3 Ways to Lose 23 Kg in 3 Months

3 Ways to Lose 23 Kg in 3 Months
3 Ways to Lose 23 Kg in 3 Months

Table of contents:


If you want to lose 23 kg in 3 months, you should lose an average of 1.8 kg per week. This means, in a day you have to burn 2,000 more calories than you consumed for 3 months. While it is possible, this is not realistic for most people. Losing weight by 0.45-0.9 kg per week is a healthier goal and can be done by many people. If you want to lose weight, you must set a goal and determine the number of calories you can consume each day to achieve that goal. Next, you have to adjust your eating habits and do regular physical activity in order to burn more calories.


Method 1 of 3: Create a Realistic Weight Loss Plan

Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 1
Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 1

Step 1. Set weekly and total weight loss goals

Knowing your goals will help you create an effective diet and exercise plan. If you want to lose 23 kg in total, you should set a weekly goal of 1.8 kg. However, keep in mind that this method of rapid weight loss is considered unhealthy. Ideally, you should lose 0.45-0.9 kg in a week which will reduce your weight by 5.5-11 kg in 3 months.

Tip: Try writing your goals down on paper, then sticking them where you'll see them often, such as on the bathroom mirror or the inside of a closet door.

Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 2
Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 2

Step 2. Calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR) to find out how many calories you burn in one day

The number of calories burned in a day will depend on your age, weight, height and level of activity throughout the day. You can use an online BMR calculator to find out the basic number of calories your body needs. Use one of the calculators to calculate the number of calories burned in one day.

Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 3
Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 3

Step 3. Determine the number of calories you need to reduce in order for you to lose weight

Once you know the basic calories needed, use this number to determine the number of calories from the food you need to reduce. It can also help you set goals for the number of calories you should burn by exercising each day. Set goals realistically. Don't reduce your calorie intake to below 1,200 a day.

  • For example, if your BMR is 2,300, reduce your daily calorie intake to 1,300 so that you can lose 0.9 kg in a week.
  • If you want to lose 1 pound in a week, you have to burn an extra 1,000 calories a day. This is an unrealistic design because you have to do intensive cardio training for about 2 hours each day. Instead, focus on doing 30 minutes of cardio as a first step, then increase the intensity and duration as your body gets stronger.
Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 4
Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 4

Step 4. Track your food and exercise using apps or a food journal

You have to track everything that goes into your stomach to get an accurate daily calorie count. Tracking your exercise with a journal or an app can be useful for knowing how many calories you burn, as well as how many calories you need to reduce.

Make sure you record drinks and food consumed in the app. This can help keep you from deviating from the goals you have set

Method 2 of 3: Adjusting Eating Habits

Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 5
Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 5

Step 1. Consume more vegetables and fruits to avoid excessive calorie intake

Vegetables and fruit are nutrient-dense foods, but they contain less calories than other foods, such as potato chips, cakes, and bread. To reduce calorie intake, replace the food you normally eat with vegetables and fruits. Try to fill half the plate with vegetables and fruit every time you eat.

  • For example, instead of eating a sandwich with potato chips for lunch, eat a vegetable salad or a bowl of fresh melon.
  • Instead of eating two servings of rice at dinner, enjoy cup (120 grams) of rice with 1 cup (250 grams) of cauliflower mixed with rice.
Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 6
Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 6

Step 2. Try an intermittent fasting diet so that your digestive system can rest longer

The intermittent fasting diet involves not eating for 14-16 hours between the last meal and the first meal the next day. Consume all snacks and meals in the same amount of time each day (which is about 8-10 hours). Limiting the duration of meals to 8-10 hours will reduce your overall calorie intake. Set a time range when you are most active, such as during work or school hours.

For example, maybe you have decided to eat all of the food in a day between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., then eat nothing from 4 p.m. to 8 a.m. the next day. If you set your mealtime to 10 hours, start eating at 7 am and stop eating at 5 pm every day

Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 7
Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 7

Step 3. Try a low-carb diet to get rid of the main source of calories

While you don't have to go on a low-carb diet to lose weight, some people find it beneficial because it can reduce or limit carbohydrate consumption. Study diet programs like Atkins, Keto, and South Beach to find the plan that works best for you.

  • Some low-carb diets require you to count your carbs, while others only limit the types of foods you can eat. Choose a diet program that you think can be lived continuously.
  • Don't eat processed foods and simple carbohydrates, such as cakes, crackers, chips, and toast. Also, avoid sugary foods, such as soda, candy, and sugary cereals.
  • Instead, choose whole foods that are low in carbohydrates. Eat non-starchy vegetables, such as kale, broccoli, and bell peppers. To get protein, choose foods that do not contain fat, such as eggs, grilled chicken, and low-fat dairy products.
Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 8
Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 8

Step 4. Drink water throughout the day to stay hydrated

Adequate fluids will help the body to function properly and make you feel fuller throughout the day. Many people confuse thirst with hunger. So, drink a glass of water if you feel hungry to keep your body hydrated and prevent you from eating when you're not really hungry.

  • Avoid drinks that contain lots of calories, such as sugary sodas, juices, and alcoholic beverages. These foods will increase the number of calories with little or no nutrition.
  • Remember, there is no definite amount of water to drink. Drink water whenever you are thirsty or sweaty to keep your body hydrated.

Tip: If you don't like plain water too much, spice it up with a squeeze of lemon, fresh berries, or a few slices of cucumber. You can also try flavored sparkling water if you like carbonated drinks.

Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 9
Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 9

Step 5. Eat healthy snacks between meals

Snacks can be useful so you don't get too hungry and eat large amounts. Always have healthy snacks on hand so you don't eat other unhealthy foods. Some healthy snacks that you should provide include:

  • Whole fresh fruit, such as oranges and apples
  • Fresh vegetables, such as carrots and celery
  • Mozzarella cheese sticks with low fat content
  • Lean Greek Yogurt
  • Raw almonds and cashews without salt
  • Pretzels (a type of cake that tastes salty and slightly sweet)
Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 10
Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 10

Step 6. Practice mindful eating so you can eat slowly

Mindful eating is paying close attention to the sensations of the food you are eating. This can help you eat more slowly and not overeat. Some eating strategies that you can try include:

  • Eliminate distractions while eating, such as turning off the television or computer and putting away cell phones.
  • Holds cutlery with your non-dominant hand. For example, use your right hand if you are left-handed, or use chopsticks.
  • Focus on the smell, texture, appearance, and taste of the food you eat.

Method 3 of 3: Doing Exercise to Burn More Calories

Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 11
Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 11

Step 1. Include plenty of physical activity in your daily routine

Doing more exercise throughout the day can help burn more calories. A little extra movement throughout the day can even add to the extra calories burned. Some things you can do to move yourself more throughout the day include:

  • Park the vehicle further from the destination, for example when going to work or shopping.
  • Use the stairs, not the elevator.
  • Walk or ride a bicycle when going to school, work, or doing chores.
  • Do jumping jacks or squats during commercial breaks while you watch television.
Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 12
Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 12

Step 2. Start by exercising for 30 minutes most days of the week and increase the time over time

Exercising regularly is great for general health, and it can also help you lose weight. The recommended amount of physical activity to keep you in good health is 150 minutes per week, which can be divided into 30 minutes and done 5 days a week. However, you can divide your training time into shorter or longer sessions, depending on your preference. As your strength and endurance increase, do more intensive exercise to increase the number of calories burned. For best results, do physical activity 5 days a week, for 60-90 minutes each.

For example, you can exercise 3 times a day, for 10 minutes each so that in total you will be doing 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Alternatively, you can exercise 3 times a week, for 50 minutes each so that your total workout time is 150 minutes each week

Tip: Make sure to choose the type of exercise that you like so that you can do it continuously. For example, practice karate if you like martial arts movies, or dance in your bedroom to music if you like dancing.

Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 13
Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 13

Step 3. Do resistance training so your body will burn a lot of calories even when you're resting

Resistance training will build muscle, which can increase your BMR and help you burn more calories. Strength training will also improve your physique and make it easier for you to carry out daily activities. Do two strength training sessions of 45 minutes each week to add to your cardio workout.

Make sure you've worked all the major muscle groups in each strength training session, including your legs, chest, arms, back, abs, buttocks, and shoulders

Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 14
Lose 50 Pounds in Three Months Step 14

Step 4. Try doing high-intensity interval training (HIIT)

HIIT is an exercise that alternates between high and moderate intensity. By doing this exercise, you can burn more calories in a shorter duration. In addition, this exercise can also build endurance.

  • For example, if you walk, do this for 5 minutes at a normal pace, then walk briskly for 5 minutes. After that, slow down to normal for 5 minutes, then briskly walk again for another 5 minutes. Repeat this exercise cycle for 30 minutes so that your workout becomes more intense.
  • You can apply HIIT to any type of exercise, such as running, swimming, cycling, or lifting weights.


Try using a fitness tracker to keep you motivated
