3 Ways to Prevent Hypothermia

3 Ways to Prevent Hypothermia
3 Ways to Prevent Hypothermia

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Hypothermia is a lethal condition that occurs when more body heat is lost than generated, causing a drop in body temperature below 35°C. A common cause of hypothermia is exposure to cold air or water, and that's why people who campers, hikers or unprepared swimmers often develop hypothermia. See Step 1 below to learn how to prevent hypothermia and recognize the signs.


Method 1 of 3: Staying Safe in Cold Weather

Prevent Hypothermia Step 1
Prevent Hypothermia Step 1

Step 1. Assess the situation before leaving

Whether you're an adventurous person planning a backpacking trip or just planning to spend a fun day in the great outdoors, take the time to look at the weather report and decide how to prepare. Remember that you are still at risk of developing hypothermia even in relatively warm temperatures, as wet and windy weather can cause a drop in body temperature.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 2
Prevent Hypothermia Step 2

Step 2. Know that it can get very cold at night

If you're going to be spending the night outdoors, find out how cold it is at night, and make sure you've got appropriate clothing and a sleeping bag that will protect you from the cold.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 3
Prevent Hypothermia Step 3

Step 3. Prepare a safety plan in place

Sometimes things don't go according to plan, and you may still be out when you should be home. Even if it's just a day stroll through the woods, it's best to be prepared and bring an extra jacket and cell phone in case you need help. Make sure you fill in your name on the track record so rangers know you are still on site and will come look for you when the area is closed to the public.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 4
Prevent Hypothermia Step 4

Step 4. Wear layers of clothing to protect your sensitive areas

Wearing layers of clothing is an effective way to protect your body from hypothermia. Don't expect one layer of clothing to be sufficient protection from the cold. Wear several layers at a time, and bring an extra jacket when you need more.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 5
Prevent Hypothermia Step 5

Step 5. The groin, armpits, neck, and both sides of the chest need extra protection

This area loses heat faster than other parts of the body.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 6
Prevent Hypothermia Step 6

Step 6. Cover socks and gloves too, to protect hands and feet from frostbite

Prevent Hypothermia Step 7
Prevent Hypothermia Step 7

Step 7. If you are packing for an expedition, bring spare clothes in case your clothes get wet

Wrap the spare clothes in a waterproof plastic bag to keep them dry.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 8
Prevent Hypothermia Step 8

Step 8. Follow the rules of weather, evaporation, and warmth to layer clothes

Outdoor enthusiasts find that certain combinations of materials provide the best protection from the cold. When you're gathering gear for an outdoor adventure, choose layers of clothing that are known to keep you safe and warm. Although some materials are quite expensive, they are worth buying to protect yourself.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 9
Prevent Hypothermia Step 9

Step 9. First Layer:

Use a volatile material near your skin. The vaporizing material is designed to keep moisture away from your skin when you sweat, so you stay dry. Get long sleeves and long knickers made of polyester.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 10
Prevent Hypothermia Step 10

Step 10. Second Layer:

Use wool or other warm material over the first layer. Wool is the best choice for cold weather, because it is breathable but still provides good insulation and is very warm.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 11
Prevent Hypothermia Step 11

Step 11. Third Layer:

Wear a waterproof or windproof coating on the outside. Decide what kind of weather you'll be facing and put on one more layer to protect yourself. You may need a raincoat or rain cover to keep the other layers of clothing from getting wet.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 12
Prevent Hypothermia Step 12

Step 12. Never wear cotton in cold weather

Cotton is a highly breathable material and is not warm enough to protect you from hypothermia. When wet, cotton can actually make your condition worse, because it dries slowly and holds moisture against your skin. Experts know that cotton is the worst material to use in cold weather. Leave your jeans and flannels at home and choose materials that are more effective for your safety.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 13
Prevent Hypothermia Step 13

Step 13. Keep your body dry

Humidity is your worst enemy if you want to protect yourself from hypothermia. Avoid stepping on wet areas unless you are wearing waterproof shoes and gaiters to keep your feet dry. Try not to overexert yourself into a sweat, as the moisture produced by sweating can be dangerous when the temperature drops and your body cools down again.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 14
Prevent Hypothermia Step 14

Step 14. Find shelter when it starts to rain or snow

If it's raining and you have a chance to escape the rain, seek shelter wherever you can. Stay in cover until the rain stops if possible.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 15
Prevent Hypothermia Step 15

Step 15. Change wet clothes with dry clothes immediately

Sometimes it's impossible to avoid getting wet, but that means you need to dry yourself off as soon as possible. Better to bring some spare clothes to wear to keep them dry.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 16
Prevent Hypothermia Step 16

Step 16. Find a shelter that can withstand the wind

Wind can be just as dangerous as rain in cold weather, because it blows cold air through clothes and lowers body temperature faster than normal air. It will be more dangerous if your body is damp from sweat or rain. A good windbreaker can help, but strong winds can still penetrate the layers of your clothing.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 17
Prevent Hypothermia Step 17

Step 17. When the wind starts to blow, seek shelter, even if it's just a tall tree

See if you can wait for the wind to subside and continue your journey when the weather has calmed down.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 18
Prevent Hypothermia Step 18

Step 18. If you want to continue, try to walk close to a tree or the side of a mountain so that the wind doesn't hit you from both directions at once

Prevent Hypothermia Step 19
Prevent Hypothermia Step 19

Step 19. Turn around while it's still safe

If you feel you are getting tired, it is important to immediately turn around. The drained energy can keep you from recognizing the signs of hypothermia. Once you slow down, you'll feel exhausted and put you in a very dangerous situation.

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Prevent Hypothermia Step 20

Step 20. Don't let the desire to reach the top of the mountain keep you going even if it's wet and cold

Don't ignore the chills and other signs.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 21
Prevent Hypothermia Step 21

Step 21. If you sweat, it's a sign that you're trying too hard

Slow down so you don't get wet and that way you'll be able to better monitor your progress.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 22
Prevent Hypothermia Step 22

Step 22. Protect the elderly in the room

Hypothermia due to cold air is still possible even if you are indoors. Elderly people and people with health problems are more prone to indoor hypothermia. If you or someone you know may be at a higher risk, do the following:

Prevent Hypothermia Step 23
Prevent Hypothermia Step 23

Step 23. Place the thermostat over 18°C in the living room, or 16°C for a room that is not used frequently

Prevent Hypothermia Step 24
Prevent Hypothermia Step 24

Step 24. Make sure they have warm clothes and blankets

Method 2 of 3: Stay Safe in Cold Water

Prevent Hypothermia Step 25
Prevent Hypothermia Step 25

Step 1. Know the water risks you are boating or swimming in

When you go anywhere near cold water, it's important to be fully prepared. While you'll be safe on the boat at all times, you should still take precautions just in case. Even water that is safe for swimming for short periods of time can be deadly if you stay in the water for too long.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 26
Prevent Hypothermia Step 26

Step 2. Water can cause hypothermia even at high temperatures between 21°C to 27°C after prolonged exposure

Prevent Hypothermia Step 27
Prevent Hypothermia Step 27

Step 3. Take extra care when the water temperature is lower than 21°C

Take every precaution to ensure you have the proper safety equipment before leaving.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 28
Prevent Hypothermia Step 28

Step 4. Use a personal flotation device (PFD)

PFD is a flotation device that can keep your head safely above the water. Ensuring that the head is warmer is very important to prevent the loss of too much body heat. Wear a PFD whenever you plan on swimming or boating in cold water.

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Prevent Hypothermia Step 29

Step 5. PFD is recommended for everyone who spends time near cold water, and in some cases it is required

These kits can be purchased online or at an outdoor supply store, and you can even rent them on the site itself.

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Prevent Hypothermia Step 30

Step 6. Special equipment should be used for children

Make sure the child's PFD fits securely on their body and is neither too small nor too big.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 31
Prevent Hypothermia Step 31

Step 7. Prevent heat loss by staying still

When in water, thrashing can cause you to lose too much body heat. The body uses energy to stay warm. You need to stay still so your body can store as much energy as possible.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 32
Prevent Hypothermia Step 32

Step 8. Don't dip your head in the water and come out again

This can cool the head and make you lose a lot of body heat.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 33
Prevent Hypothermia Step 33

Step 9. Do not swim unless land or boats are within reachable distance

If you see a safe place that can be easily reached, you can swim towards it. Otherwise, don't try to swim; wait for help.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 34
Prevent Hypothermia Step 34

Step 10. Use the HELP (Heat Escape Lessening Position) position

This position traps as much heat as possible, thereby preventing excessive loss of body heat in the water. If you take a HELP position, the chances of surviving will increase. Simply link your legs together, hold your arms around your body, and keep your head above the surface of the water.

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Prevent Hypothermia Step 35

Step 11. This can only be done if you are using a flotation device

You should be able to float without moving your arms and legs.

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Prevent Hypothermia Step 36

Step 12. If you are with other people, get close and take a HELP position with your arms around you

A group of people doing HELP together can last longer than alone.

Method 3 of 3: Knowing First Aid for Hypothermia

Prevent Hypothermia Step 37
Prevent Hypothermia Step 37

Step 1. Look for the symptoms

If you believe that you or someone you know has hypothermia, take action instead of waiting. Look for the following symptoms of hypothermia:

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Prevent Hypothermia Step 38

Step 2. In adults:

shivering, tired, confused, and slurred speech.

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Prevent Hypothermia Step 39

Step 3. In young children:

reddened and drowsy skin.

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Prevent Hypothermia Step 40

Step 4. Take action to help the person warm up

Don't heat up her body too fast; do so gradually so that heat shock does not cause further harm. Helping the body temperature to warm to a safe level is the most important step in treating hypothermia. Do whatever is necessary to warm the body, including the following:

Prevent Hypothermia Step 41
Prevent Hypothermia Step 41

Step 5. Go to a warm place

If you do not have access to warm facilities, go to a shelter to wait for help. Make sure the place is protected from wind and rain.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 42
Prevent Hypothermia Step 42

Step 6. Remove wet clothes

Remove wet clothes and change to dry, warm clothes.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 43
Prevent Hypothermia Step 43

Step 7. Give a warm drink

Hot tea (not hot), soup or even warm water will help.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 44
Prevent Hypothermia Step 44

Step 8. Perform CPR if needed

If the person is unconscious or has no pulse, perform CPR. If you don't know how to perform CPR properly, find someone who is legally capable of doing it and then call emergency services.

Prevent Hypothermia Step 45
Prevent Hypothermia Step 45

Step 9. Perform CPR for the child or infant if necessary

The procedure is somewhat different from the procedure for adults, and the difference is important to know.

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Prevent Hypothermia Step 46

Step 10. Keep the body warm and comfortable until help arrives

Prevent Hypothermia Step 47
Prevent Hypothermia Step 47

Step 11. Seek immediate medical attention no matter what

Get the person to a health facility as soon as possible. You can call emergency services if you can't reach the hospital. It is still important to take the person to the doctor even if the body is warm and seems fine. Hypothermia can cause complications that do not appear immediately. He may have frostbite or other problems caused by exposure to cold. Get medical attention as soon as possible.


  • Chemical heat packs which when strategically placed can help raise body temperature.
  • A thermal blanket or tarp can help trap heat and provide protection from the wind.
  • Generating that heat requires energy! Carry an adequate supply of food to give your body internal fuel.


  • Hypothermia is a serious condition. If you or someone you are with has serious symptoms, seek help immediately.
  • Do not drink alcohol in an attempt to warm the body. Alcohol can actually lower body temperature.
