Kissing can be a fun sensual activity for both men and women. If you want to stimulate a male partner when making out, there are many ways to increase the sensation he experiences. Use both your lips and your body to increase his interest by simply kissing.
Method 1 of 2: Kissing on the lips

Step 1. Freshen your mouth first
Often flirting happens after you've been on a date. If you've eaten or been drinking, make sure your breath is fresh before making out.
- Whether you're at your own place or your partner's, go to the bathroom first and rinse your mouth with a mouthwash.
- You can also use Frozz candy, mint-flavored gum, or mouth fresheners like GoFress, which come in thin sheets. You can find these items at your nearest pharmacy or supermarket.

Step 2. Kiss slowly
A good making out session heats up gradually. When you approach for a kiss, let everything happen in its time. Also pay attention to how your partner reacts; find out what he likes and doesn't like. Start slowly and as things get hotter, start using your tongue, hands, and other parts of your body.

Step 3. Use your tongue
Many people like kissing with the tongue to some degree. If your partner seems to be enjoying it, feel free to use your tongue when making out.
If you want to let your male partner lead the way, try opening your mouth a little to show that you're interested in doing so. Wait to see if he starts using his tongue or not

Step 4. Do a little tug
There are times when a little tug of war can really stimulate a guy when he's kissing. Move your head back slightly and then pull the head away from your face. Stop kissing for a moment then continue. Many men feel aroused by this kind of push and pull when making out.

Step 5. Kiss your partner's neck and ears
Like women, men also have a number of sensitive ''erogenous'' zones throughout their bodies. These areas respond sexually to physical contact. The neck and ears have many nerve endings. Try kissing or even gently sucking on your male partner's ear or neck when making out. This can be very stimulating for him.

Step 6. Touch your male partner's face when making out
The face is a part of the body of a man that can also cause stimulation. When making out, reach out and touch his face. Gently stroke the cheek area and wipe the shaving surface. Many men feel sexual satisfaction when their scalp is massaged, so try to run your hair gently with your fingers too.
Method 2 of 2: Using Your Body

Step 1. Smile and maintain eye contact
This shows your male partner that you are interested in making out and can turn him on. Smile between kisses. A guy will be aroused when he sees you smile when he pulls away from your kiss for a moment.

Step 2. Touch her body
Don't forget to use your hands when making out. Men will be aroused by a subtle touch on the head, back, and arms.
- Caress your partner's back with your finger. If he's not wearing clothes, you can use your fingernails. Some men enjoy a light scratch.
- You can also try touching your arms, thighs, chest, and other parts of your body that you can easily touch.

Step 3. Use your whole body
Don't just use your face and hands when making out. Use your whole body to stimulate your male partner.
- Get close to him when making out. You can even push your body up on it or pull your partner to be on top of you.
- Try wrapping one of your legs to the side of your partner's thigh or gently rubbing his calf with the tip of your foot.

Step 4. Communicate
The best way to establish healthy physical contact is to communicate openly. Talk to your partner what he likes and doesn't like. Being open about your passions can also help you get a more intimate and enjoyable kiss.
- Many people feel uncomfortable having to talk about their sexual desires. However, remember that communication is an important part of a healthy sexual relationship.
- Try starting a conversation like "I really love you and I want you to enjoy the physical intimacy between us. Is there something I can do while we kiss to make you enjoy it more?”
- In terms of kissing and intimate relationships, it's a good idea to just do what you feel good about when it happens. While remembering certain suggestions isn't a bad thing, it's best to just let things flow and do what feels natural.
- A great way to communicate sexy is to ask "do you like it?" when you are unsure of how to interpret your partner's reaction, and/or say "I love it" or "again", and the like. People avoid making out communication because they think it can spoil the mood, but it's not. Often times, communication can be very sexy.
- To maintain the mood during the kiss, don't act like you're desperate, try to take it slow and confident.