Checkers is a fun game that is easy to play. This game has been around since the 12th century. To win this game, you have to move the pawns to your opponent's side. You can move faster by jumping over your opponent's pawns and removing them from the board. The concept of this game is simple, but you can use certain strategies to increase your chances of winning. Learn the rules of this game and play checkers with your friends.
Part 1 of 3: Preparing for the Game

Step 1. Decide who will play first
Before you prepare the game board, determine in advance which player gets the turn to play first. Determination can be made based on who won the previous game, high coins, or in other ways (eg suten). The player who gets to play first will use the black pawns, while the second player will use the white pawns.
Keep in mind that in a game of checkers, the player who uses the black pawn always plays first

Step 2. Prepare the game board
Sit opposite your opponent and place the board between you and your opponent. The game board consists of 64 alternating black and white squares or tiles arranged in an 8 x 8 pattern. There are 32 white tiles and 32 black tiles. Arrange the placement of the board so that there is a white square in the right corner of the board on each side of the player.

Step 3. Place the checkerboard pawns on the board
Each player must place his pawns on the 12 black squares in the first three rows closest to the player. Each row will be filled with 4 pieces of pawns. Keep in mind that you can only move the pawn diagonally on the black squares.
Since the checkerboard only has 8 rows of tiles, 6 of the tiles on the board will be filled with player pawns and there will only be 2 empty squares left in the middle of the game board

Step 4. Determine whether each player's playing time will count
In checkers' matches, each player gets five minutes for each turn. If you want to time each player's turn to keep the game going, make sure you have a timer near the game board before the game starts.
Part 2 of 3: Playing Checkers

Step 1. Start the game
The player who uses the black pawn gets the first turn. At the start of the game, the pawn may only be moved one square diagonally forward (towards the opposing side). Keep in mind that your pawns must stay on the black square.

Step 2. Jump and take the opponent's pawn
If your pawn stops on the diagonal tile closest to your opponent's pawn, you can jump over it and pick up the opponent's pawn. To take your opponent's pawn, all you have to do is move the pawn diagonally two squares (in the direction of the opponent's pawn), as if your pawn were jumping over the opponent's pawn. Once your opponent's pawn is taken, you can remove it from the board.
- Keep in mind that the tile next to your opponent's pawn tile must be empty in order for your pawn to fill it.
- If you have the opportunity to jump over the opponent's pawn, then just jump over the pawn.
- If you can jump over your opponent's pawns on some parts of the board (for example, you can jump over the opponent's pawns on the left and right), then choose which pawn you want to jump.
- If an opponent's pawn is taken, you can only move forward once. However, if after passing it, you stop at a tile where it is possible to take again your opponent's pawn, you can continue forward until you can no longer jump over your opponent's pawn.

Step 3. Make your pawn king when it reaches the end of the board (opposite side)
To make a king's pawn and crown it, place one of the opponent's pawns you pick up on top of the king's pawn. The status of the pawn becomes higher, so you can easily distinguish it from other pawns. The king's pawns can move back and forth, making it easier for you to take out your opponent's pawns.
- When not picking up a pawn, the king's pawn can only move one square diagonally in one turn. However, when the king's pawn takes the opponent's pawn, the king's pawn can move back and forth in that turn. This can only be done if the king's pawn wants to take the opponent's pawn, but it is necessary to change the direction of its movement so that the king's pawn can take the opponent's pawn (for example, when the king's pawn and the opponent's pawn are on a diagonal tile (black square) that is on the same horizontal row). To capture the opponent's pawn, the king's pawn must be moved forward, then moved backwards so that it can jump over the opponent's pawn.
- Some checkers play sets use pawns that have a crown symbol when flipped. Flip the pawn to mark it as a king pawn.
- There is no limit to the number of king pawns you can have.

Step 4. Keep jumping over and picking up your opponent's pawns
Keep jumping and grabbing your opponent's pawns until there's nothing left. If all the opponent's pawns are successfully taken, you win the game.
- Another (less common) way to win the game is to block the moves of your opponent's pawns, so he can't move his pawns.
- Another way to win the game is to return the remaining pawns to their original tiles.
Part 3 of 3: Upgrading the Game

Step 1. Focus on taking your opponent's pawns, not protecting your own
Beginners usually want to place their pawns in the corners of the board to avoid the opponent's pawn attacks as much as possible. In fact, this is the wrong strategy. Instead of trying to dodge your opponent's pawns, focus on taking your opponent's pawns. It doesn't matter if some of your pawns are taken by your opponent, as long as you take more of your opponent's pawns.
Play bravely and try to take your opponent's pawns whenever you get a chance

Step 2. Move your pawns together
If you move only one pawn towards the opponent's side, without moving the other pawns, the pawn will be vulnerable to being taken by the opponent. Instead, try moving some of the pawns together so that they form a kind of blockade. The center of the board can be a great area to arrange several pieces of pawns that protect each other, while moving them forward. Just don't let all of your pawns move to the center because that will make it harder for you to move them.
If you move not one, but two or more pawns, it will be more difficult for your opponent to take them. However, if the opponent still manages to take your pawn, one of your pawns can still take the opponent's pawn that previously took one of your pawns

Step 3. Keep the last row filled with pawns
If the opposing player manages to move his pawn to the last pawn row on your side, that pawn will become king and, of course, will be more difficult to retrieve. Therefore, try to keep the last row filled with your pawns to prevent the opponent's pawn from becoming king. In addition, it will be easier for you to take the opponent's pawns that are close to the back row of your side.

Step 4. Know when to give up your pawns for your opponent to take
There is a perfect time to 'sacrifice' one of your pawns. If you've won the game so far, or at least are in an even position with your opponent, don't hesitate to let one of your pawns be taken by your opponent if you can immediately take the opponent's pawn in return. Make sure the game is maintained.
- Do what you can to prevent the king's pawn from being taken by your opponent. King's pawns are much more valuable than ordinary pawns.
- Do not exchange pawns if the exchange actually makes it easier for your opponent to make their pawns as king pawns.
- Give up one pawn to take two opponent's pawns. In certain situations, you need to let one of your pawns be taken, but you can get two of your opponent's pawns. If that happens, just let go of the pawn, because after that you will get two opponent's pawns.

Step 5. Focus on the king's pawns
You should focus on turning your regular pawns into king pawns as much as possible, as well as preventing your opponent from doing the same. Make this a priority while outperforming your opponents. However, you don't have to try to crown any of the pawns if you have to lose some. Think strategically to know when is the right time to crown your pawns.

Step 6. Block your opponent's move
If your opponent's pawn is blocked and cannot be moved, the opponent will lose his turn. As much as possible make sure to block the opponent's move. When your opponent's pawns are blocked, you can try to take more of your opponent's pawns or crown your own.

Step 7. Keep practicing
While there's no surefire way to always win a game of checkers, the more you play, the more you'll understand your checkers strategy. If you want to become an expert at checkers, try playing as often as possible to improve your game.
Try playing with someone who is more skilled than you. This can be a challenge for you and encourage you to get a new experience of the game

Step 8. Watch how expert players play checkers
You can watch and watch as expert checkers play, both live and on television. You can learn a lot just by paying attention to the strategies and moves of the players. Also pay attention to what players do in certain situations.