4 Ways to Develop an Attitude of Never Giving Up

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4 Ways to Develop an Attitude of Never Giving Up
4 Ways to Develop an Attitude of Never Giving Up

Video: 4 Ways to Develop an Attitude of Never Giving Up

Video: 4 Ways to Develop an Attitude of Never Giving Up
Video: 7 Techniques Piano Beginners Don't Spend Enough Time On 2024, October

Unyielding attitude is a person's ability to be able to bounce back from difficult situations and try not to become a victim of helplessness. This ability can help you manage stress, reduce the chances of depression, and has been shown to make people live longer. You may feel so miserable that you think you can't get back up again, but it stops there. Once you can take control of your life and prepare for the unexpected, you will become a stronger person – a happier and more meaningful life. A never-give-up attitude can be achieved by handling difficult emotions and situations in a healthy manner, taking unyielding actions, never giving up thinking, and maintaining an unyielding attitude in the long term.


Method 1 of 4: Handling Difficult Situations

Develop Your Resilience Step 1
Develop Your Resilience Step 1

Step 1. Manage stress

While it can be hard to stay calm during difficult and anxious times, stress can hinder your ability to stay strong. The ability to manage stress will allow you to deal with adversity with a very calm and focused mind, instead of burying yourself deep and trying to hide yourself. Prioritize managing stress, no matter how busy you are.

  • If you have too much work to do and you're not getting enough sleep, try to see if there are any appointments you can cancel.
  • Do activities that make you really feel relaxed. Give yourself space and calm so that you can relax regularly, so that your ability to never give up will increase.
  • Do positive activities to reduce stress and promote a positive mood.
  • Think of stress as a challenge or an opportunity. If you're stressed, it means you're really thinking about what you're doing. You worry about that. Use your stress as a way to show your priorities and obligations. Change your stress-related thinking such as, "I don't have enough time," to "I know I can do this. I just need to manage my responsibilities.”
Develop Your Resilience Step 2
Develop Your Resilience Step 2

Step 2. Meditate

Meditation can help you clear your mind, reduce stress, and feel better prepared for the day and challenges that lie ahead. Research also shows that just by meditating for 10 minutes, you can feel like you've been rested with an hour's sleep, making you feel more relaxed and able to handle your problems. If you're feeling overwhelmed or exhausted, meditating can help you calm down and take control of your situation.

Find a comfortable chair and close your eyes, focusing on the breath in and out of your body. Relax your body parts. Get rid of any noise or distractions

Develop Your Resilience Step 3
Develop Your Resilience Step 3

Step 3. Do yoga

A study from Harvard Medical School showed that people who practice yoga as another form of exercise are less likely to get angry easily and are better able to take on challenges. When doing yoga, you have to do challenging poses and learn to build strength and endurance while doing the poses even when your body begs to stop; it can build your ability to “stick with” challenging situations and find the strength to stay calm and have a strong will.

Develop Your Resilience Step 4
Develop Your Resilience Step 4

Step 4. Cultivate your sense of humor

When going through difficult times we need to look at the brighter side. Humor helps you get a good perspective during tough times. Humor also makes you happier because the dopamine in your brain increases, which can ultimately improve your overall health.

  • Watch comedy movies, read entertaining books, and spend time with really funny people. When going through tough times, balance your sad movies, books, and thoughts with funny ones, so you don't fall into despair.
  • Learn to laugh at yourself. The ability not to take yourself too seriously will make it easier for you to face challenges with a smile.
Develop Your Resilience Step 5
Develop Your Resilience Step 5

Step 5. Seek support

Lack of social support can lead to a decrease in the attitude of never giving up. Even though important relationships in our busy lives sometimes break up, it's best to make room for relationships. Good relationships are a pillar of a never-give-up attitude and a source of support when the situation gets tough. Keep in touch with your family and friends and you will have a support network that you can immediately turn to, trusted and reliable around you around the clock.

A study of 3,000 nurses with breast cancer showed that nurses who had 10 or more close friends were four times more likely to survive than those who had no close friends

Develop Your Resilience Step 6
Develop Your Resilience Step 6

Step 6. Find a mentor

Since a lack of social support can make it easier for you to give up, getting a mentor can help you deal with life when things get tough. You may feel that your life is hopeless and that life is holding you back, but if you have someone more mature and wiser by your side, it will help you feel less alone and as equipped to face life's challenges.

  • This person may be someone who has succeeded in your field, a grandma or grandpa, a more senior friend, or anyone else who can help you reach your goals and face adversity with your head held high.
  • If you are a student (elementary to college), a tutor or coach at school or can be a mentor and supporter who helps you.
Develop Your Resilience Step 7
Develop Your Resilience Step 7

Step 7. Focus on your health

It's a good idea to talk about your current problem with someone who can help you make informed decisions about seeking therapy, taking medication options, and finding other sources of support you need. While you can face difficulties on your own, it's a good idea to talk to your doctor to make sure you're doing the best you can.

Seeing a doctor is not a sign of weakness; admitting that you may need help actually takes a lot of courage

Method 2 of 4: Taking Actions to Encourage Perseverance

Develop Your Resilience Step 8
Develop Your Resilience Step 8

Step 1. Be a person of action

Silence can reduce your ability to persevere, but being active and dealing with your problems head-on can increase your ability to deal with difficult situations. Try not to dwell on negative thoughts or ideas. Instead, do something about the situation.

  • For example, if no one wants to publish the novel you wrote, it doesn't mean you have to accept what other people think about your work. Be proud of yourself for completing your work, trying to publish a work, or trying something new.
  • If you get fired, get up and find another job – or even try to find a job that adds value and makes you happier, even if you have to start a new career. As unpleasant as it may feel, getting fired may be the best thing that ever happened to you. Try to think positively and find solutions.
Develop Your Resilience Step 9
Develop Your Resilience Step 9

Step 2. Find your purpose in life

Having goals and dreams increases the ability to never give up. Lacking direction and purpose will reduce your ability to never give up and will make you a person who is easily exploited, manipulated, and has poor life choices; without a clear purpose in life, your ability to control your life will diminish, leading to depression and anxiety.

  • Think about the goals you have, whether small or big. These goals provide an understanding of your life's purpose and keep you focused. Write a list of things you want to achieve in life. Keep this list and evaluate its progress regularly.
  • Learn to recognize what makes you better understand your purpose in life and what takes you away from it. Live your life according to your values and beliefs.
Develop Your Resilience Step 10
Develop Your Resilience Step 10

Step 3. Work towards your goals

If you want to become a more persistent person, you must not only set goals, but also strive to achieve them. Making a plan to reach your goals – whether you want to get a higher degree, get a fitter body, or work your way through a breakup – can help you feel purposeful, focused, and driven.

  • Make a goal list of all the things you want to accomplish next month, in the next six months, and in the next year. Make sure each goal is realistic and achievable. An example of an achievable goal is to lose 5 kilograms in 3 months. An unrealistic (and unhealthy) goal is to lose 10 pounds in a month.
  • Plan week after week, or month after month for what you want. Even though life is unpredictable and you can't plan everything, setting a goal helps you feel more in control of the situation, and more successful.
  • Tell others the goals you want to achieve. Sharing your goals and discussing what you're going to do can help you feel more obligated to achieve them.
Develop Your Resilience Step 11
Develop Your Resilience Step 11

Step 4. Look for information

People who don't give up tend to be curious, passionate about life, and want to know more. They realize they don't know much and want more about the world. They are curious about other cultures and want to learn about them, and they are well informed and self-confident, while admitting that they want to know more about something. The thirst for knowledge will make you passionate about life, and want to continue living even when you are sad. The more you know, the more you will feel equipped to face failure or challenges.

  • Learn foreign languages, read books and newspapers, and watch exciting movies.
  • People who never give up always ask questions when faced with new situations. Ask questions until you feel confident that you can handle a situation instead of feeling trapped and unable to cope.

Method 3 of 4: Changing Your Thoughts To Be Unyielding

Develop Your Resilience Step 12
Develop Your Resilience Step 12

Step 1. Develop a positive attitude

Having positive thoughts can lead us to have positive emotions, which can improve your overall unyielding attitude. It's not easy to have a positive attitude when you break your arm in a traffic accident that wasn't your fault, or when you get rejected by the fifth girl you've dated. It's a tough situation-but that doesn't mean it's an impossibility. It is your ability to be optimistic and see failure as this only occurrence rather than an indication of your future success that is what will make you successful in the future. Tell yourself that it's your positive attitude that can help you get more opportunities, get creative to find ways that can improve your life, and feel more satisfied overall.

  • Find ways to prevent negative thoughts from developing. Whenever you think or feel negative things, try to think of three positive things to counteract the negative.
  • You know what helps you to be more positive? Hang out with positive people. A positive attitude, like a negative attitude, is contagious, so hang out with people who see opportunities all the time instead of hanging out with people who whine or complain. Before long, you will see a change in yourself.
  • Avoid exaggerating anything. Even though you may be in very serious trouble, that doesn't mean the world will end. Try to think of an alternative or positive outcome.
  • Focus on the success you've had. What have you done well? What have you accomplished? Make a list of the positive things you have done in life. You may begin to see how unyielding and highly skilled you are.
Develop Your Resilience Step 13
Develop Your Resilience Step 13

Step 2. Accept the change

One of the main aspects of being more relentless is learning to face and accept change. Research shows that if you view changes in your life as a challenge rather than a threat, you will be better prepared to deal with them. Learning to adapt to new situations, whether it's moving to a new place or changing your new status as a parent, is a survival skill that will help you find creative solutions to new problems or to deal with adversity with relative calm and ease.

  • Try to be open-minded. Avoid judging people by their appearance, their work, or their beliefs. This way, not only will you learn new things, but always being aware of different points of view can help you see the world from a different perspective, especially if you are faced with unfamiliar situations.
  • Another way that can help you accept change is to always try new things, whether it's trying to make new friends, taking a painting class you've never done before, or reading a new genre of books. Having new things around you makes it much easier for you to accept change.
  • See change as an opportunity to grow, adapt, and change. Change is something important and good. Say to yourself, “I accept this change. It helps me grow and become stronger, more unyielding.”
  • If you are religious or spiritual, prayer or other traditional practices can help you accept change. Rest assured that things will work out as they should, even if things don't turn out the way you imagined. Pray to God that He will help you accept change.
Develop Your Resilience Step 14
Develop Your Resilience Step 14

Step 3. Solve the problem

One of the reasons why some people find it so difficult to be strong and bounce back from adversity is because they don't know how to deal with their problems. Develop a method that can be applied to face challenges so that you are better able to solve problems and not feel discouraged. Here's a helpful approach in dealing with the problem that's in front of you:

  • Understand the problem first. You may feel dissatisfied with your job because you are not being paid enough, but if you dig deeper, you may see that this is actually because you are not following your passion; this creates a whole new set of problems than you might think you're facing.
  • Find more than one solution. Be creative and find solutions; if you think there is only one solution to the problem (eg quit your job and try to become a full-time band player) then you are starting to have problems because your approach is impractical, unworkable, or may not make you happy in the long run. Make a list of all the solutions and choose the best two or three solutions.
  • Apply the solution. Evaluate your solution and see how helpful it is for your success. Don't be afraid to get feedback. If it doesn't work, don't view it as a failure, but think of it as a learning experience.
Develop Your Resilience Step 15
Develop Your Resilience Step 15

Step 4. Learn from your mistakes

Focus on what you can control, which is yourself. Another trait of people who don't give up is that they are able to learn from mistakes and not see them as failures, but as opportunities to grow. People who don't give up take the time to think about what didn't work so they avoid falling into the same hole in the future.

  • If you're feeling depressed or anxious after rejection or failure, think about how it can actually help you become stronger. You might think something like, "What doesn't destroy me makes me stronger."
  • Learn from the saying, "Smart people learn from their mistakes, but wise people know how to avoid failure." While you can't always avoid the first mistake, you can learn lessons that will help you to repeat the same mistake in the future. Focus on solutions or ways to avoid similar situations in the future.
  • Recognize your behavior patterns. Maybe your last three relationships failed not because of bad luck, but because you didn't invest valuable time with them, or because you kept trying to date the same type of person you weren't in the end. Identify the pattern that occurred so that you can begin to prevent such a thing from happening again.
Develop Your Resilience Step 16
Develop Your Resilience Step 16

Step 5. Focus on what you can control

People who feel they can control the outcome or outcome in their life are more resilient in the face of challenges. People who give up easily face failure and tend to think it happened because they are worthless, the world is unfair, and things have always been like that.

  • Instead of thinking you have no control, look at failure and think that it happened because of an unfortunate situation, not 100% your fault or because the world is a bad place. Focus on the choice that it doesn't always work that way.
  • Let go of anything you can't control and try to adapt.

Method 4 of 4: Maintaining an Unyielding Attitude

Develop Your Resilience Step 17
Develop Your Resilience Step 17

Step 1. Take care of yourself every heart

You may be struggling with a serious relationship breakup, layoff, or other important life event that you don't have time to shower or get enough sleep at night. However, if you want to be mentally strong, you have to be physically strong too. If your body stinks or you feel sluggish, you will feel that you are not well equipped to take on the challenge. As bad as you feel, you need to make an effort to shower, brush your teeth, sleep, and get back into your daily routine, so you can begin to feel as "normal" as possible.

Take time to rest your mind while you take care of yourself. Research shows that resting your mind, whether it's just daydreaming or closing your eyes and listening to a song you like, can get rid of stress-induced chemicals and will prevent you from feeling overwhelmed

Develop Your Resilience Step 18
Develop Your Resilience Step 18

Step 2. Maintain your self-respect

Your self-worth depends in part on how you value yourself. You need to build a positive perspective about yourself and life in general so that you feel unyielding. To acquire skills and responsibilities, maintain your self-esteem, so it's best to get involved in life's activities and not withdraw and feel threatened. If you feel worthless, you will feel incapable of taking on challenges.

  • Improve yourself by noticing your good qualities, while reducing negative ones. You can start making a list of all the things you love about yourself.
  • Earn value by making the most of your talents and abilities, whether you're a professional, volunteer, businessman, soldier, and so on.
  • Learn new abilities and skills as often as possible. This can strengthen your self-esteem and also get rid of fear. For example, if you are afraid that your children will be hurt one day, take basic first aid exercises to reduce your fear and increase your confidence to be able to deal with it should something happen.
  • Workshops, seminars, courses, and so on are great ways to improve your skills and expand your network of friends who can provide support when you need it.
Develop Your Resilience Step 19
Develop Your Resilience Step 19

Step 3. Develop your creativity

Creativity is self-expression and a way of life. With creativity, you can express things that cannot be expressed or understood with mere words. Increase your creativity, so you can find more creative solutions to solve the problems you face. You will also be able to see the world from a different perspective.

Take a photography class, write a poem, draw with watercolors, redecorate your room in an original way, or you can sew your own clothes

Develop Your Resilience Step 20
Develop Your Resilience Step 20

Step 4. Keep your body in shape

You don't have to have six pack abs to face critical times, but it helps if you are physically strong. Because of the mind-body connection, if your body is stronger, you will have the strength and resilience so that your mind is stronger, and that will help you in times of crisis. A fit body can increase your self-esteem, make you think positively, and feel more empowered, all of which help you to be more resilient.

Try starting something as simple as going for a walk in the sun for twenty minutes a day; this activity has been proven to help people become more open-minded and ready to take on challenges

Develop Your Resilience Step 21
Develop Your Resilience Step 21

Step 5. Make peace with the past

You need to uncover past motivations that influence your approach to life in the present. Until you come to terms with past adversity, they will continue to influence and even direct your current response. Look at past failures and problems as opportunities to learn. Don't expect this to happen in an instant, but face it; in the end you will become a more unyielding person. Keeping a record of things that happened and the lessons you learn from them can help you come to terms with the past. See a therapist, counselor, or doctor if you can't process your past on your own.

  • Think about the difficulties in the past that made you feel like your life was ending, then think about the efforts you made so that you can bounce back from adversity.
  • If you think you've missed an opportunity in the past, try to find out what made you let it go, such as meeting someone or visiting a place you've lived. It's not always possible to close the chapter in the past, but you can change the way you think about the past so you can feel stronger when facing challenges in the future.


Always talk to a healthcare professional about your problem if you are unable to cope with the negative emotions that make your life seem paralyzed. Mental illnesses and disorders require professional help

Sources and Citation

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  3. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jonathan_Davidson/publication/10576109_Development_of_a_new_resilience_scale_The_Connor-Davidson_Resilience_Scale_%28CD-RISC%29/links/0deec53062477b0279000000.pdf
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  9. https://www.apa.org/helpcenter/road-resilience.aspx#
  10. https://experiencelife.com/article/the-5-best-ways-to-build-resiliency/
  11. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/George_Bonanno/publication/8909498_Loss_trauma_and_human_resilience_have_we_underestimated_the_human_capacity_to_thrive_after_extremely_aversive_events/links/0deec5337810d114ee000000.pdf
  12. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/George_Bonanno/publication/8909498_Loss_trauma_and_human_resilience_have_we_underestimated_the_human_capacity_to_thrive_after_extremely_aversive_events/links/0deec5337810d114ee000000.pdf
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  17. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/heal-your-brain/201108/how-can-i-become-more-resilient
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  32. https://experiencelife.com/article/the-5-best-ways-to-build-resiliency/
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