How to Clean Cat Urine (with Pictures)

How to Clean Cat Urine (with Pictures)
How to Clean Cat Urine (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Anyone who owns a cat has probably at some point smelled urine from cat urine. A strong, pungent odor can spread throughout the house and if not cleaned properly can become stronger over time and create an unpleasant odor similar to ammonia. In addition to the unpleasant smell, cat urine can also leave stains, especially on fabrics and carpets. Since it can be difficult to remove, learning how to clean cat urine effectively and quickly is key to keeping your home and furniture fresh and urine-free.


Part 1 of 3: Finding and Cleaning Stains with Absorbent Paper

Clean Cat Urine Step 1
Clean Cat Urine Step 1

Step 1. Find the source of the smell

It's easiest to clean a new stain that's still damp, as you can remove most of the urine from the spot where the pee is. However, you may also find stains that have dried. In such cases, the same procedure must be followed, even if the urine has long since decomposed and been absorbed into the surface.

  • Usually the smell of urine will lead you straight to the area where the cat urinated, although you may have to fumble for a wet location if the urine is on carpet or upholstered furniture, or a sticky spot if the urine has dried on a tiled floor. linoleum or wood.
  • You can also try using a black neon light. This light will show stains on furniture, floors, or carpets as yellow stains. You can buy these lamps fairly cheaply from pet stores or online.
Clean Cat Urine Step 2
Clean Cat Urine Step 2

Step 2. Wipe and absorb

Using a paper napkin, absorb as much urine as possible if the surface you are urinating on is a cloth or carpet. With surfaces like these, there is a danger of urine being absorbed into the fibers of the material. Use gentle wiping motions to absorb the urine.

  • If you are afraid to use a lot of paper napkins for environmental reasons, use towels, washcloths, or even discarded old clothes.
  • You can also use a liquid-absorbing vacuum to "suck" the urine if you have one. This will remove more of the cat's urine than wiping it away. Do not use a steam cleaner because at this stage of the cleaning process the heat from the cleaner can cause the urine odor to last longer and be more difficult to remove.
Clean Cat Urine Step 3
Clean Cat Urine Step 3

Step 3. Avoid rubbing the stain

Scrubbing the urine stain at this stage will only cause it to go deeper.

When the stain is dry, pour cold water over it and wipe it off

Clean Cat Urine Step 4
Clean Cat Urine Step 4

Step 4. Stand on a wet location if the urine is on a carpet

Don't forget to wear shoes. This step will help lift the stain from the surface of the carpet.

Clean Cat Urine Step 5
Clean Cat Urine Step 5

Step 5. Clean the area that is exposed to urine with a stain remover

You can use commercial products or make your own stain remover solution using common household products. Read below for instructions for both cleaners.

Part 2 of 3: Cleaning with Commercial Cleaners

Clean Cat Urine Step 6
Clean Cat Urine Step 6

Step 1. Buy a commercial product

In particular, look for enzymatic cleaners. Enzymatic cleaners are specially designed to clean the area exposed to urine. This type of cleaner breaks down enzymes in cat urine and neutralizes the smell of urine. These types of cleaners can usually be purchased at any pet store. Popular brands include Knock Out, Urine Off, and Anti-Icky Poo.

  • Enzymatic cleaners break down the uric acid in cat urine into carbon dioxide and ammonia. Both are gases which then evaporate easily and thus neutralize unpleasant odors.
  • This type of cleaner can work on new or old stains.
Clean Cat Urine Step 7
Clean Cat Urine Step 7

Step 2. Read the instructions

Some cleaners may have specific instructions for use, so make sure you read them carefully before using them on areas that are contaminated with dirt.

Always follow all the instructions that come with the specific cleaner you have purchased. Not following the instructions properly can cause permanent damage to the furniture or surfaces of your home

Clean Cat Urine Step 8
Clean Cat Urine Step 8

Step 3. Experiment with a small section

Always test the product to be used on a small, invisible area to see if it will cause damage or discoloration in the area.

  • If you notice something unusual, stop using the product. Purchase a different commercial product or try a homemade cleaning solution as described below.
  • If you don't see any abnormality, please apply the product on the area that is exposed to urine.
Clean Cat Urine Step 9
Clean Cat Urine Step 9

Step 4. Wet the urine affected area with an enzyme cleaner

Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes for the cleaner to soak into the stain. Then wipe off as much of the cleaner as possible with a paper towel or rag.

Clean Cat Urine Step 10
Clean Cat Urine Step 10

Step 5. Allow the affected area to air dry

This step is very important because the cleaner needs this time to effectively break down the uric acid salts and then allows the gases contained to evaporate.

Cover the affected area. Cats are naturally attracted to the enzymes in urine and will be attracted to urinate again in areas that have previously been urinated. Cover the area as necessary with something like aluminum foil or an inverted laundry basket. This not only prevents the cat from trying to pee in the same spot again, but also prevents other householders from stepping on the area

Clean Cat Urine Step 11
Clean Cat Urine Step 11

Step 6. Repeat the above process as needed until the stain and odor is reduced

Be aware that if you're dealing with an old stain, you may need to apply the enzymatic cleaner two or three times (and make sure it's completely dry before reapplying) in order to completely remove the stain.

Part 3 of 3: Cleaning Stains with Homemade Cleanser

Clean Cat Urine Step 12
Clean Cat Urine Step 12

Step 1. Gather the ingredients to make your own cleaner

While an ezimatic cleaner is an ideal choice, you can replace it with a homemade cleaner that uses white vinegar, baking soda, liquid dish soap, and 3% hydrogen peroxide. Vinegar helps kill bacteria present and neutralizes odors.

This mixture works well for both old and new stains

Clean Cat Urine Step 13
Clean Cat Urine Step 13

Step 2. Mix two parts water and one part vinegar

Pour this mixture over the stain and let it sit for three to five minutes. Then wipe the area to absorb the excess fluid. Be aware that vinegar should not be used on floors or stone surfaces.

Clean Cat Urine Step 14
Clean Cat Urine Step 14

Step 3. Sprinkle baking soda over the urine affected area

Sprinkle in sufficient quantities. Baking soda helps draw out urine.

Clean Cat Urine Step 15
Clean Cat Urine Step 15

Step 4. Mix 3% hydrogen peroxide with 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap

Sprinkle this solution over the baking soda. Rub this solution into the urine-affected area with a cloth. Rinse the cloth several times as needed. Rub in different directions to ensure that the solution penetrates the soiled area completely. Wipe the area again.

Clean Cat Urine Step 16
Clean Cat Urine Step 16

Step 5. Let the stain dry

Once the spot is clean and dry, wipe off any remaining baking soda with a vacuum cleaner.

If the surface of the affected area feels hard or dry, try rinsing the area with warm water and letting it air dry

Clean Cat Urine Step 17
Clean Cat Urine Step 17

Step 6. Cover the affected area

After you've cleaned the area with the urine and given it time to dry, cover the area to prevent the cat from re-entering it. This will give you time to make sure that the stain and odor from the pee is gone. Then you can open the area again.

Clean Cat Urine Step 18
Clean Cat Urine Step 18

Step 7. Repeat these steps as needed if the urine stain persists

Don't forget to keep an eye on the cat and keep your nose ready for the smell of urine.


  • An important tip about cleaning cat urine is to clean it as soon as it occurs. The longer the urine sits on the carpet, wooden floor or cloth, the harder it will be to clean.
  • To avoid the overpowering smell of male cat urine, always neuter male cats. Cats that are not neutered not only produce a more pungent urine odor, they also have a tendency to pee outside their litter box.
