Regardless of whether you are an otaku or not, you may feel nervous and insecure when approaching an otaku woman with a romantic goal. Looking for women who fall into this category is no different than dating other women in general. All you need to do is find the person and understand and be able to like their interests so they can see you.
Method 1 of 3: Meeting Otaku Women

Step 1. Get rid of all the stereotypes you have
The problem with labels like otaku or others is that people tend to only associate those labels with certain stereotypes which are usually very superficial. Before you approach an otaku woman, remind yourself that she is also an individual with her own unique traits, beliefs, and personality. Some of the characteristics that he has may indeed match the typical otaku in general, but surely there are also those that don't.
The same goes for trying to impress him once you've met him and started dating him. There is no one absolute way that is sure to be effective for all women who fall into the otaku category, including the ways and steps in this guide. Use otaku labels and categories as a starting point. But always adjust your approach to the type and character of the woman you are dealing with

Step 2. Search the internet
Otaku can usually be found in online spaces such as forums and various social media websites. Some of them even prefer to interact digitally and can appreciate online meetings as much as face-to-face meetings.
- Look for forums dealing with anime, manga, or other otaku culture. Join and be active in Facebook groups or other social media related to the topic. Follow and participate in discussions on these forums or social media as much as possible.
- When you find an attractive woman, start following her on her blog or social media. Don't follow all of his accounts at once, because that will make you look like a stalker and scare him off.

Step 3. Look in the real world directly
Not all otaku women are silent in front of the computer. Many also have their own lives in the real world. If you prefer face-to-face meetings, it's best to find an otaku woman in a place she frequents. Find a place that interests him and he's sure to visit when he has free time.
For example, go to an anime or manga store, or to a playground like Timezone, or to a movie theater, especially a movie that has a lot of female fans. Or if you prefer, come to an anime convention or exhibition

Step 4. Approach him with an appropriate opening sentence
Once you find a woman that catches your eye, make a great first impression. You don't have to do anything extraordinary. Just make an interesting conversation.
Talking about TV shows, movies, or other media can usually be a great start, especially if you're watching him, for example, find a DVD of a movie you like at a DVD store. If you can't guess, for example, what movies he likes, you can start the conversation by asking for recommendations
Method 2 of 3: Get an Otaku Woman to Like You

Step 1. Know the interests
In many countries, including Indonesia, the term otaku usually refers to big fans of anime and/or manga. But in his home country of Japan, the term otaku means someone who is a big fan of something, whatever it may be. Even if the otaku you approach is an anime fan, you still need to know what type or genre of anime he likes.
- The concept of otaku in Japan is practically similar to the concept of fangirl (or fanboy), geek, nerd, or nerd in America or other countries. One can be an anime or game otaku, but there is also an otaku for other things like music. Everyone who loves and is obsessed with something deserves the otaku label.
- The concept of otaku in America and other countries tends to lead to an obsession with pop culture in Japan or Asia in general. Anime, manga, and computer games are the three obsessions that otaku are most commonly associated with. But otaku can also have an obsession with J-Pop music or Korean dramas.

Step 2. Do your research
Just knowing the title of the anime or manga he likes is not enough. If you want to impress him, you'll need to do a little research on his favorite titles so you know what they are. You don't have to follow what he likes, but you should at least have a basic understanding to be able to follow and understand what he's saying when he starts talking and discussing his interests.
Another advantage of doing this research is that you will learn more about the "types" of things he likes and not just know the surface. Most otaku will move from general obsessions to things that relate to them personally. Once you understand his interests well enough, you'll be able to introduce him to things that will interest him, which will surely impress him with you

Step 3. Impress him by knowing and acknowledging his interest
Take him to a place that suits his interests. Give him gifts related to things he likes. Otaku women also like romance. But standard stuff usually isn't that effective for them.
- Remember that your gift doesn't have to be expensive. Otaku will still love cheap knick-knacks related to their favorite series or characters. Something as simple as a Totoro doll might even be enough to impress a woman who loves Studio Ghibli characters.
- You can still take a romantic approach if you're really good at it. But you have to do it a little differently. Take him to a movie and dinner, but choose a movie he likes. You can also give trinkets such as necklaces or jewelry, but choose trinkets that relate to one of the things he likes.

Step 4. Don't put him down and expect him to change
Some otaku women may be a little shy about their interest, but some are not. However, you have to show that he doesn't have to be ashamed of his interest. Preventing and forbidding him to like what he likes will quickly drive him away from you.
Most otaku women are even aware and proud of the fact that her interests are something out of the ordinary. After all, an unusual interest is something unique

Step 5. Praise him
Regardless of the label, women are still women. So you still have to say nice words to him. Praise him honestly and a little creatively. Just like women in general, praise the unique things about her and don't just issue compliments that you can say to any woman.
- Like other women, brain women also want to be praised for their appearance. But again, instead of just saying "you're beautiful", compliment something more specific on her face or clothes.
- You also need to compliment his personality. If he's intelligent, cheerful, generous, or has another good trait, compliment him on that trait.

Step 6. Get to know him better
Know what he doesn't like. The otaku woman is usually quite passionate and most of her interest is devoted to the things she is passionate about. But his passion can also be poured into things he hates. If you know what he hates, avoid it as much as possible.
For example, if he's pretty strict about grammar and word choice, you may have to change your texting or texting style to abbreviations and should take the time to review your text messages before actually sending them

Step 7. Don't take it too far out of its name zone
While some otaku women are quite extroverted, there are also introverts. He may not be shy, but maybe he doesn't really like being in a crowd. Romance requires compromise from both parties. But if you want to be liked by him, know where your limits are.
For an extroverted woman, you should also keep in mind that there are situations where she might feel uncomfortable. While he likes to socialize with close friends, he may not really like going out to places full of people he doesn't know
Method 3 of 3: Make Your Relationship Last

Step 1. Make room for the hobby
There are times when an otaku wants to enjoy his hobby alone or with friends who share the same interests as him. Let him do that. Wanting to be with him when he's doing something he enjoys is a good thing. But don't force it.
- When he's enjoying what he likes, take the time to enjoy what you like. Meet up with friends, pursue a hobby, or go to an event you can't possibly go to alone.
- If you feel the need to keep in touch with him, ask yourself why. You may feel ignored or jealous. But anyway, find out what your problem is and talk to him before the problem gets worse and ruins your relationship with him.

Step 2. Create an exchange
When you want to impress an otaku woman, you may need to focus on activities that really interest her. But once you get into a more serious relationship with him, you need to balance your priorities. One of the best ways is by exchange. Instead of doing something he likes, you'll also be doing something you both love later.
- When you spend time doing what he likes, try to enjoy it too. If he wants to watch his favorite movie, watch the movie carefully and don't play with his cellphone or sleep. If he invites you to a convention or exhibition, look for something that catches your eye at the show.
- You also ask him to teach you about his hobbies. For example, if he likes to play a certain game, ask him to teach you how to play it.

Step 3. Trust him
Some of your otaku boyfriend friends (who are also fellow otaku) might just be guys. But usually, you don't have to worry about him turning away from you if you're already a couple. Remember, the otaku woman has a strong commitment to what she likes. If he likes you, he won't just dump you.
When you show your trust in him, he will surely believe in you. By showing that you are dedicated and secure in your relationship with him, you will show that he doesn't have to be afraid and doubt your feelings for him

Step 4. Make yourself comfortable
When you're in a serious relationship, you need to show that you're comfortable around him. Since many otaku women have introverted personalities, she might feel a little pressured if she feels like she has to be around you all the time. Make yourself comfortable around him so he will feel more comfortable around you.
But in any case, you must know the point of balance and the boundaries that should not be crossed. You may not always have to show up in a shirt and cloth pants, but you certainly don't want to be seen wearing the same outfit three days in a row. Relax, but still make sure you look nice and tidy

Step 5. Be more than a regular boyfriend
You should be able to be a better boyfriend than what he dreams of in the anime or manga he's in. Instead of being a great seducer, be her friend. Be someone he can rely on when looking for security and comfort. That way your relationship will last long.