3 Ways to Do Gymnastics

3 Ways to Do Gymnastics
3 Ways to Do Gymnastics

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Gymnastics is a sport that is fun, challenging, and beneficial for improving strength, flexibility, balance, and body coordination. Although many professional gymnasts practice gymnastics from a young age, it's never too late to start! If you are interested in practicing gymnastics, sign up for a gymnastics class at your nearest school or gym. Then, try to master the basic movements of gymnastics in preparation for practicing more challenging moves. Make sure you train in a safe way to avoid injury and fatigue.


Method 1 of 3: Prepare Yourself

Do Gymnastics Step 1
Do Gymnastics Step 1

Step 1. See a doctor for a physical examination

Before starting a new exercise program, take the time to consult with your doctor to find out which exercise is safe for your current physical condition. Gymnastics is useful for maintaining health, but this activity is quite burdensome to the body, especially if you have health problems. See a doctor and tell him that you want to practice gymnastics.

  • Usually, the doctor will ask you about your medical history, for example about any illnesses, injuries, or surgeries you've had. In addition, he may ask about the health conditions of parents and other family members.
  • The doctor will examine your body in order to determine your level of fitness and health. He will also check your strength, flexibility, and posture.
  • Tell your doctor if you are taking any medications or supplements.
Do Gymnastics Step 2
Do Gymnastics Step 2

Step 2. Register at the nearest gym or gym if you want to train in class

Gymnastics is a challenging and high-risk sport. Therefore, you must learn the correct technique under the guidance of an experienced trainer to avoid injury. Look for a gym that offers gymnastics classes for beginners.

Some gyms offer a variety of classes according to the age and ability of participants. In order to determine the most appropriate class, ask for information from a professional trainer or instructor who teaches there

Do Gymnastics Step 3
Do Gymnastics Step 3

Step 3. Take gymnastics exercises at school if you are still in school

Some primary and secondary schools include gymnastics training in their sports curriculum. See a gym teacher to discuss your desire to practice gymnastics. If you are currently attending college, read the course catalog to find out if there are gymnastics activities on campus.

Even if you are not enrolled in a school or college, some universities or colleges open opportunities for people who want to continue their gymnastics training

Do Gymnastics Step 4
Do Gymnastics Step 4

Step 4. Know that gymnastics consists of several styles

Once you have mastered the basic movements of gymnastics, you can choose the style of gymnastics you want to master. Find out the differences and then decide which one you are most interested in.

  • Artistic gymnastics is performed on the floor using equipment and focuses on practicing several movements in succession, for example performing a vault (salto) followed by several movements using hoops and bars.
  • Rhythmic gymnastics focuses more on perfection of movement. This exercise is usually accompanied by music and using equipment, such as sticks, bands, or hula-hops.
  • Acrobatic gymnastics features a group or couple performing energetic and stunning moves while somersaulting, dancing, and maintaining balance.
Do Gymnastics Step 5
Do Gymnastics Step 5

Step 5. Hire a trainer who helps you increase your muscle strength using your body weight

You must have strong muscles in order to practice gymnastics. Therefore, make sure you strengthen your muscles during regular exercise. Practice under the guidance of an experienced gymnastics teacher as you will need to improve your overall muscle strength and develop your gymnastics skills. In general, gym trainers teach muscle-strengthening techniques that use body weight instead of resistance (e.g. lifting weights).

As you strengthen your muscles, do a pulling and pushing motion that causes the muscles to contract and extend over and over again. Pushing occurs when you do push ups, chest presses, lateral raises, and triceps extensions. The pulling movement occurs when doing arm rows, bicep curls, and back muscle extensions

Do you know?

When practicing gymnastics, strengthening exercises aim to strengthen the muscles as much as possible while maintaining muscle size so as not to enlarge.

Do Gymnastics Step 6
Do Gymnastics Step 6

Step 6. Increase body flexibility

Flexible muscles play an important role when practicing gymnastics. To increase flexibility, you need to stretch your muscles, undergo massage therapy, and practice breathing.

  • To widen your range of motion, do static stretching (holding a certain posture for about 30 seconds), for example by gently rotating your shoulders, stretching your biceps, extending your lumbar spine, and flexing your hamstrings.
  • In addition, you need to perform dynamic stretches by moving, rather than holding certain postures. This step is useful for blood flow so that the muscles are more flexible. Lungs, kicks, and torso twists are some of the moves for dynamic stretching.
  • Another way to increase flexibility and strength of the body is to practice yoga.

Method 2 of 3: Learning the Basic Movements of Gymnastics

Do Gymnastics Step 7
Do Gymnastics Step 7

Step 1. Master the handstand posture

This posture is one of the skills that are needed when practicing gymnastics because it becomes the basis for mastering other gymnastic techniques, such as walkovers and handspring. Start practicing handstands using the wall as an aid. Stand with your back to the wall and place your palms on the floor. Put your feet on the wall and then step up step by step. Move your palms closer to the wall until your belly touches the wall. Stay in this position to the best of your ability.

  • Rest the back of your foot against the wall with your toes pointing toward the ceiling.
  • If you can already do the handstand in the above way, practice from a lunge posture. Swing one leg up followed by the other and lean against the wall. Once you can maintain your balance, practice without the help of a wall.
Do Gymnastics Step 8
Do Gymnastics Step 8

Step 2. Learn how to do a cast move

This movement is a basic skill for practicing gymnastics using the bar. Once you've mastered the cast, you can do more difficult moves, such as the handstand cast. Begin the cast by lifting your body over the bar while straightening your arms and legs. Keep your feet together while pointing your toes toward the floor and activating your core muscles. Position your hips at bar level and swing your body forward and both legs back a few times. Use the strength of your arms and core to swing so that your entire body is almost parallel to the floor.

  • You'll need to swing your leg back and forth a few times to get the perfect cast. Swing both legs by moving starting at the hips while straightening the legs, arms, and back. Make sure your hips rest on the bar.
  • Finish doing the cast, slide your hips down a little and then swing your legs forward.
Do Gymnastics Step 9
Do Gymnastics Step 9

Step 3. Practice doing horizontal splits and vertical splits.

You'll need to be good at splits in order to do some challenging gymnastic moves, such as somersaults and somersaults backwards. The vertical split is done by extending one leg forward and the other leg back while sitting on the floor. Horizontal splits are performed by spreading both legs sideways while sitting on the floor.

  • You can do the perfect split if you prioritize exercises that increase flexibility in your hamstrings, buttocks, and hips.
  • Once you've mastered the split posture while sitting on the floor, practice split leaps so that you can do the splits while jumping as high as possible.


before doing the splits, do some yoga postures to stretch the muscles as a warm-up exercise, for example the posture of bending forward while stretching both legs before doing a horizontal split. The lunge posture is useful as a warm-up exercise before doing the vertical splits.

Do Gymnastics Step 10
Do Gymnastics Step 10

Step 4. Do a roundoff move

This movement is similar to the cartwheel movement performed by somersaults. You need to be good at roundoffs to be able to do other gymnastic moves. Begin the exercise by stepping one foot forward to perform a lunge. Straighten your arms up and bring your palms forward. Lean forward and swing your back foot so that you land on your palms pointing inward (fingers facing each other). Keep your feet together when your body is perpendicular to the floor. Press your palms firmly into the floor to push your body up and then land while turning around.

It's a good idea to become familiar with the basic cartwheel moves before practicing the roundoffs

Do Gymnastics Step 11
Do Gymnastics Step 11

Step 5. Practice turning on 1 leg

This move is more like a dance than a gymnastics, but is performed on a gymnastic block and on the floor. To do 1 full rotation (360°), tip toe (stand using the ball of the foot and the back of the foot parallel to the shin) which is used as the axis of rotation. Raise the other leg to ankle or knee level. Make sure that both sides of your hips and shoulders are the same height and facing forward. While activating your core, rotate your heels so that your body rotates 360°.

  • If you want to stop spinning, slightly pull your shoulders in the opposite direction of the rotation.
  • In order to make a 360° turn, start practicing with a 90° turn until you are able to do it smoothly and then rotate further a little at a time.
  • Practice standing on one foot on tiptoe until you can hold on for at least 10 seconds.

Method 3 of 3: Keeping Healthy and Practicing Safely

Do Gymnastics Step 12
Do Gymnastics Step 12

Step 1. Warm up before practicing gymnastics so you don't injure your muscles

Warm-up exercises are useful for flexing muscles and improving blood circulation. In addition to reducing the risk of injury, this condition is beneficial in reducing muscle and heart tension. Before practicing gymnastics or exercising regularly, set aside at least 5 minutes to warm up by doing some light movements and stretching.

For example, before practicing gymnastics, spend a few minutes jumping rope, jogging, and doing dynamic stretches (such as star jumping, arm twisting, and hip twisting)

Do Gymnastics Step 13
Do Gymnastics Step 13

Step 2. Make sure you always practice on a foam-lined floor

The risk of injury is greater if you train on a hard floor, especially if you fall. When practicing gymnastics in a studio or at home, make sure the floor is covered with foam rubber.

Before practicing with the equipment, make sure there is a safety mat underneath

Do Gymnastics Step 14
Do Gymnastics Step 14

Step 3. Hire an experienced gym instructor so you practice with the correct technique

The risk of injury increases if you practice with the wrong technique. This can lead to fractures, muscle strains, sprains, and back pain. Make sure you stay safe when practicing or performing at shows by practicing under the guidance of a teacher or gym instructor. He is able to teach you the correct technique and make sure you perform every move with the correct posture.

Do not attempt to perform difficult or dangerous moves without a coach

Do Gymnastics Step 15
Do Gymnastics Step 15

Step 4. Apply the rules that apply in the gym or gymnasium

In general, gymnastics practice places enforce practice rules for the safety of the participants. Before practicing gymnastics, find out the rules to ensure safe practice. Some general safety rules include:

  • Take turns using gym equipment.
  • Do not wear jewelry or other objects that could get caught in the equipment you are training with.
  • Practice proper jumping technique when using the foam pit so that you land on the soles of your feet, back or buttocks. Never land on your head or knees.
  • Make sure someone is there to accompany you when you practice, such as a friend or coach.
Do Gymnastics Step 16
Do Gymnastics Step 16

Step 5. Use equipment that ensures safe practice

Depending on the movement you want to practice, you should use hand, foot and joint protectors to avoid injury. Ask the coach or instructor about the equipment that needs to be worn.

  • For example, if you want to use a hoop or bar, you might want to wear gloves or wrap your palms with a bandage to practice gymnastics.
  • Before doing high-risk movements, such as somersaults, wear shoes with padded feet so you don't hurt your toes on landing.
  • If you want to practice a new, challenging move and there is a risk of falling, make sure you use a harness (rope with a hook attached to a cable across the ceiling) to avoid injury.
Do Gymnastics Step 17
Do Gymnastics Step 17

Step 6. Eat nutritious food and make sure you stay hydrated.

As a gymnast, you need to increase and maintain your strength by eating nutritious foods. Consult a licensed trainer or nutritionist to find out what diet you need. Eat nutritious foods with a balanced menu consisting of:

  • Fat-free protein to build and restore muscle tissue
  • Complex carbohydrates as an energy source
  • Fruits and vegetables as a source of fiber, vitamins and essential minerals
  • Healthy fats found in fish, nuts, and vegetable oils
  • Water and high-electrolyte drinks during long training sessions


people who practice gymnastics seriously are at risk for eating disorders because this sport demands very good physical condition. Talk to your doctor or nutritionist to find out what diet you need.

Do Gymnastics Step 18
Do Gymnastics Step 18

Step 7. Get into the habit of getting a good night's sleep every day

You need to get a good night's sleep to keep your body energized, healthy, and recovering. Gymnasts should get enough sleep at night to avoid injury and fatigue. Determine the sleep schedule in your daily routine to meet the sleep needs according to your age group.

  • Children aged 6-12 years: 9-12 hours per day.
  • Teenagers aged 13-18 years: 8-10 hours per day.
  • Adults: 7-9 hours per day.
Do Gymnastics Step 19
Do Gymnastics Step 19

Step 8. Stop exercising and see a doctor immediately if you have an injury

Forcing yourself to train with injured muscles makes the problem worse and hinders progress. If you experience an injury or body aches while exercising, stop immediately and see a doctor. Let the coach know that you are undergoing therapy for a faster recovery from the injury.

To treat an injury, ask your doctor to refer you to a physical therapist with experience treating gymnasts


  • If you want to become a professional gymnast or take part in competitions, talk to your instructor or coach about this. He is able to provide direction and help you communicate with the match organizers.
  • Don't be discouraged if your practice progress doesn't match your expectations. Practice diligently and consistently so that you become an accomplished gymnast.
  • In general, professional gymnasts start training from a young age, but it's never too late to start practicing. You may not be an Olympic athlete if you start training as an adult, but you can still learn useful skills over time!
