3 Ways to Test a Dog's Temperament

3 Ways to Test a Dog's Temperament
3 Ways to Test a Dog's Temperament

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Like humans, dogs are the result of genetic inheritance and environmental conditions. A dog's temperament describes how it responds to humans and other aspects of its environment, including sounds and the presence of other animals. These responses are largely instinctual, but can also be influenced by the environment. Temperament testing is a way to evaluate a dog's temperament, so you can get to know him better. Most experts perform this test on adult dogs, but learning how it works can help you understand. The temperament test usually takes 15 minutes.


Method 1 of 3: Preparing for the Temperament Test

Temperament Test a Dog Step 1
Temperament Test a Dog Step 1

Step 1. Determine what type of temperament test your dog needs

There are many temperament tests available, so decide what test you want your dog to be tested for. For example, you might want to test whether he behaves well around small children or is a good candidate to be a service dog. Once you know what type of temperament test you need, you can narrow down your search for a company that provides temperament testing services.

  • Some boarding houses or day care facilities require temperament testing. The facility may perform its own testing. Contact the facility where you want to leave your dog to learn more about their temperament testing requirements.
  • The American Temperament Test Society has a temperament test that includes an evaluation of your dog's protective tendencies.
  • The American Kennel Club has an exam called the Canine Good Citizen. This exam evaluates the trained behavior along with temperament.
Temperament Test a Dog Step 2
Temperament Test a Dog Step 2

Step 2. Take your dog to the vet

Allow the veterinarian to perform a thorough physical examination of the dog before a temperament test is performed. Some medical conditions, such as arthritis, can affect your dog's response during the testing process. If a medical condition is unknown or previously diagnosed, the tester may misinterpret your dog's response to different testing exercises.

Temperament Test a Dog Step 3
Temperament Test a Dog Step 3

Step 3. Collect a complete history of your dog

The more information the tester gets before conducting the test, the better he will evaluate your dog. For example, write down their race, age, sex, and reproductive status (normal, sterile, castrated). You should also write down how your dog generally reacts to humans and other animals, as well as if he has previously undergone obedience training.

  • If you don't know the race, you can do a DNA test. Dog DNA testing, which uses cheek swabs, can be purchased online or at a local pet store; the price starts from around Rp. 78.000, -. These tests have variable accuracy, so discuss with your veterinarian the DNA test they recommend.
  • The examiner should know if your dog has, or has previously displayed, aggressive behavior. If your dog has been acting aggressively, you will need to describe the aggression in detail (aggressiveness to food, people, etc.).
Temperament Test a Dog Step 4
Temperament Test a Dog Step 4

Step 4. Write down a description of yourself

In addition to having a complete history of dogs, the examiner also needs to know about you, especially about your experience with dog ownership and training. They will also be helped by having information about the home environment (inhabited by children or other animals) and your ability to provide additional training the dog may need as a result of testing.

Be sure to write honest and complete information about yourself and your dog

Temperament Test a Dog Step 5
Temperament Test a Dog Step 5

Step 5. Prepare all test equipment

Before you start, make sure your dog's collar and leash are strong. The examiner will take the dog through a number of exercises, so the leash and leash must be in good condition. If one needs to be replaced, buy it before the test starts so your dog will get used to it.

  • In addition to a leash and leash, you may also need a food bowl, some dog toys, and a chair. The equipment needed will depend on the type of temperament test your dog will undergo.
  • Carrying a notebook or computer can help you record your dog's responses while he is being tested. You can also use a smartphone or a video recorder to record your dog during the test.
Temperament Test a Dog Step 6
Temperament Test a Dog Step 6

Step 6. Choose a place for the temperament test

Tests must be carried out in a controlled and interference-free environment. This environment should be foreign to your dog. If you're not sure where your dog's temperament will be tested, your vet may be able to recommend a place.

Temperament Test a Dog Step 7
Temperament Test a Dog Step 7

Step 7. Select a tester and handler

It is important for your dog to be tested and handled by someone he does not know. This increases the likelihood that testing will be as objective as possible. Make sure you also choose an expert who is trained in conducting temperament tests.

  • If you are testing a dog's abilities for a specific purpose (hunting, service dog, etc.), choose a tester who is an expert in that area.
  • During testing, the handler cannot give your dog any reprimand or guidance, unless instructed by the examiner.
  • If you're not sure where to start with selecting testers, do an internet search of local testing companies to find out more about testers and their testing services.

Method 2 of 3: Testing an Adult Dog's Temperament

Temperament Test a Dog Step 8
Temperament Test a Dog Step 8

Step 1. Observe the dog's response to strangers

The exercises at this stage are temperament tests from the American Temperament Testing Agency. In this test, the handler should not be familiar with the dog; an expert tester will evaluate your dog's responses. The purpose of this initial exercise is to evaluate how dogs respond to non-threatening strangers.

  • The first foreigner will act naturally. He will approach and shake hands with the handler, then engage in brief conversation while ignoring the dog. This interaction examines how the dog responds to passive socialization (when no one is interacting with him), and sees if he has a protective instinct when a stranger approaches.
  • The second type of stranger will be more friendly, and will be actively involved with the dog. This will evaluate your dog's active socialization.
Temperament Test a Dog Step 9
Temperament Test a Dog Step 9

Step 2. Evaluate your dog's response to noise

For this exercise, your dog will be exposed to different sounds. The first sound will be hidden. Someone other than the handler will ring a metal bucket containing rocks from a hidden position, then place the bucket in the handler's and dog's path of travel. This will evaluate the dog's level of curiosity (will he investigate the bucket?) and alertness.

The second sound is gunfire. A person standing some distance behind the handler will fire three shots. This situation tests the dog's response to sudden, loud noises. Everyone in the test environment must be safe from harm when the weapon is fired

Temperament Test a Dog Step 10
Temperament Test a Dog Step 10

Step 3. Evaluate the dog's response to visual stimuli

Your dog and his handler will approach a person sitting in a chair with a covered umbrella. When it is about 1.5 meters away, the person will open the umbrella. The examiner will notice how your dog reacts to something he doesn't expect if suddenly happens in his tracks.

Temperament Test a Dog Step 11
Temperament Test a Dog Step 11

Step 4. Observe how the dog walks on an unusual surface

The handler will walk your dog on two unusual types of surfaces: a 4.6 x 1.8 meter piece of plastic scrap and a 3.7 x 0.9 meter open training cage. For this exercise, the examiner will evaluate how your dog responds when he walks on unfamiliar surfaces (Will he be afraid of unfamiliar surfaces? Can he overcome his fears? Does he show curiosity when walking on those surfaces?)

Temperament Test a Dog Step 12
Temperament Test a Dog Step 12

Step 5. Test your dog's self-protective or aggressive behavior

This exercise is done in several steps to observe how the dog responds to unusual situations that become increasingly threatening. In the early part of this exercise, the dog and its handler will stop at a predetermined point and a person in strange clothing will pass about 12 meters away in front of them. The examiner will notice if your dog recognizes this as unusual.

  • Next, the stranger will walk closer and closer to your dog and handler (about 9 meters), as if to lure them in. At this stage, the dog should begin to feel that the situation is getting more and more tense.
  • Then, the stranger would walk closer (about 6 meters), this time more aggressively. At this stage, the handler evaluates your dog's protective instincts. Different breeds have different levels of protective instincts, so your dog's breed will be taken into account when evaluating its protective response.
Temperament Test a Dog Step 13
Temperament Test a Dog Step 13

Step 6. Use the results to guide your training

No dog is perfect for every situation. Your dog may be great in some situations and not so good in others. Hopefully the temperament test helps you find those things. In the next training, focus on what needs to be developed in your dog.

Method 3 of 3: Testing the Puppy's Temperament

Temperament Test a Dog Step 14
Temperament Test a Dog Step 14

Step 1. Perform a roll test

Testing a puppy's temperament is something you can do on your own. You can also choose a tester who knows the genetics of your dog's sibling. To run this test, roll your puppy on its back and hold it on its back for 15 seconds, gently placing your hands on its chest. Observe how it resists when held this way.

Dominant puppies will show resistance the entire time you hold them. A more obedient puppy will give little or no resistance, and may start licking you (another sign of obedience)

Temperament Test a Dog Step 15
Temperament Test a Dog Step 15

Step 2. Gently press your puppy's paw

With the puppy standing on all fours, hold the front paws in your hands using gentle pressure. Hold the leg like this for one minute, then do the same with the back leg. Use enough pressure on her legs to hold her in this position, not to hurt her. As in the roll test, observe the level of resistance when held.

Pain will cause your puppy to fight back – regardless of whether it is dominant or submissive – don't push it to the point of causing pain when testing your puppy's temperament

Temperament Test a Dog Step 16
Temperament Test a Dog Step 16

Step 3. Caress the puppy thoroughly

Gently touch the ears, legs, stomach, and other body parts. Give a light tug on the ear. Watch how he responds to you. Whether he seems to be enjoying it, is trying to get away from you, or is even trying to bite you, all of these responses will provide good clues about his overall temperament.

Keep in mind that biting is normal puppy behavior, although it may be painful; it's a puppy's way of investigating their surroundings. However, puppy bites can become a problem if you don't train them to stop biting as they grow older

Temperament Test a Dog Step 17
Temperament Test a Dog Step 17

Step 4. Pick up the puppy

Interlace your fingers on his belly (palms facing up) and lift him into the air. Hold for about 30 seconds. If he starts to squirm and wants to be taken down, he has a more dominant and independent behavior. However, if he seems quite happy to be held this way, he may show a more submissive behavior and may start licking you.

Temperament Test a Dog Step 18
Temperament Test a Dog Step 18

Step 5. Watch how the puppy approaches people and other siblings

This will give a good clue about his dominant or submissive behavior. If a puppy is showing dominance, he will approach other people or his sibling with a sturdy posture and manly ears. On the other hand, if he behaves obediently, he will walk with his head down and ears tilted back; maybe he stooped a little.

If the puppy clings to your side, he may feel insecure. If he distances himself, he may have a timid personality. A puppy who completely ignores you is likely the independent type, and the type that roams around a room and then comes back to you is a confident type

Temperament Test a Dog Step 19
Temperament Test a Dog Step 19

Step 6. Clap your hands

The purpose of this exercise is to observe the puppy's response to a sudden sound. His response that shows interest, fear, aggression, or indifference will tell you what type of temperament he has.

Throwing the key on the floor can be a good test option for this response. Most puppies will be surprised at first, but confident types will quickly come to or investigate new objects

Temperament Test a Dog Step 20
Temperament Test a Dog Step 20

Step 7. Test the puppy's reaction to the food

Try petting the puppy while it eats, then grab the food and push the puppy away. If he tries to play tug of war with his food or push your hand out of his bowl, he tends to be dominant. If he willingly gives in, he tends to obey.

  • If a puppy reacts aggressively, he may have a problem with food aggression, a situation commonly known as “resource guarding”. This is a serious problem, fortunately, you can more easily correct it in puppies than adults.
  • If the puppy is big enough to hurt you, use a broom handle or other long object to keep the food away. Never test an adult dog like this with your bare hands.


  • Remember that you can't genetically change your dog. As noted in this article, you can still manage and improve how your dog responds to and interacts with his environment. A temperament test will give you a good overall picture of your dog's behavior, which can help you better understand and renew your communication and relationship with him.
  • Test your dog's temperament more than once. Like humans, dogs change as they get older. By periodically testing his temperament, you'll know where his response is starting to improve and where he still needs work. In puppies, the recommended testing time is around 7 weeks of age. This test should then be repeated at 10 to 12 weeks of age to assess the development of personality traits.
  • Before testing, ask the dog to go to the bathroom. If he needs to urinate during the test, this will affect the results.
  • Temperament should not be confused with a lack of training. A dog that jumps on a human and pulls on the leash is not necessarily a dominant and independent behavior, this could be because it has never been trained.
  • If you can't do a temperament test, try interpreting the dog's body language (after moving him to a quiet room away from other dogs). Here are the basics:

    • Loose body condition: a dog whose body is slack and wagging is calm and happy, while a dog whose body is stiff means restlessness or fear, even if he wags his tail.
    • Eye contact: if your dog is staring intently at you, he may be scared or aggressive. If he looks at you and turns or blinks a lot, he's calm but still paying attention.
    • Ears and tail: if his tail is bent down and his ears are back, it means he is very frightened, while an erect tail and ears is a warning sign of an attack. A curious dog will usually tilt his head and/or wag his tail.
