Vaseline is probably one of the most difficult ingredients to remove from hair because petrolatum (petroleum jelly) is insoluble in water. Start by drying the vaseline on your hair and sprinkling it in something like cornstarch to absorb the oil. Wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo (a shampoo that has very strong cleansing properties) to remove the oil, then rinse your hair with water. Repeat this step a few times and if there's still oil stuck to it, try using homemade ingredients. Apply oil, degreasers, sticky remover, or liquid dish soap, then rinse your hair thoroughly after you've used these ingredients.
Method 1 of 2: Washing Hair with Cornstarch

Step 1. Dry your hair using a tissue
Take a few pieces of tissue and press it on the Vaseline-affected hair. Squeeze and dry the hair with a tissue to remove the Vaseline that has stuck to it.
- Don't rub the tissue, as this will allow the petroleum to get deeper into your hair.
- If you want to remove Vaseline from your own hair, ask a friend to help dry an invisible area of your hair, such as the back of your head.

Step 2. Sprinkle hair with cornstarch (cornstarch), baking soda, or cornstarch (cornmeal)
After removing the Vaseline from the hair, coat the hair that is still oily with cornstarch, cornstarch, or baking soda. Use a tissue or your fingers to gently pat the flour on your hair so that the oil-affected area is coated with the flour.
Do not use baby powder or ground talc. If inhaled accidentally, talc can cause breathing problems

Step 3. Wash your hair with warm water and a clarifying shampoo
While you can use a regular shampoo to remove Vaseline, it's a good idea to use a clarifying or deep cleansing shampoo (a shampoo specifically designed to cleanse the scalp and hair of dirt and oil). This powerful shampoo is designed to clean and style hair.
Don't wash your hair with cold water, as this can cause the vaseline to clump together and make it thicker

Step 4. Shampoo hair and rinse again
After rinsing off the cornstarch and clarifying shampoo, shampoo your hair again. Rinse your hair with warm water to remove any remaining Vaseline.
Continue to rinse until the water becomes clear, not cloudy or foamy

Step 5. Apply conditioner, then rinse thoroughly
Clarifying shampoos can strip your hair of its natural oils and make it dry, so you should use a moisturizing conditioner. Follow the directions given, then rinse off the conditioner using cold water to seal the hair cuticles tightly.
Some conditioners may ask you to massage it into damp hair for a few minutes and let it sit for a few more minutes before you can rinse it off

Step 6. Dry and comb your hair
Apply and press the towel against wet hair to dry it. Do not rub or pull the hair as this can damage it. If your hair is already damp, comb your hair to remove any tangles.
By now, your hair or comb should be Vaseline-free

Step 7. Repeat this process in another 12-24 hours if necessary
If your hair is still oily and the vaseline hasn't completely gone, wait 12-24 hours. Next, sprinkle more cornstarch on the oily areas, then wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo, rinse, and apply conditioner to your hair.
Dry wet hair by patting it with a towel, then let the hair dry on its own
Method 2 of 2: Using Other Household Materials

Step 1. Massage your hair with oil for 10 minutes before you shampoo it
To make shampoo more effective at removing Vaseline, use the oil you have in your kitchen. Apply 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of olive oil, coconut oil, baby oil, jojoba oil, or almond oil to the oily areas of your hair. Next, wash your hair several times with a clarifying shampoo.
- By massaging it, the oil will seep into the Vaseline-coated hair. This makes clarifying shampoo even more effective at removing Vaseline.
- If you are using coconut oil, warm it up in the microwave first to melt it. This process usually takes about 15 to 20 seconds.

Step 2. Use skin-safe fat-removal and sticky substances
Buy products that are safe for the skin, such as Goo Gone. This product is designed to melt and remove fat, and can break down the oil content in petroleum. Pour a teaspoon (5 ml) of this product into the palm of your hand, then rub it into the oil affected area. Rinse this oil remover product using warm water until the water becomes clear.
Although safe for the skin, do not let this product get into the eyes, ears, or nose

Step 3. Remove the grease using a liquid dish soap containing a degreasing agent
Pour a few tablespoons of liquid dish soap into your palms, then rub it into your oily hair. Rinse the soap using warm water until the water is clear and does not foam.
- Try applying conditioner after you use dish soap, as the soap will strip the hair of its natural oils.
- Be careful not to get your eyes in the detergent. Try rinsing your hair using a shower head. This way, you can bring the shower head closer to your scalp and protect your eyes with your other hand.