Flatulence is an uncomfortable, unattractive, and embarrassing condition. Gas buildup in the digestive tract and water retention can make the stomach appear bloated. But fortunately, this can usually be avoided by improving diet. However, if you experience severe symptoms that are impeding your life, see your doctor as this may be an indication of a more serious problem.
Method 1 of 5: Get Rid of Bloated Stomach Quickly Using Over-the-counter Medicines

Step 1. Help your body digest gassy vegetables by taking Beano supplements
This supplement can also be used with other high-fiber foods. This supplement will reduce gas production during the digestive process.
- This supplement is also available in liquid form that can be added to food.
- For maximum results, add on the first bite.

Step 2. Take care when digesting lactose, if you think you have an intolerance
Even if you're lactose intolerant, you don't need to stop eating ice cream and other dairy foods. You can take supplements that contain the enzyme lactase when you eat dairy foods.
A common supplement is the Wellness Digestive Formula

Step 3. Try stopping gas bubbles with simethicone
This drug is very popular, but scientific research has not shown whether it is really effective against gas. However, the following drugs are widely available:
- Promag
- Polysylene
- Mylanta

Step 4. Use activated charcoal
In the United States, this ancient remedy has not been scientifically proven to prevent gas, but it probably won't do any harm if used in moderation. Unreliable evidence suggests that some people find activated charcoal beneficial.
- CharcoCaps
- Charcoal Plus

Step 5. Consider taking a probiotic supplement
Probiotics are bacteria and yeast (single-celled fungi) that are similar to those that occur naturally in the digestive tract and aid digestion. Probiotics can help relieve flatulence associated with:
- Difficulty digesting fiber
- Diarrhea
- Irritable bowel syndrome
Method 2 of 5: Overcome Bloated Stomach with a Healthy Diet

Step 1. Avoid fatty foods
Fatty foods slow down digestion and give more time to ferment and produce gas in the intestines. Foods that are fried in a lot of oil and fast food may play a role in this.
- The body needs fat to help absorb fat-soluble vitamins, but it is easily available with low-fat foods.
- Get protein from low-fat food sources such as lean meats, poultry, fish, and low-fat dairy.
- While meat and animal products are common sources of protein, you can also get all the protein you need from foods from plant sources by eating the right combination of nuts and other foods.
- Many restaurants cook their food using a lot of fat like cream, whole milk, or butter because it gives a strong flavor to foods that people like. Reduce fat intake by cooking yourself.

Step 2. Cut down on gassy foods
Some foods produce a lot of gas when digested. Many people feel their stomach full of gas after eating:
- Nuts
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Lettuce
- Onion
- Fruits like apples, peaches and pears
- Replace gassy vegetables with other vegetables that make your stomach comfortable. You'll need to experiment a bit to find out what works best for you.

Step 3. Reduce fiber intake
Cut down on high-fiber foods. High-fiber foods can increase gas production when digested. These foods include whole wheat bread and bran.
- If you've recently added fiber to your diet, cut back and add fiber more slowly so your body has time to adjust. This could take several weeks.
- If you are taking fiber supplements, reduce the amount until your symptoms decrease. Then, slowly increase again to a tolerable level.

Step 4. Evaluate the amount of dairy in your diet
Some people become lactose intolerant as they get older. This can cause gas and flatulence.
If this is the case, you may need to reduce the amount of dairy foods in your diet such as milk, cheese, cream, and ice cream

Step 5. Eat yogurt daily to promote healthy gut bacteria
A healthy digestive tract requires a variety of micro-organisms that play a role in digestion. Eating fermented milk foods such as yogurt or kefir will help maintain the buildup of bacteria in your digestive system. This can improve health or prevent health problems that can cause flatulence:
- Unbalanced collection of bacteria in the gut after taking antibiotics
- Irritable bowel syndrome

Step 6. Eat a low-salt diet
Consuming too much salt can make you retain water and feel bloated. Reducing the amount of salt in your diet will not only make you feel better, it will also reduce your risk of high blood pressure.
- You can get the salt you need through a healthy diet. Adding salt to your diet is usually not necessary.
- One teaspoon of salt is enough for an adult daily. For people with health problems, this number may be too much.
- Canned food, restaurant food, and fast food often contain significant amounts of salt. Eat these foods in moderation.

Step 7. Think about whether you have trouble digesting artificial sweeteners
Some people produce gas in the stomach and suffer from diarrhea from the sweeteners added to various foods. If you think this is the case, carefully examine the ingredients on packaged foods. Common artificial sweeteners found in chewing gum and candies are:
- Sorbitol
- Mannitol
- Xylitol

Step 8. Increase digestive efficiency by drinking plenty of water
Drinking enough water will help the body flush out toxins, soften stools to prevent constipation, and help the body digest fiber.
- The amount of water you need will depend on your activity level, the climate you live in, and your diet.
- If you feel thirsty, this is a sign your body is telling you that you haven't been drinking enough water.
- Drink plenty of water immediately.
- If you rarely urinate or pass dark or cloudy urine, this is a sign of dehydration.
Method 3 of 5: Reduce Bloating with a Healthy Lifestyle

Step 1. Stay healthy with exercise
Exercise is beneficial for physical and mental health. Exercise will strengthen the body, control weight, increase metabolism, and improve digestion.
- Aerobic exercise increases your heart rate and helps move everything in your digestive tract. Very good and fun activities are running, brisk walking, swimming, and various other sports.
- For best results, try to get 75 minutes of exercise each week, divided into several days.

Step 2. Don't drink too much beer or carbonated drinks
Drinks like these release carbon dioxide and can trigger a buildup of gas in the digestive tract.
- How much is meant by too much will be different for each person, but avoid drinking to excess.
- Excessive drinking can possibly put you at risk for gastrointestinal cancer, pancreatic disease, liver disease, and other digestive health-related problems.

Step 3. Don't smoke
Smoking can cause people to swallow air and will increase the chances of developing health problems. Even if you've smoked for years, quitting will improve your health, making you more comfortable. Smoking is at risk of causing several cancers related to digestion in:
- Esophagus
- Mouth
- Bladder
- Pancreas
- Kidney
- Heart
- Stomach
- Digestive tract

Step 4. Avoid swallowing air
There are times when people do it without realizing it. The most common things are:
- Eat too fast. The best way to prevent this is to eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. This will also make the food more delicious to eat.
- Chew gum. When you chew gum, you stimulate your body to produce saliva, so you swallow more often. Some of the air also enters with the chewed gum.
- Sucking candy. It also stimulates saliva production and makes you swallow more often.
- Drink with a straw. If you drink through a straw, this increases your chances of swallowing a lot of air.

Step 5. Overcome constipation by eating small but frequent meals
Constipation can block the passage of gas through the body's system, causing flatulence.
- The longer feces stay in the digestive system, the longer it will ferment, resulting in gas.
- Small portions of food prevent the body's system from being overwhelmed and keep things moving at a steady rate.
Method 4 of 5: Minimizing Stress Associated with Digestive Problems

Step 1. Take time to relax
When you are stressed, your body produces stress hormones and this can interfere with digestion. Try to relax after eating to improve digestive health. There are many ways you can try until you find what works best for you:
- Visualizing soothing shadows
- Progressive muscle relaxation in which you concentrate on each muscle group in your body that is tense and then relaxes them.
- Meditation
- Yoga
- Massage
- Taici
- Music or art therapy
- Take a deep breath

Step 2. Improve your overall health with adequate sleep
Sleeping with insufficient time will make the body experience physical stress that can interfere with digestive health. You will not easily experience stress if you get enough sleep.
Try to sleep at least 7-8 hours every night. Some people may need 10 hours of sleep

Step 3. Protect psychological health by maintaining a healthy social system of relationships
Regular social interactions will help you relax and keep yourself from feeling stressed.
- Maintain contact with the people who are important to you by writing letters, talking on the phone, or meeting in person. Using social media can also help people stay connected and even meet new people.
- If you feel alone or isolated, seek out a support group or counselor.
Method 5 of 5: Knowing When to Call the Doctor

Step 1. Go to the doctor if the flatulence becomes so severe that it interferes with life
Bleeding 20 times a day is considered normal. However, some symptoms can indicate a more serious problem:
- Severe and long-lasting pain
- Bloody or black stools
- Severe diarrhea or constipation
- Weight loss
- Chest pain
- Prolonged nausea

Step 2. Don't ignore severe symptoms
Sometimes people assume their stomach is producing gas when it is actually a more serious condition such as:
- Heart disease
- Gallstones
- Appendicitis
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Stomach obstruction

Step 3. Ask your doctor to examine you thoroughly
He or she will ask about your eating habits and examine you physically.
- The doctor will find out if your stomach is bloated and pat your stomach to hear if the sound is echoing. An echoing sound may indicate a lot of gas in the stomach.
- Be prepared to be honest with your eating habits and medical history.
- Discuss the medications you are taking just in case there are medications that cause the body to retain water.