How to Grow Healthy Plants: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Grow Healthy Plants: 10 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Grow Healthy Plants: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Caring for plants is a very useful activity even if the plants are only ferns and do not produce fragrant flowers. This wikiHow teaches you lots of tips on how to grow healthy plants.


Part 1 of 3: Creating the Right Environmental Conditions

Grow Healthy Plants Step 1
Grow Healthy Plants Step 1

Step 1. Get to know the plant

Even though you have given great care and attention, plants will not be able to thrive if you do not know their special needs. This applies to indoor plants as well as vegetable or flower plants that grow outdoors. Some plants can grow well in a variety of different climates, while others must be provided with a controlled environment, or can only live in certain areas.

  • Before planting a garden or adding potted plants, do an internet search or ask the nursery owner what conditions the plants need.
  • Find out where the plant can grow optimally. Even if it is not native to your area, there is still a chance that a plant can grow well in the area where you live. However, plants usually do grow optimally at the temperature, climate, and soil in their natural habitat.
  • On indoor plants, keep the temperature steady. When you are cold, the plants feel cold too. Do not place the plant in a location that gets a lot of wind. If the place is cold, the plants will also be cold.

Step 2. Use a pot or container that is large enough

Plants need sufficient space to grow. People who are not serious about farming will leave the roots of the plants too tight. If you plant trees directly on the ground, don't forget to provide sufficient space for each plant.

  • If growing in a pot, check the plant's roots once a year to see if the roots are crowded. If the roots have filled the pot, you will need to dismantle them and place the plant in a new, larger pot. This is to encourage new growth.
  • If you don't want to use the new bigger pot, you can trim the roots and replant the tree in the old pot.

Step 3. Provide the right amount of sunlight

Plants usually need full, partial sun, or partial shade. This small difference has a big impact on plant growth.

  • Before buying a plant, take a look at your yard. Check how much sunlight is shining on different parts of the garden in the area before you decide which plants to buy.
  • If you want to design a garden, make it part of the garden to get shade and the other parts are exposed to sunlight. This setting allows you to grow a wide variety of crops there.
  • Most indoor plants will thrive in partial shade because indoor areas generally don't get much sun. Keep this in mind before placing your potted plant in a location that gets a lot of direct sunlight. This can be bad if the plant is exposed to the sun for too long.
  • If the plant looks thin and grows toward the sun, you may want to place it in a location that gets a lot of sunlight.

Part 2 of 3: Providing Water and Food


Step 1. Water the plant as needed

Improper watering can kill the plant. This can happen if you water the plant too much or too little. Beginner gardeners or owners of potted plants often water their plants more than they need to because they think that the plants will get better with more water. This is true for certain plants, but can be deadly to other types of plants if over-watered.

  • You do have to find out how much water the plant needs. You can use this trick to figure out when to water your plants and how much water you need: dip your fingers into the soil about 3 cm deep. In general, plants should be watered if the soil feels a little dry. Pour enough water until there is a little water that comes out of the hole in the bottom of the pot. Don't over-water it.
  • Always use a pot with good drainage. Otherwise, the roots will be submerged in water and always wet. This can have an adverse effect on plants.
  • Succulents and other types of plants that live in dry areas generally require less water than plants that live in wet areas. These plants should be completely dry before you water them.
  • Plants in the form of seeds generally require more water than mature plants. Seeds should always be moist until shoots appear a few centimeters above the ground.
  • Clumsy plants (such as orchids) need quality water because they are very sensitive to the chemicals in tap water. We recommend that you use well water or distilled water.

Step 2. Apply fertilizer

Plant enthusiasts usually use several kinds of fertilizers, although this depends on personal preference. If you decide to use fertilizer, consult with the nursery owner about the type of fertilizer to use and how much to use.

  • Find out if you need to make any changes to the soil for the plants to grow well. Test the soil before you plant it. You can take a soil sample to the farm for testing.
  • Try using compost. Compost from vegetables and fruit can make the soil fertile and rich in nutrients so it is very good for plants. Remember, some plants (such as wildflower species) prefer less fertile soil. So you have to find out, what the plant needs before you give it compost. You can fertilize the soil using blood meal, fermented manure, or fish emulsion.

Part 3 of 3: Doing Some Tricks for Plants to Grow Lush


Step 1. Check the plant as often as possible

Check indoor plants weekly, and outdoor plants at least every other day to monitor progress. This is useful for detecting problems before they get worse. Make the process of checking these plants a daily routine.

For example, you could check indoor houseplants every Saturday, or take a walk in the garden every day or every 2 days before leaving for work


Step 2. Place the banana peel under the rose tree

This plant requires a lot of potassium, which can be obtained from bananas. Immerse the banana peel just below the root of the rose tree. The potassium in the banana peel will provide nutrients to the rose as it grows.


Step 3. Feed the plants with pounded eggshells

The eggshells will provide a lot of nutrients to the soil, which allows plants (such as tomatoes) to thrive throughout the season. Mash the eggshells and place them in the holes you made for each plant. In potted plants placed indoors, you can place eggshell powder at the bottom of the pot.

  • The mashed eggshells are perfect for fertilizing tomato and pepper plants which will help produce tasty and delicious fruit.
  • Mashed egg shells can also be used as a pesticide to prevent snails or other pests from attacking plants.

Step 4. Use soap to ward off pests

Plants in the garden are susceptible to attack by squirrels, rabbits, or other animals. You can sprinkle soap flakes in the garden to prevent these pests from attacking. Some planters also use predator urine or human hair to deter nuisance animals.


Step 5. Prevent the arrival of slugs with coins

Spread some coins in the garden to ward off the arrival of slugs that will prey on the plants. Snails don't like metal.


  • Purchase a hydrometer if you are in doubt about how much or how often you should water your plants. You can buy it at an agricultural supply store at a low price. This is a metal tester that must be plugged into the growing medium. The gauge will show whether the soil is wet, dry, or some other sign.
  • If you want, you can get healthy live plants at a seed seller. After that, all you need to do is water, provide enough sunlight, and fertilize it.
  • If you really can't take care of live plants, try buying fake plants. No one will know if the plant is fake! You can even choose plants that are small or large!
  • Remember, you should always give your plants plenty of water and sunlight.
  • Try changing the pots used for growing plants. Choose a large pot with a bright color, and if you don't have a watering can, just use an old mineral water bottle with a few holes in the lid. However, it's a good idea to start with a flower pot or container specifically made for plants.
  • Some plants are more difficult to care for than others. If you feel you can't take care of a fussy plant, do an internet search first and decide if you think you can take care of it or not. If you are interested in growing a plant that is difficult to care for, find out how to care for it and follow the care instructions.
  • Use coffee grounds to be used as natural fertilizer so that plants grow big and strong.
