Did you know that basically, fondant colors tend to be matte or not glossy? That's why, skilled cake makers need to use some special techniques to gloss the fondant and enhance the appearance of the treat. Since each technique will produce fondant with different gloss levels, feel free to choose the technique that best suits your needs.
Method 1 of 6: Using a Handheld Steam Engine

Step 1. Fill the steam engine with water
Fill the container of the handheld steam engine with distilled water. Then, start the steam engine until the water temperature inside is really hot.
- To apply this method, you can use a steam iron commonly used for smoothing clothes, as long as no detergent or other chemicals have been poured into the container.
- Each steam engine has a different way of working and effectiveness. Therefore, please read the instructions in the machine's manual before using it. Generally, you only need to install a standard steam hose and apply a low temperature steam engine for best results.

Step 2. Move the machine over the surface of the fondant
Hold the machine about 10 cm from the surface of the fondant, then press the lever to release the hot steam.
- If necessary, turn the fondant several times so that the steam is able to cover all sides of the fondant.
- Make sure you only steam one area for 3-5 seconds. Steaming the fondant for too long can make the texture of the fondant melt, also at the risk of making the surface of the fondant dewy.
- In addition to producing a smooth and glossy coating on the surface of the fondant, a handheld steamer can also remove traces of cornstarch and powdered sugar remaining on the surface of the fondant.

Step 3. Reheat the fondant, if necessary
After an hour, the fondant will likely lose its gloss as the moisture on the surface dries. If necessary, re-steam the fondant in the same way to restore its shine.
- Since the glossiness of the fondant wears off more quickly if you use this method, it's best to use the steam engine method only if the fondant is going to be served immediately.
- However, understand that the excess cornstarch or powdered sugar that is lost when the fondant is steamed will not return.
Method 2 of 6: Using Sugar Syrup

Step 1. Do not mix fat into the fondant mixture
Fat can create separate layers of fondant. As a result, the surface of the fondant will look "bubbly" instead of smooth and shiny.
- In particular, do not knead fondant dough with white butter, oil, or any other type of fat before applying any coating to the surface. Also do not use this method if later the fondant will be coated with white butter.
- Also, don't roll the fondant over a layer of silicone or vinyl if you want to use this method. The fat and oil content left on the two layers is enough to separate the layers of fondant.

Step 2. Mix sugar syrup and alcohol
Pour one part sugar syrup and one part clear alcoholic beverage into a shallow cup. Stir both until smooth.
- Use an alcohol with an ethanol content of 150 proof or more such as vodka. If you don't have it, feel free to use clear ethanol which can give similar results.
- The specific amount of material depends on the amount of fondant to be coated. However, generally you just use 1 tbsp. sugar syrup and 1 tbsp. clear alcoholic beverage for coating small fondant.

Step 3. Apply the sugar syrup solution to the entire surface of the fondant with the help of a small soft-bristled brush
- Supposedly, the surface of the fondant will immediately look very shiny with a permanent gloss after that.
- Preferably, a layer of sugar syrup is applied not too thick. Although the gloss is higher, a coat that is too thick will take longer to dry.

Step 4. Let the fondant sit until the coating dries
Allow the fondant layer to dry completely before using or processing the fondant, approximately 10-12 hours, depending on the thickness of the layer.
- While the layer of fondant dries, do not rub the surface of the fondant with a brush or touch it with your fingers. Be careful, traces of scratches or your fingerprints can easily be left at this stage, and if it has already happened, surely the pattern will last permanently.
- If you wish, you can apply an additional coat after the first coat is completely dry. However, this process should not need to be carried out because the gloss of the first layer is already quite good.
Method 3 of 6: Using Alcohol

Step 1. Fill a spray bottle with vodka
First of all, fill about 5 cm bottom of a small bottle that has been cleaned with vodka.
- Don't have vodka? Please use ethanol or pure alcohol. Do not use colored alcohol as the color may seep into the fondant.
- To avoid the risk of contamination, use a spray bottle that has been cleaned and is not a container for hair care products or other chemical liquids. In addition, you should use a quality spray bottle that is commonly used in salons instead of a cheap bottle where the spray is difficult to spread evenly. If you want, you can also use an airbrush (a painting tool that is generally used to spray paint or dye) instead of a spray bottle.

Step 2. Coat the fondant
Hold the bottle at a distance of about 10 cm from the surface of the fondant, then spray the alcohol over the entire surface of the fondant evenly.
Don't spray too much alcohol to avoid puddles that might dry out and ruin the texture of the fondant's surface

Step 3. Let the fondant sit until the coating dries
For a few hours, let the fondant sit until the alcohol layer is completely dry. After drying, the layer on the surface of the fondant should look smooth and shiny.
Alcohol gloss is generally semi-permanent. In other words, the gloss of the fondant may decrease after a few days. If this is the case, do not add a second coat as exposure to large amounts of alcohol can dry out the texture of the fondant quickly
Method 4 of 6: Using White Butter

Step 1. Apply white butter to the surface of the fondant
Use your fingers to apply a thin layer of white butter to the surface of the fondant until a smooth and even layer is formed.
To keep your hands from getting dirty, feel free to use vegetable oil in a spray bottle instead of solid white butter. Make sure the mouth of the bottle is about 10 cm from the surface of the fondant and spray the oil all over the surface of the fondant

Step 2. Wipe the surface of the fondant
After applying the fondant, use a dry kitchen paper towel to wipe the surface of the fondant in a circular motion so that the oil layer can be more evenly distributed.
- As a rule, traces of scratches, fingerprints, or other patterns will fade once the surface of the fondant is rubbed. However, make sure the fondant is not pressed too hard so that the surface is not dented.
- After wiping the surface, ideally the layer of fondant will look smooth and shiny like satin.

Step 3. Add a second layer, if necessary
The gloss of the fondant should last for about a day. However, as the oil absorbs into the fondant, it is likely that the gloss will begin to decrease. If that's the case, feel free to add a second layer in the same way.
- The texture of white butter actually can not harden. However, the gloss will last as long as the white butter isn't fully absorbed into the fondant.
- Since the texture of the fondant will remain wet and sticky afterwards, you are more likely to leave streaks or fingerprints when moving the cake. If you want to remove it, simply wipe the surface of the fondant again with a dry kitchen towel.
Method 5 of 6: Using Gum Arabic

Step 1. Mix one part gum arabic with two parts distilled water in a small bowl
Stir the two ingredients until well mixed.
The amount of material needed depends on the amount of fondant that needs to be coated. However, make sure the proportions of the ingredients stay the same. To coat most small pieces of fondant, you should use 1 tbsp. gum arabic and 2 tbsp. water is enough

Step 2. Leave the gum arabic solution at room temperature for 15 minutes
After that, stir the solution again until all the ingredients are well mixed.
Simmering and stirring the gum arabic solution can help mix all the ingredients more evenly. As a result, the results will be better when used to coat fondant

Step 3. Apply the gum arabic solution to the entire surface of the fondant using a small soft-bristled brush
- Be careful not to leave any traces of scratches, fingerprints, or other patterns on the surface of the fondant.
- Immediately after applying the gum arabic solution, the surface of the fondant should look very shiny, although the final result is not necessarily that shiny.

Step 4. Let the fondant sit until the coating dries
Allow the gum arabic coat to dry for a full 24 hours before using or working the fondant. Once the fondant is completely dry, it should look semi-glossy and have a slightly hard texture.
Supposedly, the coating will last permanently so it doesn't need to be reapplied
Method 6 of 6: Using Egg Whites

Step 1. Apply the pasteurized egg white to the surface of the fondant
First of all, pour 2-4 tbsp. egg whites into a small clean bowl. Then, use a small brush to apply the egg white to the entire surface of the fondant.
- For safety reasons, we recommend using egg whites in packages that have been separated from the egg yolks.
- If the size of the fondant is not too large, feel free to dip it directly into the egg white to speed up the process. However, don't forget to drain the excess egg whites before drying the fondant, OK?
- If the size of the fondant is large, feel free to use a small brush to apply the egg white to the entire surface. However, try to keep the streaks to a minimum, and keep draining the excess egg whites right after applying.

Step 2. Let the fondant sit until the egg white layer dries
Allow the fondant layer to dry for a few hours. After that, the surface of the fondant should look naturally shiny.
- Make sure the egg white layer is completely dry before touching or using the fondant. If the layer of fondant is not dry to the touch, chances are that your fingerprints will remain and cannot be removed.
- Supposedly, the egg white layer will produce a permanent gloss and a semi-hard texture. As a result, you don't have to reapply it over time.

Step 3. Add a second layer, if necessary
If the gloss of the fondant is not optimal, please apply an additional layer of egg white in the same way.