How to Play Keno: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Play Keno: 13 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Play Keno: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


If you want to gamble without taking too much of a risk, keno is the right game. Keno is easy to learn and play, with no strategy or critical thinking skills involved. Keno is available in many restaurants, bars, and casinos, and even online today. If your number is selected, you win -- it's that easy! With elements of bingo, poker and roulette, the game is easy to get fans of.


Part 1 of 3: Mastering the Basics

Play Keno Step 1
Play Keno Step 1

Step 1. Get a keno card

These cards are usually found in the keno rooms of casinos. The numbers on the cards (1 to 80) will match the number of balls on the keno machine.

Different places or lottery centers have different versions of the cards. Some will sell special jackpot or bonus cards in addition to the usual cards. Ask if these places sell more than one type of card

Play Keno Step 2
Play Keno Step 2

Step 2. Choose the numbers and mark them on your keno card, or choose them with the help of the keno game staff

Each number you choose is called a keno point, and the keno cards will be arranged in 8 rows and 10 columns consisting of all the numbers. Your card will show you how many numbers you can choose.

  • Some cards will allow you to choose from 1 to 10 numbers, while others will let you choose up to 20. No matter how many numbers you bet on, the ticket price remains the same. So bet bigger!
  • Some cards will have a "quick pick" section, which is a section where you can ask the computer to make a selection for you. The chances of winning are still the same.
Play Keno Step 3
Play Keno Step 3

Step 3. Decide how much money you want to bet on the numbers of your choice and how many games of keno you want to play

Show these options of yours on your keno card. If you bet $1 on the numbers of your choice and want to play up to 7 times then your bet amount is $7. Of course, the more money you bet, the more money you can win.

  • You can bet from $1 per bet, and usually up to $20, but this depends on where you play.
  • Players can bet on a set of numbers in the same game using a line bet. This bet is more complicated because you have to choose a combination from several groups of numbers making it difficult for you to pay attention to your choices. We will talk about this in the next section.
Play Keno Step 4
Play Keno Step 4

Step 4. Give your keno card to the keno game staff, who will put your bet on the next game

An e-ticket copy of your card will be given back to you so you can follow the course of the game when the numbers are announced. Make sure everything is correct before you hand over your card!

Play Keno Step 5
Play Keno Step 5

Step 5. Watch the keno machine pick 20 balls at random (or watch the screen)

Most modern keno machines use computer software to get the winning numbers. These numbers are then displayed electronically on a keno board located in many places in your game location. If you play some other games, you can still walk around and not miss a keno result.

  • The numbers of the game you played will appear above your ticket and on the screen (usually in the bottom corner). Make sure these two numbers are the same!
  • Notice if any of the numbers you selected on your ticket are the same as the numbers the keno machine has selected. If there is then you win. The amount of your win will depend on how many numbers match and how much you bet.
  • The payout depends on the number of keno tickets per game. In some cases, a bet of one dollar can result in payouts of up to tens of thousands of dollars. Ask the keno staff for an explanation if you're not sure how to calculate it. Some places to play keno also pay extra if you choose a bonus number.

    Each playground has different rules; there are no equal pay rates. However, the profit from the payout is usually in the range below 70% to 80%. For the record, this number is not good. Make sure the number is as close to 100% as possible

Play Keno Step 6
Play Keno Step 6

Step 6. Call the keno game staff to announce your win

Return your electronic keno card for verification. You would have won if your numbers were on the screen! You can also mark victory by raising your arms and shouting -- they'll be right there for you.

Then play the next game! Usually it's about 4 minutes away. This is the best part of the game of keno -- it never stops

Part 2 of 3: Mixing the Numbers

Play Keno Step 7
Play Keno Step 7

Step 1. Use an "in line" ticket

At this point, the game starts to get a little more complicated. This is where you have to enter the right combination of numbers. Here's an example for you:

  • You choose six numbers.
  • You circle the numbers in two groups, with each group consisting of three numbers.
  • On the side of the ticket, you mark "2/3" and "1/6".

    This sign means you want to bet $3. $1 in the first three-digit group, $1 in the second three-digit group, and $1 in your six numbers. Think of it like betting on a horse race. Choosing a winning number is good, but choosing a winning number, winning location, and winning conditions is even better

Play Keno Step 8
Play Keno Step 8

Step 2. Bet on combinations

The numbers you choose can also overlap in combinations. Let's say you select a group of 2 numbers, three numbers, and four numbers. This means you have three sets of numbers. However, you can also choose a group of 5 numbers (3 and 2), six numbers (2 and 4), seven numbers (3 and 4), and 9 numbers (any number you choose). If you bet $1, what is the total cost you have to spend? Only $7. You have bet cleverly!

Remember to write on the side of your ticket what you want! Otherwise, the keno game staff will be confused

Play Keno Step 9
Play Keno Step 9

Step 3. Play the "king" ticket

If a number is circled alone it is called "king." This number can then be entered into the combination. Let's take the first 2/3 and 1/6 examples earlier -- add the king's number on top of all these combinations so now your bet is 2/4 and 2/7. The king number joins each group of three numbers and is added to the total so you have 7 numbers in the end.

Part 3 of 3: Studying Variations

Play Keno Step 10
Play Keno Step 10

Step 1. Bet on the bonus

Many state lottery venues or casinos in the US have some type of bonus on all keno games. Sometimes this bonus is known as a bull's eye, booster, or regular bonus. However, you will definitely recognize it when you see it. This bonus is in the form of a number, which if it appears, you will win big. Of course the stakes are slightly higher, ranging from $1 to double your stake.

The bonuses also vary. This bonus can be double your winnings, up to 20x the normal calculation. Check with the keno game staff at your gambling location to find out how it works

Play Keno Step 11
Play Keno Step 11

Step 2. Play keno videos

Some online keno games allow you to bet up to 40 numbers. However, you can also play it on screen in casinos and other locations now. The pay is usually a little better, but you also have to play faster, so in the end it's the same as regular keno. However, in video keno, you are free to determine your playing speed.

You will select numbers by simply touching the screen -- this is very easy to do. Sometimes there are even low cost video keno games. Make sure you know the minimum bet amount before you start playing

Play Keno Step 12
Play Keno Step 12

Step 3. Consider the stacked jackpot if any

Many casinos offer these progressive jackpots -- if no one wins the jackpot keeps getting bigger and bigger. The jackpot can even get so big that the payout exceeds 100%! However, since all of this is random, predicting a win is a difficult thing to do. However, if you see a jackpot, playing will be a lot of fun!

Play Keno Step 13
Play Keno Step 13

Step 4. Try the keno package

This is the same thing as a "party purchase." The more games you buy, the cheaper the price will be. Some areas offer this "package" of keno, which allows you to buy, say, 60 games for 0.25 cents each. These games can then be played whenever you want, as long as you give your keno ticket to the keno retailer beforehand. If not, of course this doesn't make sense!
