Trying to lose 1 kg of weight in just one day is extreme and can be dangerous. In most cases, healthy weight loss is limited to 1 kg per week so achieving it in 1 day is a formidable task and should not be taken lightly. However, there are certain conditions that may require you to lose weight very quickly, such as ahead of the weigh-in in a sports contest for a boxer or jockey. Just remember to always consult this first with experienced doctors and trainers. Even if you manage to lose weight in one day, chances are you're missing out on water mass so you can get it back quickly.
Method 1 of 2: Sweating

Step 1. Visit the sauna (steam bath)
One of the easiest ways to lose weight fast is to sweat. This short-range technique is commonly used by boxers and other fighters to shed excess weight before weighing. The body can be made to sweat in various ways, but spending time in the sauna is arguably the most time-saving way. In the sauna, the body will quickly sweat and lose water mass.
- Since the sauna is very hot, sit in it only for a short time, for about 15 to 30 minutes.
- Weigh after each short interval to see how much weight you have lost.
- Your body will start retaining water if you are dehydrated from sweating too much during a steam bath, so keep water close at hand and observe regular weight loss.
- Taking a hot shower will work in the same way as a sauna.

Step 2. Exercise
An even easier way to make your body sweat is to exercise. By trying to run, bike, or any other type of intense physical activity, the body will start to sweat and cause the water mass in it to temporarily decrease. Some athletes will exercise in several layers of extra clothing to induce sweating, but this can be dangerous and cause the body temperature to rise too high which can be fatal.
- Bikram yoga is one example of exercise that is done in a heated room and can cause the body to sweat more than usual.
- Heat and humidity indicate a potential heat-related illness, and it is recommended that you check with your doctor before engaging in any such exercise.

Step 3. Try wearing a sauna suit
Another way to provoke sweat is to exercise while wearing a sauna suit. A sauna suit can easily make your body sweat more when you exercise, than if you wear a regular workout outfit. By using these various sweating techniques, several kg of water weight in the body can be reduced, but the weight can even be returned more quickly after eating or drinking something.

Step 4. Know the risks and dangers
The dangers of dehydration, heat-related illnesses, and electrolyte deficiencies are very likely to occur with the use of all these sweating techniques. Consult a medical professional first before considering the use of these techniques. Understand that sudden weight loss can cause difficulty thinking clearly, loss of energy, and sudden mood swings if you're trying to do it for a boxing or wrestling match.
Method 2 of 2: Changing Your Sodium, Carbohydrate and Water Intake

Step 1. Keep drinking water
Keep drinking lots of water if you want to reduce the mass of water bound in the body. Maintaining water intake will help the body to excrete excess salt, which causes the binding of water in it, effectively. If you consistently drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, your body can learn that it doesn't have to bind too much water to excrete excess salt.
- Drinking plenty of water can also support your metabolic rate, which can help your body burn fat faster in the long run.
- Drinking too much water can lead to potential water poisoning which can be fatal. Water intoxication can occur when a person drinks it compulsively/too much, or is too hydrated after suffering from a heat-related illness.
- Drink enough fluids so that you rarely feel thirsty and your urine is clear or light yellow in color.
- If you're trying to lose a little weight very quickly, you shouldn't drink any fluids for one day. This method may be able to reduce a little water weight temporarily, but is not recommended for health.

Step 2. Reduce salt consumption
The amount of salt contained in the body affects the level of water storage, and so does the amount of excess water mass that is bound by the body. The body needs approximately 2000-2500 mg of sodium (salt) per day to function properly and if you consume more than that, it will result in binding of water in the body. The body will retain less water if salt intake is limited to between 500 and 1500 mg per day, or the equivalent of 2 tsp.
Spices can replace salt to flavor foods, such as ginger and black pepper

Step 3. Reduce consumption of simple carbohydrates
Reducing the number of foods that contain simple carbohydrates is a widely recognized technique in many diet programs. Consistently eating healthy whole grain carbohydrates and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables can help you maintain a healthy diet and ideal weight. Limiting your intake of refined grains and sugars can help you stay healthy, but remember that carbohydrates are an important part of a healthy, balanced diet.
Simple carbohydrates can cause the body to store water, increasing water mass and causing swelling

Step 4. Consider ways to lose weight that are healthier and more sustainable
If you're trying to lose weight, even for pre-match weigh-ins, try to avoid the flash method as the harm may outweigh the benefits. Boxing and wrestling coaches recommend that fighters always keep their weight between 2.5 and 5 kg of the bout weight requirement so that they can reduce excess weight safely and gradually before weighing.
- Rapid weight loss is controversial, even within the sports of boxing and wrestling, and should not be done haphazardly or without expert guidance.
- The potential for harm to health and when competing can make rapid weight loss counter-productive.
- Combine a healthy diet with lots of exercise to lose weight regularly and sustainably.