Does your washer dryer smell like it's on fire? This problem needs to be addressed as soon as possible to avoid fire.

Step 1. Check the lint filter and reservoir
Clean the lint. This filter should be cleaned after each drying of clothes.

Step 2. Check the bottom of the dryer
The build-up of lint, dust, fine dust, etc., can cause a burning smell and thus make clothes smell like burning too. This is more likely to occur in gas-fired dryers.

Step 3. Check the drain hose
Is it clean or is it clogged due to accumulation of dirt?

Step 4. Check the drive belt
The drive belt must be sufficiently lubricated.
Look online for articles on how to change the belt on a dryer if necessary

Step 5. Ask a technician for help to check the electricity
There could be a problem with the cord burning or a blockage that you can't see easily.