you to map out possible inspirations surrounding the question, so that you become excited and motivated to answer the question.
      • You can keep adding more elements to this "inspiration board" if you come up with new ideas or visual elements. Over time, you will get a complete picture of the answer to your question as well as the solution to the problem.
    3. Do a free writing process. Freewriting is a technique used in writing courses to help participants explore their minds and develop their writing style. Freelancing is also a good exercise to identify your feelings, ideas, impressions, and thoughts in a particular field or topic. You don't have to show anyone the results, as freewriting can be done as part of your diary or personal reflection. Free writing is usually done within a certain time limit, which is about 4-5 minutes at a time. The writer must write for the entire length of time without stopping, and focus solely on what he wants to write at the time.

      Develop Passion Step 12
      Develop Passion Step 12
      • For example, if you are focused on developing a passion for life, you might write something like "I want to develop a passion for life in a way…" or "Some ways to live a more passionate life are…"
      • Freewriting is also useful as a creativity exercise, as you continue your initial sentence which gives you room to play around with your writing style and express your creative abilities, especially in just five minutes each day. You can use the initial list of sentences (in English) for free writing at this link:
      • You can also incorporate freewriting into your daily routine by using emerging issues or problems as topics. Writing about a specific issue or problem can develop your ideas and thoughts in a positive and proactive way.
    4. Discuss with your colleagues or team. If you're stuck in the same cycle of ideas and solutions, this might be a good time to talk to your colleagues or team. These colleagues or teams can come from the work environment, namely colleagues or work teams, or from the home environment, namely your spouse or family members.

      Develop Passion Step 13
      Develop Passion Step 13
      • You can discuss ideas with grouping techniques, namely by writing down the main idea or problem in the middle and then connecting it with possible solutions, so as to create groups of possible solutions.
      • In addition, you can also ask questions to the discussion participants and ask for ideas from each participant, then write down each idea in the form of a list. After you've come up with some of the ideas on the list, invite everyone to discuss the one to three ideas that seem most appropriate and helpful.
    5. Draw or shape an idea every month. You may have a hard time grasping the passionate idea for real or visualizing the ideas on the list. Be active with the ideas, by describing them, especially if they are abstract. You can also use Lego, craft clay, or cardboard to create sample shapes for these ideas. This will help you to really see the idea and easily demonstrate it to others.

      Develop Passion Step 14
      Develop Passion Step 14

      For example, you may find it difficult to answer the question "How can I sharpen a spirit of enthusiasm in my life?" After discussion or free writing, you may get the answer "By doing a hobby, like playing the guitar." So, just make a picture of you playing the guitar or learning to play the guitar with a music band. Alternatively, you can also make a clay or cardboard model of yourself playing the guitar

    6. Watch inspiring discussion shows or talks. Sometimes, the zest for life can be found in the words of other people, especially thinkers and speakers who do focus on a particular field or idea with great zeal and enthusiasm. You can also do an online search to find inspiring discussion shows on a particular issue or issue that concerns you, or lectures from expert speakers who specialize in the area you are interested in or would like to learn about.

      Develop Passion Step 15
      Develop Passion Step 15

      One of the online sources for inspiring lectures or discussions on various topic areas or issues is TEDtalks. Many TEDtalks sessions are no longer than 20-30 minutes and provide an injection of enthusiasm and passion that is specific to the idea or concept being discussed

    Interact Passionately with Others

    1. Repay the kindness of others with generosity and compassion. Nurture your zest for life by focusing outward, to the people around you. Treat everyone you meet and know with compassion and generosity, not with anger or indifference.

      Develop Passion Step 16
      Develop Passion Step 16

      You can do this by expressing gratitude to people you don't think you care about or appreciate, such as your high school teacher, parents, or peers. Showing compassion and generosity to others can help you feel more inspired and motivated by their example

    2. Be an active listener. One of the best ways to become a more passionate person in your interactions with others is to focus on active listening, that is, listening to and responding to others with the aim of developing a situation of mutual understanding. When you practice active listening, you view each conversation as an opportunity to get to know the other person better and learn from them. The goal is to make the speaker feel that you are truly involved in the content of what he is saying and are genuinely willing to respond with enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

      Develop Passion Step 17
      Develop Passion Step 17
      • You can develop active listening skills by having conversations with friends. Listen to your friend talk about her day or her latest hobby, and make sure that you focus solely on her. You should let him talk without interrupting, and make sure that you nod and make eye contact to show that you are involved in the conversation. After your friend has finished speaking, you should try to repeat the main points of what he said earlier in your own words. You can do this part with an initial sentence such as "So, I understand that…" or "I think, based on what you said earlier, what you meant was…"
      • If you are successful in active listening, your friend will agree with your understanding of what he is saying. If you find that you misunderstood what your friend said, that's okay. Just ask him to explain what he means. Asking questions is part of active listening. Once she feels that you understand her, you have the opportunity to respond to her thoughts and provide her with comments or feedback. Your friends can now actively listen to you, resulting in a more lively and engaging conversation overall.
    3. Kiss your partner regularly. You can also express your passion for life to your partner by not being afraid to express your love for them. Kissing and cuddling with your partner will be a sign for him that you love him and want to show that you have a good passion for life. You also need to accept being hugged or kissed by your partner, especially if you are trying to develop a more passionate relationship with them.

      Develop Passion Step 18
      Develop Passion Step 18

      You may also want to focus on expressing your love for your partner more freely in the process of sex, including kissing him, touching his face and body, and complimenting his beauty. While you may feel embarrassed or uncomfortable with these passionate expressions at first, doing these on a regular basis will help you feel more comfortable showing your partner your passion for life

    4. Open yourself up to enjoy new experiences with your partner. Another way to develop a zest for life in your relationship with your partner is to focus on creating new, vibrant memories together. This could mean setting up a surprise date together by doing one of the activities on you and your partner's "lifetime goals list," or trying a new type of food at a restaurant on a dinner date.

      Develop Passion Step 19
      Develop Passion Step 19

      Research shows that engaging in new activities with your partner can increase the level of arousal in the relationship and create a more enjoyable relationship overall

      1. https://www.inc.com/john-brandon/the-biggest-question-of-your-life-how-do-you-develop-passion.html
      2. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/219709
      3. https://www.wire.wisc.edu/yourself/selfreflectknowyourself/Yourpersonalvalues.aspx
      4. https://www.carolinemiller.com/info/Best_Possible_Future_Selves_Exercise.pdf
      5. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/219709
      6. https://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/how-to-become-more-spontaneous-or-stop-being-boring.html
      7. https://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/how-to-become-more-spontaneous-or-stop-being-boring.html
      8. https://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/how-to-become-more-spontaneous-or-stop-being-boring.html
      9. https://greatist.com/happiness/better-study-tips-test
      10. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/219709
      11. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/219709
      12. https://www.cesdp.nmhu.edu/drawing-from-the-well/digging-the-well/free-write-exercises.html
      13. https://www.inc.com/christina-desmarais/25-ways-to-be-more-creative.html
      14. https://www.inc.com/christina-desmarais/25-ways-to-be-more-creative.html
      15. https://www.inc.com/christina-desmarais/25-ways-to-be-more-creative.html
      16. https://www.colorado.edu/conflict/peace/treatment/activel.htm
      17. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/alexandra-harra/love-and-relationships_b_5624213.html
      18. https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/susan-valentine/passionate-marriage_b_4138597.html
      19. https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/susan-valentine/passionate-marriage_b_4138597.html
