How to Calculate Test Score: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Calculate Test Score: 8 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Calculate Test Score: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Not all professors and teachers will calculate score percentages or assign letter grades when they calculate test scores. To calculate a test score, you must find out the percentage of questions you answered correctly. All you have to know to calculate your score is the total number of questions on the test and the number of questions you answered correctly. After that, you just need to enter a simple equation into the calculator and convert the percentages to letter values.


Method 1 of 2: Calculating Your Score with a Simple Equation

Calculate a Test Grade Step 1
Calculate a Test Grade Step 1

Step 1. Count your correct answers

Find out the number of questions you answered correctly and write down the numbers. Then, draw a line under this number so that it becomes the top number in the fraction. For example, if you answered 21 questions correctly, write down 21/. Don't write anything under the fraction.

  • For long tests, it may be easier to subtract the number of questions you answered incorrectly from the total number of questions on the test. For example, if you do wrong on 5 questions on a test of 26 questions, subtract 5 from 26 (26 – 5 = 21). Then, use 21 as the top number in your fraction.
  • If some questions have higher points than others, use the total number of points you earned as your top number. For example, if you get 46 points out of a total of 60 points you can get, then write 46 as your top number.
Calculate a Test Grade Step 2
Calculate a Test Grade Step 2

Step 2. Write the total number of questions or points at the bottom of the fraction

Solve fractions with the total number of questions or points in the test. In our example, if the test consisted of 26 questions, then your fraction would be 21/26.

Check your fractions to make sure they are correct. Remember that the number of questions you answer correctly or the number of points you get must be at the top of the fraction. The total number of questions on the test or the total number of points that can be earned should be at the bottom of the fraction

Calculate a Test Grade Step 3
Calculate a Test Grade Step 3

Step 3. Use a calculator to divide the top number by the bottom number

You can use a basic calculator to find the percentage score on a test. Just divide the top number by the bottom number. For example, use 21/26 and enter it into the calculator as 21 26. You will get the answer 0, 8077.

Don't worry about the numbers behind the first four digits in the answer. For example, if the answer is 0.8077777, you can ignore the last three sevens. These three numbers will not affect your percentage

Calculate a Test Grade Step 4
Calculate a Test Grade Step 4

Step 4. Multiply your answer by 100 to get your percentage

You can do this with your calculator or just move the decimal point two digits to the right. The answer is your score as a percentage (your score out of 100). In our example, 0.8077 x 100 = 80, 77. This means your test score is 80, 77%.

Depending on your teacher's rating scale, 80, 77% is a B or a B-

Method 2 of 2: Converting Percentages to Letter Values

Calculate a Test Grade Step 5
Calculate a Test Grade Step 5

Step 1. Check your study materials for a range of scores

The range of scores is different for each professor and teacher. If your professor or teacher gives you a syllabus at the start of the year, that syllabus probably lists the range of scores. Your school manual may also have this information. If you can't find the range of scores for your study materials, check with your professor or teacher.

Calculate a Test Grade Step 6
Calculate a Test Grade Step 6

Step 2. Know the common range of scores in the United States

While there is variation in scores, this is the most common range of scores for US schools and universities. A grade of “B” or higher is usually considered a “good” score. A grade of D is the lowest score for passing, but it may not meet advanced course requirements or university applications.

  • A grades range from 90% to 100%. A score of 94% or higher will get an “A” grade. A score of 90%-93% will get an "A-" score.
  • B grades range from 80% to 89%. A score of 87% or higher will get a “B+” score. A score of 83%-86% will get a “B” score. A score of 80%-82% will get a "B-" score.
  • C values range from 70% to 79%. A score of 77% or higher will get a “C+” grade. A score of 73%-76% will get a "C" score. A score of 70%-72% will get a "C-" score.
  • D values range from 60% to 69%. A score of 67% or higher will get a “D+” score. A score of 63%-66% will get a "D" score. A score of 60%-62% will get a "D-" score.
  • F value starting from 59% or less. An F is a failing score, so professors and teachers usually don't give a + or – for an “F” grade.
Calculate a Test Grade Step 7
Calculate a Test Grade Step 7

Step 3. Study the UK scoring system

The UK uses several grading scales in primary and secondary schools for tests such as the GCSE (General Diploma in Secondary Education) and A-levels. These tests have their own classification terms, but the estimated percentage values correspond to the following percentages. This system is also used for undergraduate programs in the UK and India.

  • 70% to 100% is the highest score, special rank (distinction).
  • 60% to 69% get a commendable rating (merit).
  • 50% to 59% get a pass rating.
  • Some schools give a fail rating of 49% or lower, while other schools give a fail rating of 39% or lower.
Calculate a Test Grade Step 6
Calculate a Test Grade Step 6

Step 4. Know the scoring system in Canada

At the university level, the Canadian scoring system is similar to that used in the US. The difference lies in the percentage range.:

  • An "A" score is given for a score range of 80% to 100%
  • A "B" score is given for a score range of 70% to 79%
  • A "C" score is given for a score range of 60% to 69%
  • A "D" score is given for a score range of 50% to 59%
  • An "F" score is awarded for a score of 49% or less.


Some calculators have functions to help calculate percentages. You can also use an online score calculator


It's easy to make a summation error when adding up test questions. Be sure to double-check your calculations

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