Do you want to take a spontaneous and bold initiative in the cinema? There's no need to be embarrassed if you want to make out in the movies. This romantic action is loved by high school kids as well as adults who are in the same mood. Admittedly, sometimes there's no better place to make out than a movie theater that's dark and chilly and can make you feel a sense of intimacy and anonymity that feels sexy. However, before taking the action, you must prepare the atmosphere and make sure your making out partner is ready for action. If you're curious about how to make out in the movies, check out Step 1 to get started.
Part 1 of 2: Setting the mood

Step 1. Choose a movie that can lift the mood
If you want to have an exciting making out experience in the cinema, it's best to choose a movie that can evoke feelings of love in you and your partner. You two probably both knew there was going to be a hot kissing session in theaters so didn't opt for a movie where an Oscar-nominated actor did a thrilling scene. You should choose a romantic movie, or a boring one with an uninteresting story so you have plenty of time to kiss without feeling left out. However, it's best to avoid movies that are full of gruesome, scary, or important scenes. You probably don't want to be caught making out during a film about hate crimes or human rights.
- Hollywood blockbusters, romantic comedies, or action movies are not good choices for making out. You don't want your partner to look away and say, "Wait a minute, I want to know what's going on."
- You should also be careful not to pick the first day of a new movie showing because theaters are bound to be full. Try choosing a movie that's been showing for a while, or one that isn't very popular. Thus, it is more likely for you to get a little bit of privacy.
- Also, if you're old enough, choose a film rated R or PG-13. It's best if you minimize the number of small children in the audience or they could spoil the atmosphere.

Step 2. Minimize snacks
Which do you prefer, large caramel popcorn or a long, passionate making out session? It's okay to buy a pack of M&Ms and keep them for later, or a large soda to quench your thirst, but you have to be careful not to overdo it with snacks, or all of those foods will get in the way when you're trying to make out. You certainly don't want to kiss or caress your partner's face with your fingers covered in nacho cheese or caramel popcorn.
If popcorn is your go-to movie-going snack, maybe you can buy it midway through the movie, once you've had the chance to make out

Step 3. Choose a seat that provides privacy for both of you
While it's hard to get complete privacy in public places, you can certainly try to choose a seat that offers more privacy so you don't become the target of angry stares or reprimands from “mothers”. Find a seat in the back row so people won't take their eyes off Denzel Washington acting on screen and watching the silhouettes of the two of you making out. In addition, try to sit near a wall, in a row of chairs that tend to be empty.
If you know the theater will be full, try to choose a later showtime so you can choose your seats more freely and don't have to sit in front of a row for a full family of eight

Step 4. Start with touch
Of course, it can feel awkward trying out a make out session before you actually start by touching each other first. Guys will usually put their arms on the back of a chair at the beginning of the film and then move them over to the girls shoulders as the film continues. You can also sit snuggled into the next chair so that the outsides of your legs and arms touch each other and serve as a prelude to your next touching session. If you are in a movie theater that provides a love seat, you can sit closer to your making out partner.
Please remember that the air in the cinema is always cold. You can ask if your boyfriend is cold, it could be an excuse for you to snuggle closer

Step 5. Gently touch each other
After sitting next to each other, you can start the action of touching each other. You can hold his hand, while stroking his fingers occasionally. Don't let your hands droop in your lap like a dead fish. You can also touch each other's knees or arms as you begin to increase your touch.
Remember not to rush. You don't have to hold hands as soon as the movie starts. Make sure everything is natural, not rushed, unless you find it most natural to jump right into a courtship session

Step 6. Make eye contact
While it's quite inconvenient to make eye contact when you're both supposed to be looking at the screen in front of you and watching the movie that's playing, it sure is hard to kiss without looking at each other. After you've been touching each other for a while, or cracking jokes about movies, you can turn to face each other and make eye contact. This will send a signal to your partner that you are interested in more than just movies.
Look into your partner's eyes for a few seconds, and look away. Or, you can stare at him a little longer and signal to your partner that it's time for the kissing session to begin

Step 7. Bring your face closer to your partner
Now is the perfect time for you to tilt your head and move closer until your lips are almost touching. You can put your hands on your hips, hands or even on your partner's face to complete the body language. If you think it's too much, just start with light kisses and then use your hands to increase the temperature of the game. Keep looking your partner in the eye and get ready for the next step.
Keep in mind that if you and your boyfriend have never made out before, the cinema might not be a good choice for your first try. Trying to have a make-out session at the movies with someone you've never kissed before can leave her shocked and unprepared, and it can feel a little uncomfortable learning someone's kissing style for the first time in a dark room
Part 2 of 2: Action

Step 1. Gently bring the lips together
Press each other's lips gently and slowly, and enjoy the sensation of their partner's lips on your lips. Or, you can place one lip on top of your partner's lips and the other between theirs so that your lips complement each other instead of overlapping each other. You can hold this position for a few seconds without expecting much more. Don't purse your lips too much, just enjoy this sweet and simple sensation.

Step 2. Start a make out session
Finally, you've arrived at the moment you've all been waiting for, and we're not talking about the exciting battle scenes in the middle of The Avengers. Once the lips meet, there is no limit to what you can do. Gently slide your tongue into your partner's mouth and start a French kiss. First, start slowly. Don't stick your tongue into your partner's mouth. Once your tongue is in your partner's mouth, start exploring.

Step 3. Take advantage of the hands
You don't have to touch your partner's body, but using your hands when making out can increase your arousal. Caress the side of your partner's face when kissing, touch your partner's shoulder or arm, and keep your hands active to keep the making out session exciting. Your hands don't need to move too much. There is a saying that a sensual kiss does not require too much hand movement.
- You can also place your hands on your partner's thighs or caress their knees.
- Try stroking the side of your partner's neck as the kiss begins.
- Using your hands to explore your partner's body can help increase the excitement of a making out session, but don't overdo it. After all, you're in a public place, and you don't want to be kicked out of the theater for making out too far.

Step 4. Don't forget to breathe
There's no need for a thirty-minute flirting session or the entire film going on without stopping. In fact, kissing sessions may be more enjoyable if you take a break from time to time to breathe. You can pull away from your partner and take a few breaths and make eye contact before resuming the making out session. You can also distance yourself and focus on the movie that's playing until the next making out session starts again. This will build anticipation as it will require you to wait patiently until the next kissing session.
You can even smile and stroke your partner's hair during breaks

Step 5. Make your partner want more
When the names of the cast and crew are shown at the end of the film and you break away from your kissing partner, give him a smile, caress his face, and show him how much you enjoyed it. You can even crack a joke about how much fun the movie was, or say that you wouldn't mind watching the movie again to find out what little scenes you missed. You can also really turn things up during your next making out session in a place that provides more privacy. However, until that opportunity comes, you can wait with anticipation for your next movie date.
Squeeze your partner's hand as you leave the cinema. Speed up your pace so other viewers don't recognize the two of you! And get ready to plan your next sexy visit to the movies
- Choose a seat that will not attract the attention of other spectators.
- Don't make a lot of noise, or you'll be kicked out of the cinema.
- Don't stuff your mouth with popcorn, especially if you're wearing braces. Share snacks with your partner. If you're a guy, hold the door for a partner, and treat him (or you can pay for it jointly).
- Don't be shy, but don't immediately grab and kiss him.
- TRY TO BE FOOLED! This effort will be very helpful. Your partner will think you really like him and then…act.
- If you're a girl, don't expect her to always treat you. Bring money too.
- If one of you isn't ready, don't push.