6 Ways to Develop Forearm Muscles

6 Ways to Develop Forearm Muscles
6 Ways to Develop Forearm Muscles

Table of contents:


Bodybuilding enthusiasts know that forearm strength is important to be able to train the upper body. By strengthening your forearms to hold heavier weights for longer, you can enlarge your shoulders, biceps, and work your upper body. With a little guidance, you can easily start targeting your forearms in your next exercise.


Method 1 of 6: Doing Wrist Roller Exercises

Build Forearm Muscles Step 1
Build Forearm Muscles Step 1

Step 1. Buy or make a wrist roller

This tool is basically just a rod or stick tied with a rope in the middle. Meanwhile, at the other end of the rope is attached a load. This simple tool is one of the most effective options for building forearm muscles as well as working on hand grip strength.

Build Forearm Muscles Step 2
Build Forearm Muscles Step 2

Step 2. Start with very light weights and increase gradually

Most people can't lift as much weight as they can lift with one full arm with just the wrist. So, look for weights that are challenging enough but not painful or very difficult to lift.

Build Forearm Muscles Step 3
Build Forearm Muscles Step 3

Step 3. Hold the stick in front of the body

Grasp the stick with both palms and place it in front of the body at hip level. Since this position is not difficult to maintain, your wrist will be a determining factor in the exercise. This way, you can repeat the wrist roller exercise as long as your wrist can still do it.

You can extend your arms straight out in front of your body to work your forearms as well as your shoulders. However, this position will likely reduce the amount of exercise you can do

Build Forearm Muscles Step 4
Build Forearm Muscles Step 4

Step 4. Rotate the stick

Keep holding the stick in one hand and twist it with the other to wrap it around. Grasp the stick alternately with one hand until the rope is completely wrapped around the stick and the weight is lifted.

Try to maintain the position of the stick as it rotates without tilting it too much

Build Forearm Muscles Step 5
Build Forearm Muscles Step 5

Step 5. Rotate the stick to lower the load

Rotate the stick in the opposite direction so that the rope comes loose again as before. Do this exercise slowly in a balanced way. If the stick slips out of your grip, attach the handle to reduce friction, or simply try to rotate it forward.

Try practicing 3 sets of 10 moves each

Method 2 of 6: Doing Weightlifting

Build Forearm Muscles Step 6
Build Forearm Muscles Step 6

Step 1. Lift a dumbbell or kettlebell in both hands

This exercise aims to strengthen the endurance of your forearm muscles by maximizing your time under stress. Start by lifting dumbbells or 'kettlebells' according to your ability. Since the weight is very dependent on your training, try lifting weights that are slightly heavier than your usual weight, but not too heavy and strain your muscles. You can always increase or decrease the load as needed.

  • If you really want to get the most out of this exercise, lift 2 weight plates clamped in both hands instead of a barbell or 'kettlebell'. You'll need to practice gripping--as well as your forearms--a lot harder to keep the disc stuck and not falling.
  • If you want to try adding a heavier weight to this exercise, try using a trap bar instead. With the trap bar, you can stand in the middle and lift weights with both arms, allowing you to lift heavier weights than lifting with one arm.
Build Forearm Muscles Step 7
Build Forearm Muscles Step 7

Step 2. Stand up straight

To put the weight on the right muscles, you need to squeeze your stomach muscles, maintain a straight posture, and position your back backwards. If you slouch, you will strain your upper arms or back too much.

Build Forearm Muscles Step 8
Build Forearm Muscles Step 8

Step 3. Start walking

Slow, natural movements as you walk will work your forearms better than just standing with weights, so start walking. You can try this exercise in sets or 18 meters. You can also test your endurance by seeing how far you can lift the dumbbells in a given time, say 10 minutes.

Method 3 of 6: Doing Individual Wrist Curls

Build Forearm Muscles Step 9
Build Forearm Muscles Step 9

Step 1. Sit at the end of your exercise bench

This exercise requires you to be in a stationary position, so sit on the edge of your exercise bench. You also need to straighten your legs, take off your shoes, and spread your knees shoulder-width apart.

Build Forearm Muscles Step 10
Build Forearm Muscles Step 10

Step 2. Lift appropriate dumbbells or 'kettlebells' in both hands

Since this exercise specifically targets the wrists and forearms, you should start the exercise with a lighter weight than the weight you normally use to lift weights, for example, with a weight of 2.5 kg on both hands. Add weight slowly if it feels too light.

If you want, you can work one forearm at a time, meaning you only need to lift one weight. Make sure you do the same count of sets and repetitions on both forearms to make sure your exercise is balanced

Build Forearm Muscles Step 11
Build Forearm Muscles Step 11

Step 3. Put your elbows on your thighs, and straighten your arms

By resting your arms on your thighs, you place the greatest weight on your forearms relative to your biceps. This position also clamps your arms, which allows you to lift weights with less risk of injury.

Build Forearm Muscles Step 12
Build Forearm Muscles Step 12

Step 4. Lift the weight by simply lifting your arms toward you

Each part of this exercise requires you to lift the weight up and down, with the weight pointing at you. Make sure you exhale when lifting the weight and inhale when lowering it.

To get the most out of this exercise, try doing sets of lifting weights up and down with your wrists. The upward movement means that your palms are pointing upwards, so that the weight is on your palms. A downward movement means that your palms are pointing downwards, so that the weight is on your fingers. Each direction will work the muscles of the forearm differently

Build Forearm Muscles Step 13
Build Forearm Muscles Step 13

Step 5. Repeat 12-15 times

Once you've found the ideal amount of weight for this exercise, then you can do a set of 12-15 with less difficulty doing the last set.

Method 4 of 6: Performing a Wrist Curl with a Barbell

Build Forearm Muscles Step 14
Build Forearm Muscles Step 14

Step 1. Sit on flat shoulders with your arms facing down

For this exercise, you need to place your forearms in line with your hands and your wrists protruding against the edge of the bench. If you're using a standard exercise bench, you can easily kneel on the side of the bench to rest your forearms on the bench--make sure you put the pads on your knees.

Build Forearm Muscles Step 15
Build Forearm Muscles Step 15

Step 2. Lift the barbell with both hands

To balance the load, you need to spread your hands shoulder-width apart to strengthen the grip on the barbell. To start, use a standard grip with your palms pointing up.

Again, the ideal amount of weight for each person is different. You need to aim for an amount of weight that will allow you to lift it 12-15 times without getting tired

Build Forearm Muscles Step 16
Build Forearm Muscles Step 16

Step 3. Lower your wrist

Begin lifting with your wrists lowered so that the barbell hangs low on your grip.

Build Forearm Muscles Step 17
Build Forearm Muscles Step 17

Step 4. Lift the weight of the barbell up and toward you

In a slow, controlled motion, you need to lift the barbell up and toward you. By lifting the barbell slowly, you maximize your arm muscle development with each repetition. You must lift the weight on the wrist completely. Lift the barbell as close to you as possible using your wrists before releasing it down.

At the peak of this movement, you will feel a firm squeeze on your forearm

Build Forearm Muscles Step 18
Build Forearm Muscles Step 18

Step 5. Repeat 12-15 times

As with other wrist exercises, repeat the weight lifting 12-15 times before stopping. If you can't do that much, try lifting lighter weights.

Build Forearm Muscles Step 19
Build Forearm Muscles Step 19

Step 6. Turn your arms and lift the weights down

This is another exercise you can do, lifting weights up or down. To work the other forearm muscles, turn your forearm on the bench so that your palms are pointing downwards. After that, lift the barbell back and do the weight lifting until you can see the back side of your hand.

Method 5 of 6: Using Forearm Builder Grips

Build Forearm Muscles Step 20
Build Forearm Muscles Step 20

Step 1. Increase your grip strength

You can slowly increase the exercise of both forearms by increasing the grip on your barbell and dumbbells. You can purchase a grip product specifically designed for fitness to hold the bar or use a towel to wrap the bar. The larger grip area forces you to hold it harder to maintain your grip, which is sure to work your forearms even more.

Build Forearm Muscles Step 21
Build Forearm Muscles Step 21

Step 2. Use the hammer grip as much as possible

Using the hammer grip for another exercise will strengthen your forearms. How to hold the hammer is the position when the palm is more in than up. You can use a hammer grip with dumbbells, or even a two-handed exercise like chin-ups. By using a hammer grip, the weight on your palms becomes lighter, and forces you to hold on tighter.

Build Forearm Muscles Step 22
Build Forearm Muscles Step 22

Step 3. Use the handle when you are away from the gym

A pair of old-fashioned grips with iron coils at the top are an easy-to-get tool for working your forearms while doing other things. In addition, you can also squeeze tennis balls or racquet balls that are around you. Anything to do with isolating your muscles or working on your hand grip will also work your forearms.

Method 6 of 6: Using Bodyweight Exercises

Build Forearm Muscles Step 23
Build Forearm Muscles Step 23

Step 1. Perform dead hangs

Some people will choose to use their body weight as a barrier when training muscles because bodyweight exercises are easier to do at home and don't require gym equipment. Dead hangs are simply done by holding something above you and hanging your body weight on the handle. Since the pressure is on your grip, the longer you hang, the more trained your forearms will be.

The larger the gripping surface you choose, the harder it will be to hold, so anything wider than a general 'chin-up' bar will work your forearms harder

Build Forearm Muscles Step 24
Build Forearm Muscles Step 24

Step 2. Perform 'dead hangs' to 'chin-ups'

For a more strenuous and advanced workout, you can do a few seconds of 'dead hang' after doing 'chin-ups'. Pauses will ensure that you don't use body swings or other slow movements to start your next chin-up.

Build Forearm Muscles Step 25
Build Forearm Muscles Step 25

Step 3. Perform finger and wrist push backs

You can do this exercise leaning against a bar or table, or you can do it on the floor in a 'push-up' position (which is definitely more difficult). Rest your weight on the surface, and use your wrists and hands to push your weight off the surface.

  • For example In the 'push-up' position, you will not bend your elbows to lower yourself; instead, keep your elbows straight and use your wrists and fingers to push off the surface and lift yourself higher.
  • You can also add additional moves to each normal 'push-up' to get the most out of each rep.


  • The muscles in the forearm are mostly "slow twitch". The “slow twitch” muscles are highly resistant and recover very quickly, so you can easily do a few sets without straining your arm muscles.
  • If you don't get results quickly, keep practicing. Changes to the arm will occur gradually, so you should actually measure the circumference of your forearm to see the difference.
  • Eat a healthy diet with a high amount of protein so you can use it for your workout routine.
  • Working the larger forearm takes longer than working other muscles such as the biceps, because the 'slow-twitch' muscle fibers have less capacity to increase in size. However, the increase in size will be more permanent.
  • Consider joining a health club or gym to take advantage of more sophisticated equipment to work more specific muscles and gain access to professional trainers.


  • If you feel sore from exercising too much, you can practice every three days to help build endurance. After a few weeks, you can add alternating schedules, or even daily workouts.
  • Strenuous exercise can lead to soreness, and overexercising can lead to tendon injuries or other problems.
  • Strength training can result in serious injury to the muscles and tendons. If you ever experience severe pain, stop your exercise and seek advice from a healthcare professional. Practicing with other people is allowed because everyone can help each other and improve the exercise routine.
  • Alternate training days so your muscles and tendons have time to recover from your previous workout. Rest at least one full day between training sessions, or use alternate days to work other parts of your body.
